Thunder's Place

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Vacuum Pumping 101

Hello avocet8,

I am using a mustang pump with a universal silicone penis pump sleeve (I am NOT advertising this product just providing a link:

It fits on the rim of the cylinder.

I have been pumping with a 2.25 inch x 10 inch cylinder at 4 Hg for minute sets of 15,5 for a week now. I also clamp with a medium plastic grey cable clamp for minute sets of 15,15,15,15,15 with 5 minute heat rests between sets.
So far I have not gotten any length gains from the pumping only girth gains (which are good but length gains are my aim with the pump). EQ is quite good.
The pump sleeve changes the vacuum as it grips the base of the penis so the seal is between the penis base and the cylinder (I think) and not between the small ring of skin surrounding the penis and the cylinder.

My question is: Does this pump sleeve make the vacuum applied to the penis less efficient? Would you use it?

Originally Posted by jack1015
Hello avocet8,

I am using a mustang pump with a universal silicone penis pump sleeve (I am NOT advertising this product just providing a link:

It fits on the rim of the cylinder.

I have been pumping with a 2.25 inch x 10 inch cylinder at 4 Hg for minute sets of 15,5 for a week now. I also clamp with a medium plastic grey cable clamp for minute sets of 15,15,15,15,15 with 5 minute heat rests between sets.
So far I have not gotten any length gains from the pumping only girth gains (which are good but length gains are my aim with the pump). EQ is quite good.
The pump sleeve changes the vacuum as it grips the base of the penis so the seal is between the penis base and the cylinder (I think) and not between the small ring of skin surrounding the penis and the cylinder.

My question is: Does this pump sleeve make the vacuum applied to the penis less efficient? Would you use it?

My guess is it would not make the vacuum less efficient. But I hope other vets will chime in. A week, btw, is a pretty short time to expect gains.

No I wouldn’t use it myself, but then, I really like my plain- 11 yr old pump.



I had long dismissed pumping as a novelty kind of thing. After reading the first 20 or so pages of this thread I was intrigued and thought I’d give it a try.

I love it.

I’ve been doing it for a week now and I’m amazed out how on point and helpful avocet’s original post is. At this point my routine is 1 10 minute session followed by 100 jelqs per day. I try to keep it around 5 or 6 on the gauge but sometimes there’s a slow leak so I have to give it a pump every once in awhile. I was surprised at how much I enjoy doing it. I look forward to it at the end of the day.

I will say that I’m glad I went with my gut on the size of tube that got. It was suggested I go with 2” but I went with the 2.25. After an experience buying my first cock ring I was pleasantly surprised to find that my girth isn’t considered small. The 2.25 might be a hair too big but it’s very comfortable and I figure it’s just room to grow into. I think I would max out the 2 very quickly (assuming all goes well). I plan on following avocet’s schedule at first and see how it goes.

Thanks for tips and info avocet.

Your girth must be huge.

Who will write Bathmate 101…? Gprent? ;)

Avocet, would you think this routine will work with water pumping with a Bath mate?

Mr Avocet8, do you mind referring me to the company you purchased your pump from? Thanks.

Originally Posted by Crabman99
Who will write Bathmate 101…? Gprent? ;)

Avocet, would you think this routine will work with water pumping with a Bath mate?

I’ve never once used a Bathmate. Can’t help you, but there are others here who can.



Originally Posted by MrNYCfellow
Mr Avocet8, do you mind referring me to the company you purchased your pump from? Thanks.



Thanks bro! I lol’d at the name “” but it looks like it’s doing just that for you! Hey.if my girth is a little over 5, what do you recommend? I’m kinda confused by the max of 25 and 1/4 circumference NOBODY has 25 inch I’m kinda confused on that one. Thanks again buddy.

Lol.this is a 25 inch girth

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Are they serious? Lol. I’m buying one of these for sure! They must have some success if they sell ‘em that big. Thank you again.

Originally Posted by morewouldbenice
I will say that I’m glad I went with my gut on the size of tube that got. It was suggested I go with 2” but I went with the 2.25. After an experience buying my first cock ring I was pleasantly surprised to find that my girth isn’t considered small. The 2.25 might be a hair too big but it’s very comfortable and I figure it’s just room to grow into. I think I would max out the 2 very quickly (assuming all goes well). I plan on following avocet’s schedule at first and see how it goes.

So what is your girth? I too am shopping for the cylinder and I believe mine is a little over 5. I’m kinda thinking of the 2.25 as well but…

At the base it’s like 5.65 inches. That’s not exact but it’s a little less than 5.75 and a little more than 5.5. I think the 2 inch cylinder would have been a perfect fit but I wanted to be able to use a cock ring with it and I also didn’t want to have to buy a new one any time soon. The sizing chart at said I should go for a 1.75 inch which I think would have been useless for my girth goals. Since my dick’s circumference is more like an oval my diameter is 2 inches so that chart was no good for me.

With the 2.25 I haven’t had the balls getting vacuumed up experience and I also don’t experience any discomfort. Having said that I’m sure the 2 inch cylinder would have been fine. I just figured I’d err on the side of great luck and get something I could grow into. I will say again that I think it’s a hair too big as I can’t deny that the fit is perfect with a cock ring on and a bit roomy without. Then again I’m a total noob to this so you’re probably better off following the advice of the vets.

I say go for the 2.

I did get the 2.thanks for the reply. Opening it up now! Lol

Originally Posted by gmarceau
Hey guys, long time since I’ve been on here. Started getting into pumping again and had a couple questions.

Vacutech has this new thickwall elliptical cylinder that’s designed to be more of an oval shape. I don’t know what the advantage really is- they claim it’ll lead to more length gains, but I’m not sure why. Thoughts? I was more of a fatigue and damage the ligs and the tunica kind of person with the old vac extender, v stretch, etc., but I still have this great pump and my vac extender is old and broke.

There is mention on the beginning of this thread about having a tube being 4” longer than your erect length. Is there a reason for that? I have an 11” tube now and (honestly, not bragging) that leaves me with about 2 inches of room. Would a 13 or 14” tube be better? It’s starts getting pricier once you go past 9”- something like $10 for every extra inch of tube length.


Regarding the Vacutech thickwall elliptical cylinder, I have one and I like it. I was originally skeptical about why elliptical would be better than a circular cross-section, but it does have advantages, I think, and I think I know why.

My penis is more elliptical than circular in crosss-section. With a standard cylinder, as you expand, some parts of my penis reach the side of the cylinder and stop expanding while others have not yet reached that point.

By contrast, with the elliptical cylinder, as my penis expands, the remaining free space between my penis and the cylinder wall is more equal all around. In other words, it’s not reaching and touching the cylinder walls in some places while not being fully expanded in others.

I don’t know what post you saw recommending a tube being 4” longer than your erect length, but that seems excessive. I think 2” longer is the more general suggestion.

For Lampwick, becoming hung like a donkey was the result of a total commitment.


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