Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Vacuum Pumping 101

The expansion in the smaller tube is definately fluid expansion but no doughnut the larger one I have a bit of space to expand, I thought that fluid buildup was what everyone was going for with pumping?

Great for temporary gains ie 12 hours or so, as far a permanent gains it’s pretty useless as it mostly just stretches out the skin rather than the tunica,

I’d stick with the bigger tube and try and finish your sessions nice and hard rather than chase temporary size.

Just my opinion though.

Attention expert pumpers! ;)

As stated before I have a Bathmate and there is no pressure gauge on that thing.

1. Anybody with an idea of how to measure the ideal (low) pressure for the BM? Should I use the mm measurements in some way? One idea is to pump up to the maximum engorgement and measure the mm and then pump at lets say 70-80 % of max for 1-3 sets. Is that any good? Is it safe to pump up to max for a short time just to get the measurement?

2. What kind of feeling am I looking for? I believe I max out at around 180-190 mm in the pump. Already at 130 mm my penis gets engorged. I have been pumping at 140-160 mm for 10-15 min (only one set) as I am a newbie. 140 mm is no problem, 160 mm is a bit uncomfortable at the end sometimes. When I bought the pump I did as said on the instructions and pumped max. I got up to 180 mm immediately but it was uncomfortable and painful. Got a donut and was sore for a day. Haven’t tried that anymore. I never get a donut when pumping 140-160 mm. But I don’t know if it’s enough force and/or time…

3. Who has made real gains with the Bathmate? Please point me to these guys as I can only find people who has given up, are unsure or think they gained.


30 minutes at 10hg to 15hg no damage

I don’t don’t know where to post this but since is the place for vacuum pumps I’ll try here. 22 yr ago my penis length was 6” then I had a very small ruptured blood vessel 1” below the head for no reason I can tell but an extremely hard erection. Since that time the gland area does not get erect so I lost 3/4”. 4 yr ago I started to try to increase my length and started with a home made Velcro belt some surgical tubing connected to my penis with stretchable surgical tape for $10. I used a fishing scale in ounces to set it, got up to 3lb and in 9 months and increased 5/8” wearing it 16 hr a day. But the growth stopped. In the next 3 yr I got one of the metal bar stretchers and then tried a bathmate. Used them on and off and gained another 1/4” but again the gains stopped. So 10 days ago I got California Exotics Master Gauge Penis Pump from amazon for $37. Since I have been using it I have increased while in the tube 1/4” but have not tried an outside erection since I on a 100% raw milk diet for 30 days to cure my psoriasis and they recommend no sexual energy to conserve healing energy. I will let you know in several weeks what the results are. What I want to say is that I use 10hg for 30 minutes and pump to 15hg after 10 min every 5 min for 15 seconds. I have no fluid build up and no damage to myself. My secrete is I wrap my shaft from head to bottom with with a slight tension except just under the head where it is tighter and I used a rubber band to keep it from unraveling. I used Johnson and Johnson 2” wide Hurt Free Wrap. I suppose you can wrap the head to but I wanted mine bigger. From my bathmate experience I got blood spots on the glads and base and I would wait till they healed before using it again so I think that toughened up the glans over time and it is still as sensitive. I find by my doing this instead of the skin taking some of the expansion pull from the vacuum, there is more pull on the fibers in the penis itself now. I started doing this with the bathmate because I hated that soft spongy feel of the penis after pumping and I didn’t think it was too healthy either. I think anybody can do this if they increase vacuum very slow and stop totally to any spots or blisters till they are totally healed. I use a little liquid soap around the hole of the tubes gel donut ring and a little on the outside edge to seal. I start pumping as I slide it on. This all very easy and non messy. After 2 minute at 10hg it hardly needs any more pumping. The 10Hg to 15Hg really seams to to give more stretching power. Proceed at your own risks and avoid too much pain and take your time, years.

I want to add that I use this tube once a day, I overlap the tape by 50%. If the tape is to tight it won’t allow for full expansion and too lose it will will allow some fluid build up. Experiment to see what works best. I now immediately start up at 10hg.

I added a 2 3/4” stainless steel screw clamp to the gel donut ring so it won’t be drawn in by the higher vacuum. I put the clamp at just above the bases lip and pull the gel ring’s top edge even under the clamp. That way the gel ring covers all the base of the penis and the tape covers all the way to the glans.

Last edited by Santaaa : 09-19-2011 at .


Anyone here use a Bathmate?

Try reading raybaby’s Bathmate log, just several threads down from here.



Heys guys I am a little rushed but you guys could help me.

Unfortunately while pumping the rubber ring has teared down and I buy another one from the internet witch was smaller, now my dick enter very difficult in the rubber ring and stay very tight, like a light clamping, my dick grows more than the ring and stay very inflated minus on the base (the line where the rubber ring is).

I want to know if there is any problem if I pump this way?

This has happened to me. I have grown too thick for my tube. I can still get a good pumping session but when I’m done I have colored rings at the base of my penis which go away after a few minutes. I also have to use lube now. I am currently saving up money for a wider pump.

