Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Vacuum Pumping 101

Nah, I have an expensive pump, and like you I get this “meh” sensation. Not uncomfortable, but no Sweet sensation either.

05-15-2008 Bpel 5.7" Msg 4.5"

03-03-2010 Bpel 7.2" Msg 4.7"

Scipio81, quest for girth

Originally Posted by Scipio81
Nah, I have an expensive pump, and like you I get this “meh” sensation. Not uncomfortable, but no Sweet sensation either.

That’s good to know as far as the sensation goes. I suppose it would help not wanting to ejaculate every time you pump, eh?

However, I also wonder about the lack of major size increase inside the pump, and whether or not I actually have a dick that will respond favourably to the pumping portion of PE, or PE at all. Are there any indicators that I should look out for that it won’t work for me — you know, so I don’t go drop a bunch of money on a quality pump only to have it be wasted?

With pumping you should only concentrate on getting what looks to be a good, firm erection. I think there is often an expectation that, somehow, being in the tube is going to increase everything overall including the first times you do it.

Gains involve increasing tissue volume and vascularity. This takes time. Sometimes a lot of time. :)



Ok, Ok, Ok. So, I’ve decided that I want to get back into pumping as clamping slowls drops my EQ. However, I’ve seen some vets say that “packing” (which I guess is synonymous to “filling”) the tube is a good thing - while in other threads they say that packing the tube is bad and will only cause blisters.

Which is it? I want to gain girth. It was my understanding that packing the tube was good because it makes the internal pressure in your dick push against the walls of the cylinder and spur growth. Am I wrong? And I’m talking about air pumping, here. I’m guessing water pumping would have the same idea as the water would act like the “walls” of the cylinder?

Thanks in advance!

These days I think I DO have a pretty big dick

|| Currently NBPEL 7x5 || Long Term Goal 7.5x5.75 || Target Date for long term goal = December 2010 ||

Don't over train!! Less is more!! Drink water!! Eat right!! Be consistent!! Think Positive!! Size is the least important factor in sex!

I don`t see why packing the tube would do you any good.

I always thought the positive aspect with packing the tube (after a while) was that you had grown and was now ready for a bigger tube?

What`s your clamping routine? Did you read LV`s OLF/OLR post?

Originally Posted by Renholder
I don`t see why packing the tube would do you any good.

I always thought the positive aspect with packing the tube (after a while) was that you had grown and was now ready for a bigger tube?

What`s your clamping routine? Did you read LV`s OLF/OLR post?

So, then any size tube would be ok if I’m looking for girth, correct?

My clamping routine is
Warm up
Jelq for 5 mins - clamp for 10 - repeat 2 more times - cool down.
3 days on 2 off. Now I’m starting to do 1 day on and 1 day off to see if it helps my EQ

It goes good for a while but after about a month, my EQ starts going down a little. I’m pretty sure it’s not because I’m not conditioned for it.

Yes I read that article.

These days I think I DO have a pretty big dick

|| Currently NBPEL 7x5 || Long Term Goal 7.5x5.75 || Target Date for long term goal = December 2010 ||

Don't over train!! Less is more!! Drink water!! Eat right!! Be consistent!! Think Positive!! Size is the least important factor in sex!

Originally Posted by BerverPooh
So, then any size tube would be ok if I’m looking for girth, correct?

My clamping routine is
Warm up
Jelq for 5 mins - clamp for 10 - repeat 2 more times - cool down.
3 days on 2 off. Now I’m starting to do 1 day on and 1 day off to see if it helps my EQ

It goes good for a while but after about a month, my EQ starts going down a little. I’m pretty sure it’s not because I’m not conditioned for it.

Yes I read that article.

I am no expert, but to me it does not make sense that a tube restricting expansion would promote growth.

In regards to OLF/OLR, the correct approach would not be a set approach like you do now, but to go down to for example 1 set per day while recovering and increasing your EQ or even taking complete days off until you are recovered. Then increase your workload again and start all over.

With clamping I think it is hard to succeed without reduced EQ in periods.

Ah, I see. Fuck it - I’m just gonna buy the correct sized tube that I need and go along with the instructions posted here.

