Thunder's Place

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Vacuum Pumping 101

Thank you avocet

This is an incredible guide. Thank you very much for providing it.

avoctet8, can you remember how much pressure you applied during those ‘first’ weeks?

I’d really like to know that! Think I’ll start all over again!

I can’t remember exactly (maybe it’s in the first pages of this thread). I do remember that I had read a whole lot about pumping on other sites and was determined that I didn’t want any “morphing” of my cock - doughnuts, bloating, etc. I just wanted more of the same penile appearance I had.

Probably I experimented between 3 - 5 HG and stayed in that range knowing that it is considered a safe one. At that time, my ED was not severe so probably 3 HG worked to give me a good erection in the tube. Later I did tinker with going higher with the HG; short bursts of, say, 8, but in the long run lower worked better for gains - at least for me.



Hello, I am wondering what am I to expect after the first/second time pumping? I can only pump up to my regular erection length/girth, is this normal?

Yes. You are just getting started.



Ok, thanks. Also, is there a way to prevent sucking your scrotum up into the tube?

Try not to get any lube on your balls. Slippery balls get sucked in.

Shave your shaft down to the very base, if it’s hairy. No need to go any farther.

Keep your pressure within 3 - 5 HG. The more pressure, the more likely you will suck them into the tube.

Any more tips, guys?



Originally Posted by avocet8
Try not to get any lube on your balls. Slippery balls get sucked in.

Shave your shaft down to the very base, if it’s hairy. No need to go any farther.

Keep your pressure within 3 - 5 HG. The more pressure, the more likely you will suck them into the tube.

Any more tips, guys?

Well there’s my way of tying a small bandage at the top of your balls. That makes them too large to be drawn in. No need to tie it tightly - just comfotably tight will do.

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Psst! The link is at the bottom of the page :bigwink:

Originally Posted by avocet8
I can’t remember exactly (maybe it’s in the first pages of this thread). I do remember that I had read a whole lot about pumping on other sites and was determined that I didn’t want any “morphing” of my cock - doughnuts, bloating, etc. I just wanted more of the same penile appearance I had.

Probably I experimented between 3 - 5 HG and stayed in that range knowing that it is considered a safe one. At that time, my ED was not severe so probably 3 HG worked to give me a good erection in the tube. Later I did tinker with going higher with the HG; short bursts of, say, 8, but in the long run lower worked better for gains - at least for me.

Those “doughnuts” aren’t permanent, not? After a session it will take a few hours before it goes away.

But could it be that after a while of pumping it says permanent?

Where does ED stand for? Can’t find it here on the site!

Thanks! I’ll stick under the 5 HG!

ED is short for Erectile Dysfunction.

Doughnuts aren’t permanent. However, each time you cause one you increase the chance of another occurring. You gradually weaken the tissue in the area. Lots of guys have offered tips here for avoiding them.




Can you tell me how good or bad this pump set looks? I’m thinking of ordering one, especially at that price.

Thanks for your help.

Starting stats:- Dec11th2008 7.2"bpelx6" meg.Mar23rd09 8.375"bpel x 6.125"meg. Mar10 8.4" bpelx6.125" meg.

Goal: 8"nbpel x 7" A one eyed monster by any standard :)

I didn’t see any mention of a gauge and you really should have one to know how safe the pressure you’re using is. Also, the diameter of the tube is 2.5” which would be way too big for your girth. Your balls might easily be sucked into the tube if you don’t pack the bottom part well enough. I am about 6.25”-6.5” girth on a good day and I use a 2.25” dia. cylinder and sometimes my balls get sucked in too. Mine is from and I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend it to others.

Kooljohn - I agree with david jones. For what it is worth I googled around and this UK place seems to have some quality gear.

ON EDIT: I see they have a "factory seconds" page. To me it looks like there are some good deals on cylinders that have "cosmetic flaws":

HA HA I see they link to thunders on their links page! :jumpblue:

================================================== ===

This place appears to have Lapdist (LA PUMP) gear, but for some reason it is not loading properly in my browser. So I don’t know for sure:


This US place ships internationally — I have one of their "standard designed cylinders" and I like it a lot. Maybe you could get from them. Maybe you could find their stuff locally?

Boston Pump Adult Sex Toys - buy penis pump, penis enlargement packages, clitoral pump, toys for men at

Last edited by sta-kool : 10-24-2009 at .

Originally Posted by david jones
I didn’t see any mention of a gauge and you really should have one to know how safe the pressure you’re using is. Also, the diameter of the tube is 2.5” which would be way too big for your girth. Your balls might easily be sucked into the tube if you don’t pack the bottom part well enough. I am about 6.25”-6.5” girth on a good day and I use a 2.25” dia. Cylinder and sometimes my balls get sucked in too. Mine is from and I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend it to others.

Thanks for that Dave.

I’m 6.125” eg and 8” bpel and 2” wide.

What size cylinder would I go for?

Starting stats:- Dec11th2008 7.2"bpelx6" meg.Mar23rd09 8.375"bpel x 6.125"meg. Mar10 8.4" bpelx6.125" meg.

Goal: 8"nbpel x 7" A one eyed monster by any standard :)


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