So I ended up buying the pump from bostonpump. It’s pretty solid and I have been using it for about 2 weeks or so. My routine is:

2 days on 1 off.

5 min warm up with heat wrap
5 way 30 second stretches while doing kegels
5 minutes jelqing 2-3 second strokes
10 mins in pump at 5Hg
5 minutes jelqing 2-3 second strokes

I don’t get any temporary expansion when I exit the pump (if I do, it is not noticeable). My penis felt a little thicker and more firm beneath the head just above mid shaft a few days ago, I thought to myself “awesome, I am already making gains!” After my session today, I hopped in the shower and noticed that I had a small bump on the left side of my penis below the head (the area that was feeling thicker). I am guessing it is fluid build, is this something I should be worried about? One mistake I am probably making is pumping up to 5Hg too fast (less than 15 seconds). I don’t experience any pain while pumping or jelqing.

I’ve read the first 45 pages of this thread and while I’ve seen a couple isolated posts, I’ve yet to find a thorough treatment of my questions regarding pumping. Please forgive me if they have been addressed already.

I’m one week into pumping at pressures between 2.5” and 3.0” HG for 10 minutes total every other day mixed with jelqing, manual stretching, kegels and 20 minutes of JES extending. My concern is that I’m having a hard time achieving erections for PE and cannot maintain what I do achieve in the tube; I lose about 1/4” to 1/2” of my inserted length shortly after entering. My pumped size generally starts close to 1/2” shorter than my full erection length, and when I come out of the tube, I’m always flaccid. As a result, I’ve been doing like 10 sets of one minute. I do not believe my routine is overzealous as I’m able to achieve good erections with sex, morning wood, etc. Is this pumping routine conducive to progress?

Hi everyone.
I’ve decided to start pumping. My main question is about the cylinder size.
My BG is ~6”, my MEG ~5.75” ang my glans girth is about as MEG.
My dick is caractized by a wide glans and large CS. My glans is atleast 2” wide and having a large CS I’m probably less wide than guys with the same girth.

According to the recommendations I should go for 2 1/4” cylinder. Is that still recommended considered by wide glans and large CS?

BPEL: 7.25"

HG: ~6.25" | MEG:6.25" | Low shaft EG:6.5" | BG: 7"

Originally Posted by bedisu
I’ve read the first 45 pages of this thread and while I’ve seen a couple isolated posts, I’ve yet to find a thorough treatment of my questions regarding pumping. Please forgive me if they have been addressed already.

I’m one week into pumping at pressures between 2.5” and 3.0” HG for 10 minutes total every other day mixed with jelqing, manual stretching, kegels and 20 minutes of JES extending. My concern is that I’m having a hard time achieving erections for PE and cannot maintain what I do achieve in the tube; I lose about 1/4” to 1/2” of my inserted length shortly after entering. My pumped size generally starts close to 1/2” shorter than my full erection length, and when I come out of the tube, I’m always flaccid. As a result, I’ve been doing like 10 sets of one minute. I do not believe my routine is overzealous as I’m able to achieve good erections with sex, morning wood, etc. Is this pumping routine conducive to progress?

I don’t know why that happens for you, bedisu. Maybe some of the other vets here have some ideas?



Increasing the vacuum to between 4.5” and 5.5” HG has gotten me to a size equal to my best erections. My penis is very similar to Sparky’s in terms of sensitivity to overwork, so I’m concerned about pumping at these relatively high vacuums. I’m still sticking to 10 sets of one minute pumps and keeping a close eye on PI and EQ. Today is a day off: this morning my erection length was normal but girth was slightly reduced; this afternoon my girth measured 1/8” growth from normal. It seems I’m doing something right despite my unique response to pumping.

As a side note, I cannot express how grateful I am to Sparky for his EQ article and thorough writings on PE for hard gainers. It has been invaluable to me in developing my routine and to my progress. I’ve gained 3/8” in length over the past two months adhering to his theories.

Originally Posted by Gyrta
Hi everyone.
I’ve decided to start pumping. My main question is about the cylinder size.
My BG is ~6”, my MEG ~5.75” ang my glans girth is about as MEG.
My dick is caractized by a wide glans and large CS. My glans is atleast 2” wide and having a large CS I’m probably less wide than guys with the same girth.

According to the recommendations I should go for 2 1/4” cylinder. Is that still recommended considered by wide glans and large CS?

Each 1/4” increment in cylinder size makes quite a large difference in the circumference of the cylinder. Especially for a beginner, you want a cylinder that fits comfortably and seals well, so the 2 1/4” cylinder is the right size for you. A 2 1/2” cylinder would be large enough at the base that you might struggle with keeping your balls from being sucked in.

Although your head and CS may be wide, there will still be plenty of room to expand towards a more circular shape.

The primary goal of PE should be to make your penis as healthy as possible in both form and function. If you do that, increased size will follow.


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