Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Vacuum Pumping 101

I don’t think going into the tube flaccid makes any real difference, it’s just easier to get a good seal if you’re erect or semi erect and there’s less chance of getting loose skin sucked in.
You’ll still feel a difference though between getting a natural erection and adding a bit of pressure and using the negative pressure to get hard, a 100% real erection wins every time.

You want the feeling of the best 100% erection you’ve ever had rather than a 80% erection with the vacuum pulling on it if that makes sense.

I went out on a limb, and ordered some more equipment from ladist, in hopes it will make pumping sustainable for me. I got the silicone pad, and the 1.75 tube. For my size, the chart on Thunder’s recommends a 2”, while the LA site recommends 1.75. I thought the smaller tube and the pad might minimize the stress at the base. We’ll see.I’ll report. I also got the pump without the gauge, so that I can use it with warm water. All in all, two tubes, two pumps, etc. It’s a bit of an investment, so I hope it works.

Pnuema, you will not regret getting the silicone pad with your tube. I got the same thing and I can tell you that it is super comfortable. You will like it.

Capernicus, I will try that and see the difference. I am new to PE so so much of this is experiment for me. Thanks

Think my pump got a leak.

If I press the sylinder against my thigh the number goes down slowly but if I take only the tube and do the same thing the number doesnt go down so i think its something with the tube and connection to the sylinder… Anyone experienced something like that?

UK Supplier

Hello All,

Tried doing a few searches to find a UK supplier but just getting far to many hits to trawl through.

Can anyone help with a reputable dealer?

Thank you,

I have heard good things about

Originally Posted by fatt0x
Hello All,

Tried doing a few searches to find a UK supplier but just getting far to many hits to trawl through.

Can anyone help with a reputable dealer?

Thank you,


Originally Posted by capernicus1


Thank you!

I have a quick question. I hear different opinions. Is it better to go into the pump flaccid, erect, or does it make a difference. I know when you do get into the pump flaccid, you can pump up to erect girth and length. So again my question is, does it make a difference and how so. Thanks


If you look at the newbie forum, you’ll find more information there. From what I’ve read its got to be semi- erect

Thanks flexiblepen.

Originally Posted by megzobo
I have a quick question. I hear different opinions. Is it better to go into the pump flaccid, erect, or does it make a difference. I know when you do get into the pump flaccid, you can pump up to erect girth and length. So again my question is, does it make a difference and how so. Thanks

From my reading, Semi-Erect to erect is best because it allows for a better seal and keeps the scrotal skin from being sucked in as badly. The first post by Avocet in this thread also states this as well. He said that if you go in flaccid you should slowly increase the pressure to simulate the natural speed of erection

BPEL - 5 5/8" --- Goal 6"

MSEG - 4.5 " ---- Goal 4.75 "


Can you please tell me what does this mean “Two 15 minute sessions per day ‘? Does it mean 2*15 mins session after one another with a break thrown in between them or it can be that 1*15 mins can be in the morning and the other one in the evening?

Which one works better for length gains?

Also I noticed that at 10 mins session at 6 Hg I don’t feel any stretch, so I went up to 8-9Hg and then let it come back to 6 Hg and then pump again. It is ok? Or am in using too much pressure?

It usually means two 15 minute pumps with a short break doing something else in between, rather than later in the day.

Only you can tell if 8-9 Hg is going to cause you injury. Make sure you check out your penis after your routine to make sure you are not getting red dots or bruising. And, a good idea to always end your routine with an erection if you can.




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