Starting stats: 7" EL x 5" EG Current stats: 7.1" EL x 5.125" EG Goal : 7.5" x 5.75"

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.
Starting stats: 7" EL x 5" EG Current stats: 7.1" EL x 5.125" EG Goal : 7.5" x 5.75"
Fg: 4.5", Bpfsl: 5.0", Eg: 5.0", Bpel: 6.25"
Fg: 4.5", Bpfsl: 5.0", Eg: 5.0", Bpel: 6.25"
Starting stats: 7" EL x 5" EG Current stats: 7.1" EL x 5.125" EG Goal : 7.5" x 5.75"
6/24/07: BPEL - 4.5", EG - 3.5"
5/28/08: BPEL - 5.063", EG - 3.5"
Goal: BPEL - 7", EG - 4.5"
6/24/07: BPEL - 4.5", EG - 3.5"
5/28/08: BPEL - 5.063", EG - 3.5"
Goal: BPEL - 7", EG - 4.5"
6/24/07: BPEL - 4.5", EG - 3.5"
5/28/08: BPEL - 5.063", EG - 3.5"
Goal: BPEL - 7", EG - 4.5"
Starting stats: 7" EL x 5" EG Current stats: 7.1" EL x 5.125" EG Goal : 7.5" x 5.75"