Originally Posted by shiby916
Can I ask a question regarding the importance of jelqing after pumping.Is it used to drive the lymph fluid out of the shaft into the head of the penis? Or, is it a method for bringing in new oxygenated blood into the penis, or simply even to add an increase of size?
Jelquing combined with pumping is to get gains not had by either alone. Pumping tends to get girth more than length, so by adding jelquing you can stretch harder than 5 in hg will do for you, and hopefully get length and girth. PLUS jelquing tends to strengthen the vascular valves in a way pumping doesn’t.
Originally Posted by shiby916
Is there an alternative I could use? Maybe a good few helicopter swings and wrap with a hot wet hand towel. I think this would work getting in new oxygen and even get more of the lymph fluid out, but, if you guys use jelqing in the mix to increase expansion, then, I don’t really know what I can do.
Helicopter swings is mostly to drive the blood out of the skin so you don’t get discoloration. It also rapid re-oxygenates the penis. If your goal is to drive lymph out of the shaft and into the glans, I don’t understand why you would want that. If you are trying to get the fluid out of the penis in general, then just edging will do that. If you are getting a lot of edema, cut back on either your vacuum force, your time or both.
Originally Posted by shiby916
If someone can get back to me with a few suggestions or advice it would be completely appreciated.I think it’s time to get a pump with a gauge. I have a bathmate, and I think it’s suited best for previous air pumpers (they know the feel) and advanced PE’ers.
I don’t bring this up a lot on the Bathmate threads, because the company is just trying to earn a living, but water pumping is done much more effectively with a regular cylinder, hand pump and overflow container. I have been able to learn a ton about what creates great EQ and what crashes it by monitoring my vacuum levels very closely while water pumping.
I find that 6 in hg for 10 minutes allows recovery for me, 7 in hg leads to over training. If I cycle back and forth between these two, it seems to be working very nicely for me. Without the gauge it would be total hit and miss for guys like me for whom 1 in hg vacuum difference means the difference between too much and too little.
This was why I had such a hard time mastering water pumping before I used a gauge. I don’t frequent this thread much Shiby, so pm me if you have any more questions.