I admit I didn’t read all of that article, but what you’re saying makes sense. I guess keeping some form of expansion in your dick is the best thing to make it grow. And yeah - I don’t think there’s anyway to clamp and not reduce your EQ at certain times. Mine doesn’t get terrible, I just notice that it isn’t super strong at times like it usually is.

These days I think I DO have a pretty big dick

|| Currently NBPEL 7x5 || Long Term Goal 7.5x5.75 || Target Date for long term goal = December 2010 ||

Don't over train!! Less is more!! Drink water!! Eat right!! Be consistent!! Think Positive!! Size is the least important factor in sex!

Hello guys,

I’ve been a lurker for two weeks now, getting familiar with basics of pumping and I just finished reading this 78-page thread :) This forum, especially this thread, has helped me a lot to understand the basics of pumping. Thank you all guys for being here.

My goal is to improve the quality of my erection, make it as hard as it was 2 years ago and return my night/morning woods (I have them very rarely) and if I manage to get an inch or two of length and some girth in the process, that would be a great side effect :) I am very sensitive about the look of my penis and I would like to keep the very same look without any distortions (donuts, blisters, etc) and just have more of what I already have.

I purchased a 2” diameter pump that unfortunately doesn’t have a gauge, but am being very careful and starting very gradually. I just finished my second week of exercising, the routine consists of exercising 3 days a week, only 5 minutes per day. Some of you would probably say I’m starting off too lightly, but it easier to increase time/pressure, than to make long breaks because of an injury.

I do a warm shower for 5 mins, then pump 5 mins and then do another warm shower for 5 minutes. Sounds pretty unbelievable, but I believe that after only 2 weeks (actually six 5min exercises) I already made some progress, in both length and girth. Let’s even say I made an error when I measured length before I started pumping and that maybe I didn’t gain anything in length, but considering I had to change the silicone ring that fits into the end of the cylinder with a larger one, means I definitely gained some girth. As an explanation, my pump has 6 silicone rings of different diameters that are to be placed at the end of the cylinder, to accommodate people with different girths.

I never get my penis fully erect in the pump, I enter half erect and pump it to be around 1/2 inch smaller than my BPEL. I keep it inside for 5 mins, at times even releasing the pressure a bit and then pumping again up to 1/2 inch smaller than BPEL. This week I will start exercising 5 days on, 2 off, and the next week I will do the same, but will add another 5 min set, so I will have one in the morning and one in the evening. I believe for treating ED problems, it would be better for me to have a couple of short 5min pumping sessions spread out during the day, instead of having one or two longer ones. So, I will go in this direction and see how it goes.

The only issue I have is this - after a minute or two of pumping, my cylinder gets all foggy and misty, and I can’t see clearly what is going on inside the tube. Considering I don’t have a gauge, it is very important that I am able to see what is happening in the cylinder, if I have bruising, swelling, donut, etc. Has anyone experienced this? It might be due to the fact that my penis is warm and the cylinder is at room temperature. Perhaps I should warm up the tube for 5 mins as well. Or perhaps I should try warming up my penis by using a rice sock. What do you guys think?

Oh, and thank you one more time for all the useful info here.

Last edited by markomitrovic : 04-05-2010 at .

Ironwills pumping

I have been pumping along with other PE routines since I was 16 and I’m 25 now. I max my unit out at just under 11 x 7 with pumping. I have had blisters before and they have taken me usually a week or more to heal. Tissue from what I understand takes time to adapt, certainly cannot happen in one or two sessions, it takes a lot of work. Everyones tissues are different and as well adapt differently to different types of stress. I believe a lot of length and girth is highly attainable with PE, but it takes time and effort. Goodluck keep PEing -Ironwill-

After I saw a commercial of bathmate I’ve considered pumping. I need a hand pump with gauge that’s cheap and from a site that ship to Europe.

Any suggestions?

Is this site and pump recommended?

I bought a cylinder from these people and I can vouch for the high quality of their products. I bought my Colt pump elsewhere, so I cannot comment on the quality or value of the pumps they sell.


How many seconds should I keep the pressure between a pump and another?


Hmm, measure: 4,9/3,142 = 1,5.

Should I go for 1 3/4” or 2” cylinder?


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