Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Vacuum Pumping 101

Oh, I forgot to mention… I but two 1/2” pieces of the red silicone tubing (from - I still use his stuff) and put one over the other at the base of my johnson before pumping as it is a gentle method of clamping while I pump and I leave that on for 20-30 minutes after my 10 min pump session is over.

When I was going for fluid size (dumb in hindsight ), i used to leave one of them on until a few minutes before sex… as it kept the fluid in the member without cutting off circulation… two, restricts circulation to the point that even mild arousal keeps it fully engorged (but with no pressure from the pump)…

So I have three pieces of silicone on while I pump and two on for 20-30 minutes after…

Pumping and using an extender

Hi there everybody.

I’ve been using a jes extender for awhile now and have also just bought my first pump.

Can anybody suggest a good routine using both of the above.

I also need to know if the penis master pro upgrade kit (the one that attaches to the penis head) will be compatible with the jes extender.

Thanks in advance

Been using a jes extender for three months little gains cos its so bloody uncomfortable.

Just started pumping hoping for better results

Originally Posted by welshdude
Hi there everybody.
I’ve been using a jes extender for awhile now and have also just bought my first pump.
Can anybody suggest a good routine using both of the above.
I also need to know if the penis master pro upgrade kit (the one that attaches to the penis head) will be compatible with the jes extender.
Thanks in advance

I’m new to this site, and new to pumping as well, been using the pump a few weeks so far as I can, so can’t wait to see how that goes.. I’m not all that new to PE tho, in fact much of my initiation began with the Jes Extender and the majority of gains thus far.. You do have to wear it as much as possible and put the hours in. It is uncomfortable, take a break every hour or so and shake it out some. If using the noose on the end, yes upgrade to the Velcro piece. I wore mine as much as I could the first 4-5 months but it was becoming too noticeable under clothes at work lol so I stopped. I still wear it when I can tho but not enough as I should but not to get off topic.. I do my routine after work, shortly before bed mostly so after using pump and jelq when I do go to bed I will fall asleep wearing the Jes. It comes off at some point, it’s never on when I wake or I take it off after some time during sleep then before work I try to wear it another hour as I get ready. I’ve only been doing this the past few weeks but so far so good. I’ve never had any bad side effects with the extender other then the discomfort when on too long. But I would think that the combination of safe pumping along with traction should work well overall, I’ll keep you posted ;)

Thanks for your reply. I’ve tried using the extender on the same day as pumping but it didn’t go well. I think it’s best if I get used to the pumping routine before I combine the two.

Been using a jes extender for three months little gains cos its so bloody uncomfortable.

Just started pumping hoping for better results

You can probably use the extender on the same day as you pump. For example, if you pump in the morning, use the extender towards the evening. At least 4-5 hours after you pump. That way your rest days will truly be your rest days.

I have an extender and I am going to order a pump. When I do get the pump, I will use both of them on the same day.

I ordered my pump today and it should be here on Thursday. I am looking so forward to getting it.

Breaking seal

I have a quick question, that I haven’t seen addressed yet. When you’re finished with your session, is there any recommended way to break the seal? I just got a pump from LA, which works great. But breaking the seal by inserting a finger at the base is slightly difficult. I’m not totally packing the cylinder now, but I wondered if it was packed, if the seal could get harder to break? I’m surprised there isn’t a pressure release valve. I’m not being spacey and just missing that am I?

Pneuma, if you are using a hand pump, directly below the pump itself towards the front, there is a little tab sticking out. Press it in and that will release the pressure. Hope this helps.

Injury ed caused by modest pumping

I’m looking for feedback or advise. This might be better as a thread in the injury section, but for some reason, I can only reply to threads, not start one.

I got a pump from LA a few days ago, and tried to start extremely conservatively. I did a several 1 - 3 minute sessions, with the pressure gauge never going above 3. Total time in the pump, I figured, would have been about 10 min. I got immediate results, which were very satisfying. The next day, I felt fine, and did a couple more very brief sessions (1-2min), again with very little pressure. Everything looked good. But when I went to have sex, erection failed (very uncommon for me.) Over the 48 hours since, I’ve been able to get it up, but not for long periods. The only other bit of possibly relevant data is, I did all sessions starting erect or nearly so.except the very last session, which again, was only 1-2 minutes, in which I entered perhaps 30-40% erect.

