Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Vacuum Pumping 101

If you can handle it, fine. However, many of us would develop lymphatic fluid build-up and/or some other undesirable stuff.



Do many people with peyronie’s disease refer to pumping for manual treatment?

Pumping can reduce a Peyronie’s curve somewhat. But you have to do a regular pump routine and stick with that for months.



I have a question about pumping parts. I’m not very good when it comes to tool names (e.g. couplers), especially since English is not my native language, so I’m a confused a bit.

Can someone tell me all the parts that go between the pump and the cylinder (except for the tube, obviously)? Backing it up with description, picture and what it’s for would be nice. I saw some talk about male and female couplers, but I don’t know which does what and where. How is pump connected to the tube? How is cylinder connected to the tube? Which parts come with the cylinder and which parts have to be bought separately?


Last edited by UpTo7 : 08-11-2010 at .

This is what the female and male couplers look like: | LA Pump

When you buy a cylinder, it always comes with a female coupler screwed in.

The male coupler is attached to the end of the hose connected to the pump and of course being male, plugs into the female coupler to create the vacuum pressure connection.

If you buy a package deal, you get everything you need.

The primary goal of PE should be to make your penis as healthy as possible in both form and function. If you do that, increased size will follow.

Thanks for quick reply.

And no parts are needed to connect the hose to the pump?

So basically if I buy Mityvac MV8000 brake bleeding kit (pump, hose, cup, etc. included) and Jim Diamond cylinder, all I need is male coupler from McMaster?

Originally Posted by UpTo7
Thanks for quick reply.

And no parts are needed to connect the hose to the pump?

So basically if I buy Mityvac MV8000 brake bleeding kit (pump, hose, cup, etc. included) and Jim Diamond cylinder, all I need is male coupler from McMaster?

That sounds about right, except, I don’t think McMaster ships to Europe.

The primary goal of PE should be to make your penis as healthy as possible in both form and function. If you do that, increased size will follow.

Last edited by gprent : 08-11-2010 at .

Originally Posted by gprent

That sounds about right, except, I don’t think McMaster ships to Europe.

I know, but I’m not buying it directly. Pump, cylinder and male coupler will be shipped to private US address and then to my address in Europe. :)

I think I Will buy a bathmate Goliath. The Hercules is to short
In length so I can’t use that one but maybe the Goliath is to wide for me. Does that really matter that much?

I do wanna have a bathmate so I can pump in warm water and I can there are a measure bar on the tube so I can see how much it grow each session.

I have seen people saying they grow over 1 inch after a pumping session. Can this really be true? And if it’s true it must be dangerous?

Originally Posted by keybord
I think I Will buy a bathmate Goliath. The Hercules is to short
In length so I can’t use that one but maybe the Goliath is to wide for me. Does that really matter that much?

I do wanna have a bathmate so I can pump in warm water and I can there are a measure bar on the tube so I can see how much it grow each session.

I have seen people saying they grow over 1 inch after a pumping session. Can this really be true? And if it’s true it must be dangerous?

Just buy a pump that will fit you, i.e. one from pumptoys (if you want engraved ruler) or lapdist. You can pump with them in the bath or with water. All you have to do is use your mouth as suction on the tube, or you can get a water trap for your pump.


When I looked into the bathmate I had the same problem as you, and it just didn’t make sense to buy one.

Hi ya! Great thread. I’m thinking about going into pumping, mainly because I have had some ED problems lately (depression+anxiety) and jelqing may not work that well because of that, also wet jelqing is kind of messy, and pumping just seems like more fun :D

I was thinking about beginning with 10 mins a day or maybe every other day, and then work my way up. My base girth is almost 6 inches (although its only like 4,75 right under the glands), but since I am going for girth, Im going to choose a 2.25 diameter cylinder as adviced in the cylinder size thread.
I do however have a question. There are a lot of different pumps out there, and I was wondering if anyone could recommend a good pump regardeless price.

Thank you!

Originally Posted by Photon
Hi ya! Great thread. I’m thinking about going into pumping, mainly because I have had some ED problems lately (depression+anxiety) and jelqing may not work that well because of that, also wet jelqing is kind of messy, and pumping just seems like more fun :D

I was thinking about beginning with 10 mins a day or maybe every other day, and then work my way up. My base girth is almost 6 inches (although its only like 4,75 right under the glands), but since I am going for girth, Im going to choose a 2.25 diameter cylinder as adviced in the cylinder size thread.
I do however have a question. There are a lot of different pumps out there, and I was wondering if anyone could recommend a good pump regardeless price.

Thank you!

I don’t think you should start pumping , the reason being ED from depression and anxiety, unlike in the case of vasculogenic ED. Maybe you should try to overcome your thoughts without the mechanical aid(pumping). How old are you ?

Starting stats: 6.4" / 5.6" Current Stats: 7.4" / 5.8" Short term goal: 7" / 6" Long term goal: 8" / 6.5"

Originally Posted by alin

I don’t think you should start pumping , the reason being ED from depression and anxiety, unlike in the case of vasculogenic ED. Maybe you should try to overcome your thoughts without the mechanical aid(pumping). How old are you ?

Im a bit over 25. However, Im not 100% ED, but I have some issues with erection. I also want to start pumping since I’ve seen and heard a lot of good things about it, and because its always more fun to be able to see fast results (although not permanent at first). The problem is that I dont know what pump to buy, or what to think about when buying a pump for the first time.

Originally Posted by Photon
I’m a bit over 25. However, I’m not 100% ED, but I have some issues with erection. I also want to start pumping since I’ve seen and heard a lot of good things about it, and because it’s always more fun to be able to see fast results (although not permanent at first). The problem is that I don’t know what pump to buy, or what to think about when buying a pump for the first time.


Well use common sense and read the forum for advice on the type of pump to buy. The key is to get a well made pump with a pressure gauge. Don’t buy cheap as it won’t last and will cost you more in the long run once you realise your mistake. Make sure you get an appropriately sized cylinder. The companies that sell them couldn’t care less what size you need but your gains will be dependent on getting the right size and then progressing. Then your follow avocet’s routine that is stickied at the top of the forum. You then work on your psychological issues as well as pumping to grow a huge cock.


Week 1: One 10 minute session per day
Week 2: One 15 minute session per day
Week 3: Two 10 minute sessions per day
Week 4: Two 15 minute sessions per day
Week 5: One 20 minutes session, one 10 min session, per day
Week 6: Two 20 minute sessions per day
Week 7: Three 20 minute sessions per day *

* After a few months I settled on three 10 minute sessions per day and no pumping on weekends. Now I do only 5 - 8 minute sessions with more squeezes and jelking between them. I saw no difference in size gain as a result of long sessions.

Ok i didn’t understand avocet routine.
I understand minutes and session of pumpings every day but i didn’t understood the right pressure wich will be competely safe and increasy penis health instead of injure it?
Second Jelqing has to be done right after the pump session is it right?
But for how long we would have to jelq?
And every time we finish pumping session we must jelq?
Another important things how many minutes has to pass from a first pumping session and second pumping session the same day?
And is better to have our routine in the morning or before going to sleep.
Good penis for everyone!!!!


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