Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Vacuum Pumping 101

Originally Posted by NTeee
Thanks a lot gprent.

I was also wondering, I have a pretty bad turkey neck, will this affect my pumping?

I don’t see why it should. I have some turkey neck and have never even thought about it while pumping.

The primary goal of PE should be to make your penis as healthy as possible in both form and function. If you do that, increased size will follow.

Originally Posted by gprent
No, if you don’t injure yourself, low pressure pumping might even give your EQ a big boost.

Hm I questioned about it because, when I was younger (seventeen), I fucked up my penis pumping at higher pressures (saw a video of a guy saying “pain is good while pumping”, being a seventeen years old guy with no knowledge of PE plus the fact that my understanding of this language was even worse as it is now, the result was predictable), lost the ability of having arousals for months. Then I tried to pump once and a while, without stablishing a routine, because of the fear of fucking up more my unit.

Thank you for the answer!

One day I'll be able to do PE o/

Originally Posted by gprent
When you start reducing from high pressure pumping to low pressure pumping it is completely normal to feel as though nothing is happening at the lower pressures, but believe me it is.

The secret to seeing healthy gains at low pressure is to pump for longer set times. Try two 15 minute sets with some jelqing in between sets or, just go for one 30 minute set. For me, significant expansion starts kicking in at the 30 minute mark and I only pump at 3”hg now.

Don’t worry, I have tons of experience pumping at the higher pressures, but still feel the injury free low pressure pumping is the way to go.

Gprent, what sequence do you use, every other day, daily, 5 on 2 off?

Originally Posted by sparkyx
Gprent, what sequence do you use, every other day, daily, 5 on 2 off?

I use 3 on 1 off.

The primary goal of PE should be to make your penis as healthy as possible in both form and function. If you do that, increased size will follow.

Originally Posted by sparkyx
Why do you use that sequence, do you notice a drop in EQ at the end of 3 days? How do YOU decide when to take a day off?


That’s how it fits into my workout schedule. The day I take off PE is the day I lift weights. On the days I do PE it is aerobics, either biking or hiking.

The primary goal of PE should be to make your penis as healthy as possible in both form and function. If you do that, increased size will follow.

Originally Posted by sparkyx
So your EQ is pretty steady and high I assume? Do you see any changes from the day off? I know you have done every other day, and I believe 5 on 2 off…which did you find best for you, or was there any difference? What would you consider ideal?

Well, as you have stated, I do change things up a lot. Thinking about it, that is probably close to ideal as it keeps your body guessing. That method is good for body building and other forms of exercise and it is probably just as good for PE.

The main thing for me is avoiding injury and not being as hyper as I used to be about the process.

The primary goal of PE should be to make your penis as healthy as possible in both form and function. If you do that, increased size will follow.

I was thinking of starting with a routine of 1 day on 1 day off with a 5min set for about a week or two, just to avoid injury and see how I can handle it, then slowly graduate to 2 days on 1 day off etc, while increasing the time while pumped from 5min to 10min. Is this ideal?

Start: BPEL: 5.5" EL: 5" EG: 4.5"

Now: BPEL: 6.5" EL: 6" EG: 5"

Goal: 7x6

Originally Posted by NTeee
I was thinking of starting with a routine of 1 day on 1 day off with a 5min set for about a week or two, just to avoid injury and see how I can handle it, then slowly graduate to 2 days on 1 day off etc, while increasing the time while pumped from 5min to 10min. Is this ideal?

That’s a plan. Try it out and see how it feels. Don’t overdo your HG pressure. Stay under 5 HG.



I think I’ll be getting a pump too! I only done the basic PE and wanna step it up a little

It so confusing reading this forum, people say you can’t get gains from pumping. I have gains but can’t say whether it from pumping or jelqing and stretches. I do 20 mins of pumping is that enough?

If you don’t get gains from pumping, how to you explain all the vets here who have got gains from pumping?



Originally Posted by meowmeowluvin
It so confusing reading this forum, people say you can’t get gains from pumping. I have gains but can’t say whether it from pumping or jelqing and stretches. I do 20 mins of pumping is that enough?

I would try to go for 30 minutes. That’s when significant expansion kicks in for me.

The primary goal of PE should be to make your penis as healthy as possible in both form and function. If you do that, increased size will follow.

Hey guys, long time since I’ve been on here. Started getting into pumping again and had a couple questions.

Vacutech has this new thickwall elliptical cylinder that’s designed to be more of an oval shape. I don’t know what the advantage really is- they claim it’ll lead to more length gains, but I’m not sure why. Thoughts? I was more of a fatigue and damage the ligs and the tunica kind of person with the old vac extender, v stretch, etc., but I still have this great pump and my vac extender is old and broke.

There is mention on the beginning of this thread about having a tube being 4” longer than your erect length. Is there a reason for that? I have an 11” tube now and (honestly, not bragging) that leaves me with about 2 inches of room. Would a 13 or 14” tube be better? It’s starts getting pricier once you go past 9”- something like $10 for every extra inch of tube length.


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