I guess this will heal. It’s listed as a “minor problem” on the Tiger site (horrible pictures on that site.I’m glad for this one, where most users seem to have more normal goals.) However, since it occurred from what seemed like short sessions, with little pressure, I’m wondering if I’ll be able to resume the use of the pump safely.

For the past few months, I’d had particularly good EQ (hopefully I get my acronyms right). I attributed this partly to use of Cissus, which I’m taking to improve connective tissue strength. Seeming aphrodisiac effects were a side bonus (and very subtle, unlike, say, Yohimbe, which makes me feel like I’m having a fever and heart attack.) In general, my apparatus almost always has worked, and it’s a descent size (appx 7” bpel and 5.5 girth), which I certainly wouldn’t mind enlarging a little.but would not trade in functionality.

Is it just me? Am I strangely sensitive? I read a good deal of this thread, and the forum in general, and haven’t seen many posts describing this result right off the bat, with a modest start.

Originally Posted by Pneuma
Is it just me? Am I strangely sensitive? I read a good deal of this thread, and the forum in general, and haven’t seen many posts describing this result right off the bat, with a modest start.

Hi mate
I think it’s unlikely you’ve caused any damage with such a short amount of time and pressure and so soon.
I’d take a day off then start again with maybe 1 set of 5mins a day and see how you respond to that for a week or so then start to build up to 10 mins over time while keeping an eye on EQ.
I’d also recommend keeping the pressure at 3”hg or below for now.

It is possible that your first session stretched your tunica out a bit more than it’s used to which could in theory temporarily cause erection problems.
Possibly the new stress on the smooth muscle or vascular system could also do it.

Finally it may just be a bit of anxiety because you know you’ve been messing with it :)

Either way I think you’ll be fine.

Thanks Capernicus. Yep, I’m confident it will heal. Each day for 3 days now erections have come back a bit stronger and longer. But it still seems strange to me that I had a problem, being so seemingly conservative.

Has anyone reported the gauges from LA being defective? I felt quite a bit of pressure before the gauge even registered sometimes. When it did register, I had it about at 3hg at the highest. It felt like A LOT of pressure, although it felt good. Felt like it would be dangerous to go higher. I attributed that to the fact that I was a newbie. But the paranoid corner of my mind feared, “I hope this isn’t actually like 20hg, and the gauge is wrong or I’m reading it wrong or something.” But there were no red spots afterwards or anything, just the little problem of breaking my boner for a while.

Also, I got the 2” tube, so that I’m not “packing” it. I like the idea of girth gains. But I wonder if packing it from the get go would make it easier on the tissues. I’m not eager to buy more equipment though, unless I get more confident I’ll be able to keep using it.

I’ll try to restart in a few days, and try to be even easier on it, somehow.

I cosign what Capernicus said. Anyway, this

Originally Posted by Pneuma

…. Total time in the pump, I figured, would have been about 10 min. ….

maybe needs a little fix. You should watch carefully the time you are in the pump, IMHO. Pumping is kinda funny, so you can easily stay inside the tube way more than you think. Beside that, I suggest releasing the pressure every 30-60 seconds, instead than doing one long set of 10 minutes (in case you did so). I’m not a ‘professional pumper’ so to speak, but the few times I tried found that even very low pressures with prolonged time without break could cause ED for some days - and believe me, I have a steel penis.

If you’re not getting any red dots I’d guess your gauge is fine, 3”hg seems like low pressure but honestly I spend most time at 2.5”hg and I’ve been pumping for a couple of years.

You didn’t mention if you went into the tube hard or what your erection level was like in the tube ?
You’ll find that the pressure can feel more intense sometimes when you’re semi hard as opposed to 100%, it’s an odd thing.

You’re better having 100% erection and say 2”hg pressure than a 70% erection and 3”hg even though the expansion may look the same, negative pressure will make you expand and the closer to normal conditions you can achieve that the better.

I know that I do not precisely go in erect. I normally go in flaccid and pump slowly to my erect size. I then usually go to 5hg for the rest of my pumping session. I totally love my pump. If anyone is needing to get a cylinder, get one from LA pump with the silicone sleeve that goes at the bottom. It is super comfortable. My nuts do not get sucked in and I feel the expansion on my penis. At any rate, someone made a comment a while back and it made sense to me. Vacuum pumps/tubes/erection devices were originally made for guys with ED problems and they always went into the tube flaccid and let the pump and cylinder get them erect. They also experienced size increases so why not do the same. Just a thought.


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