Thunder's Place

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Vacuum Pumping 101

The theory is that moderate heat encourages cell division thus promoting both the growth of new penile tissue and the healing of micro-tears that occur during the various PE exercises.



Along with that theory, there is also the theory that heat helps the proteins ‘give’ more during PE (be more plastic, or more deformable), which is desirable when you’re trying to remodel tissues.

For Lampwick, becoming hung like a donkey was the result of a total commitment.

I’m sure there’s some truth in that, after all you cook meat to make it edible !
Now if only you could let your penis simmer on the stove for an hour then pump it imagine how big it would get ! haha

Seriously though moderate heat is good.

Helpful thread

8/2011: bpel 6.25 eg 5.125

2/2012: bpel 6.75 eg 5.3

Great thread.

I am currently 7” BPEL and 4.875” MS EG. Despite my join date, I am new to PE. My main concern is adding girth, which is what got me interested in pumping.

A few questions:

Assuming I follow this routine properly, is it fairly safe for newbies?

I am thinking of ordering this pump

Any thoughts on the company, or this pump in particular?

When can I expect to see gains (if I make any)? I am in no rush, just curious.

Thanks, and sorry for all the typical newbie questions.

I know just enough about pressure dynamics to know this is probably a crock of shit, but just wanted to check..

I’m not sure if this is correct, but I’m making the assumption that pumping increases girth both by expansion of the tunica and by causing the skin to swell. I was wondering, would using a low or a high pressure favor expansion more either in the skin or in tunica, or no difference? The reason I ask, and this may be total bull-crap, is because I was thinking that if there was a prefer pressure level for skin compared to tunica expansion, then, as a new pumper, would it not be better to use a pressure that would increase tunica size first, so that when it has been maxed out, the skin’s preferred pressure can then be used more frequently.

I’m basing this on the idea that once the skin is thicker, it’ll be harder for the full pressure of the tube to fully affect the tunica. Perhaps ordinarily, this would be a crock of shit, since pressure should be relatively even throughought all substances that aren’t rock-solids (I think?) but when you bring IR heating into the equation, as I’ve been doing - and your goal is to heat the tunica and not the skin - surely it would be advantages to not have the skin’s thickness to be increasing?

Skin is malleable and easily expandable. Most guys notice more skin on their cocks not long after starting PE. Tunica obviously stretches (when you go from flaccid to erect) but is more intractable than penile skin. But, over time, as you expand the CCs, the tunica will grow wider to accommodate the new flesh.



Originally Posted by Tweaking
I know just enough about pressure dynamics to know this is probably a crock of shit, but just wanted to check..

I’m not sure if this is correct, but I’m making the assumption that pumping increases girth both by expansion of the tunica and by causing the skin to swell. I was wondering, would using a low or a high pressure favor expansion more either in the skin or in tunica, or no difference? The reason I ask, and this may be total bull-crap, is because I was thinking that if there was a prefer pressure level for skin compared to tunica expansion, then, as a new pumper, would it not be better to use a pressure that would increase tunica size first, so that when it has been maxed out, the skin’s preferred pressure can then be used more frequently.

I’m basing this on the idea that once the skin is thicker, it’ll be harder for the full pressure of the tube to fully affect the tunica. Perhaps ordinarily, this would be a crock of shit, since pressure should be relatively even throughought all substances that aren’t rock-solids (I think?) but when you bring IR heating into the equation, as I’ve been doing - and your goal is to heat the tunica and not the skin - surely it would be advantages to not have the skin’s thickness to be increasing?

You ideally want as good an erection as you can get and as low a pressure as you can use to expand it slightly, finding that pressure might take a bit of experimenting but its better to start low and work up slowly watching for any problems,
The tunica is so damn tough that in my experience it will only stretch so far at any one time, but given a high enough pressure or enough time edema will keep expanding the skin for ages , it can look impressive but it’s of no real use.
The goal for growth should always be tunica expansion , if you get that the skin will grow naturally along with it.

Yeah I think my tunica is pretty damn tough. At 4”/Hg, everything feel’s pretty much normal, and at 5, there’s still no hint of discomfort, but I can definitely feel the pressure. So yeah, it is difficult to find a pressure that’s right for me. I suppose, since I haven’t been pumping regularly for long, it’s best to go with less rather than more. Damn, it’s so hard to be patient with pumping and I’m only up to week 5!

Haha, I feel you pain man , i reckon my tunica would make a great bullet proof vest for some lucky rodent !

Low is the way to go and i would add more time before more pressure , at the end of the day it’s just connective tissue and higher stresses just make it tougher or damage it, you have to kind of gently encourage it but jeez its a stubborn opponent

Yeah I’ve decided to leave the pressure at a comfortable level untill I’ve built up to at least 3 x 10m sets, then I’ll increase the pressure a bit, then go up to 3 x 15m, then slowly increase pressure from there.


I have a Bath mate and I have been searching the forum for evidence that it works. I don’t like the idea that I’m wasting my time.

I have not found one thread of evidence. If anyone disagrees please tell me.

Should I toss my BM and buy a regular (air) vacuum pump instead? (Little scared of air pumps.)

In principle the Bathmate should work as well as any regular air or water pump, the only downside being the absence of a pressure gauge, after all you can use your Bathmate for air pumping if you want and i believe the pressure can’t exceed 4hg so it’s safe enough.

All gains from pumping are anecdotal but plenty of people here claim to have gained from them , i guess you just have to take their word for it .

I think they work but you do have to learn to use it which takes practice and if you don’t enjoy it you probably are wasting your time .

I have a question guys and since I’m new can’t post a whole new thread. I have a 1.75’ tube that I can almost pack after 3-4 sets, problem is the base and head both pack from the minute I enter the tube (which can be painful at 5hg after a while). I also have a 2’ tube that my base fits but head and especially shaft have alot of room, thing is it’s much more comfortable and I feel this is the correct size but even after an hour in the tube I literally get no expansion. Is there something I’m possibly doing wrong you would think bigger tube better expansion haha but this isnt the case at all, do some vets have some advice to getting better expansion in the bigger tube?

Are you sure the expansion you get in the smaller tube isn’t just a bit of fluid build up ? also how tight is the 2inch at the base ?

you need to be able to get a full on natural erection comfortably in your tube to get good hard size , if you base is to squeezed it seem to prevent this and you will just build fluid.

I prefer to measure expansion a couple of hours after a session rather than in the tube , seems a better indication to me but everyone’s different.


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