The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.
In a hurry for the Main Forum, Metalheadwillie?
Yes sir. Very eager to start a log here and become a part of the community.
I do not intend to be an annoyance, and I apologize if I have been. I really do mean every thank you I have posted. You guys are really awesome here. Strong community, very supportive, and encouraging.
Fuel for the fire!
This is a great routine! I adopted many parts of it.
Yes the 101 is great, its basically what I follow when pumping.
As best I can anyway, I’d like to be more consistent with days on and off but don’t always have the time right now. I recently took a whole week off, basically no PE at all but started fresh last week pumping again, I’ve been using the pump just for a few months, as I can, and I have to say I love it! My routine is as follows, pretty simple:
-Rice sock warm up for a few minutes
-Stretch down, up and straight out 30 seconds each, then shake out
-Lube the pump base and my cock and do a few minutes of jelqing, then get hard and enter pump
-Pump to 4-5 HG and do 10 mins while “milking” the cylinder
-Exit pump and massage a minute then jelq for a few mins, get hard again and back into pump for another 10 mins. While milking
-Massage again when done, jelq a few mins. And get hard at the end of session
-Clean up and a few mins. Of rice sock again
I do all this while watching TV and having a beer lol.. After that I have been lately putting on an Autoxleeve with weighted cap for 20 minutes or so for a gentle stretch. I usually sleep soon after and I wear the yellow sleeve as an anti turtle device and that works great, I wear that one as much as I can everyday, if I can.
As for my pump, I bought it from Vacu-Tech and I love it, it does come with a gauge and it has a green line at the 4 HG mark and a red line at the 7 mark, it’s easy to read and the tube is quality. I have two of them, a flanged and a straight wall elliptical, I like them both. The other day I did 10 minutes with the flange and then 10 with the elliptical which is nice because you can slip a cock ring over it and wow! I couldn’t believe how much girth I had at the base of my dick with that on after pumping! I know it was fluid build up mostly but my thumb and finger were about an inch away from even touching, damn I should have measured that lol :)
I almost posted an update here a week ago to report great success. Now I have a mixed report. I made a couple of posts about 3 months ago that I had started pumping, overdid it quick, and lost erectile function. It resolved itself in a few days, a week at most. But I waited 2 more months before trying again. When I did start again, I went very carefully, even slower than the protocol here calls for. The effects were great. Over a month, I gained more and more confidence, and built up, to 3 30 min sessions. It was working so well, that then, of course, I overdid it again, and did like a hour one day (in many small sessions, some with very very low pressure.. But still, too much.)
A new (old) problem then cropped up. A hard vein on the left side of the shaft. Doesn’t interfere with erections, but does hurt, more or less at various times. I’ve had this before, and it healed, and I forgot all about it. But it healed because I stopped all PE type stuff. This time, my wife and I were enjoying the results of the pump so much, that I went looking for solutions. At first, I thought this was thrombosis, and it may be. I’ve been trying Eroset’s vein oil. 6 days later, I still have the vein problem, but the results of the month of pumping still seem pretty undiminished, even though I haven’t pumped in that time.. So maybe the oil is helping with that.
However, I’m getting suspicious that this is not thrombosis, but maybe something to do with valves, like varicose veins. I don’t feel anything that seems like a clot, like many people report. The vein is pronounced the whole length of the shaft, from base to head, and it’s the same vein that acted up in the past. I feel pretty confident it would heal if I didn’t little or nothing. But I was enjoying the effects of pumping so much that I’m motivated to try to heal it in some way that can sustain more pumping.
Any suggestions?
I’m a big believer in the body’s natural healing abilities, and I also like to try natural and alternative therapies. I have a doctor who supports this approach. I asked his opinion, and he said it could be a thromboses vein or pyronie’s disease, both of which he said “are not dangerous.” He’s pretty non-chalant. My wife and I joked that when I’m dying, I might say to him, “Doc, I’m dying,” and he’d probably say, “Don’t worry, death is normal.it’s perfectly safe.” In this case, I think he meant to indicate clots in this type of thrombosis are not likely to (or cannot) become embolisms. I wondered about that, and asked him.. So I think that’s what he meant by “not dangerous.”
Anyway, I can feel a pulse in the hard cord, so I’m pretty sure it’s a vein, and not pyronie’s disease. What I’m not sure about is if it’s a valve issue or a clot.
I’m thinking now of trying horse chestnut, which is supposed to help with structural integrity of veins and also the lymphatic system. I considered trying the dmso/iodine combo, suggested for healing scar tissue. Not that I think this is scar tissue. But dmso seems to have healing properties that are not all listed in any one place. And I found a website that talked about iodine healing hemorrhoids, sometimes overnight. And Hemorrhoids can be thromboses veins, right?
Anyway, feedback welcome. I might post this as a thread starter in injuries, but I don’t think I have thread making privileges.
It might be that in your zeal for the results, you are overdoing it a little. Cut back some?
Normally a thrombosis feels quite warm to the touch; can be painful, too.
A lot of us have a prominent vein or two, sometimes running the whole length of the shaft, but they don’t hurt.
Maybe ask your doc to check it out physically just to be sure.
Can you gain length from pumping even if your penis in the pump doesn’t surpass your normal EL? I assume your penis needs to go past its normal state in order to grow in length and girth?
"There is no way to happiness - happiness is the way."
- Dr. Wayne Dyer
New to the site. Not a data-documented pumper, but I’ll try to provide an accurate history.
Started pumping in February of 2009 with my first pump, a Dr. Joel Kaplan basic system: MightyVac with a 2”x9” cylinder.
I started at around 6.0” by 5.25” when hard. Initially, I pumped with only my penis in the cylinder and while I’d achieve a rock solid 7.25” in the cylinder, it was pretty uncomfortable and tricky to keep from having my balls get sucked up into the vacuum.
When pumping with only my penis in the cylinder, it was like trying to pump a piece of granite, it was so hard.
At the time, I didn’t do any trimming… just used generous amounts of hand cream to help create a decent seal. Tried a number of cushions, but never found any that were comfortable or didn’t get mostly sucked up into the cylinder when pumping.
Because of the nuisance and fuss of trying to arrange the cylinder ‘just so’, I eventually slacked off and lost interest. Only sporadically pumped after that.
After learning the hard way of why pumping to the extreme was bad (up to -20 hg / -0.7 bar) and developing petechiae a few times, I also made the newbie mistake of excessive session times.. Sometimes reaching 90 minutes in length in a bid for a record donut. Got the donut, as well as a number of cases of very painful ingrown hairs from being physically torn out by their roots.
But, I was noticing some gain in size and started to exceed 6.25” in length and move towards 5.5” in girth when hard. I also started keeping the vacuum at no greater than -12 hg / -0.4 bar, which is still very much over the recommended limit, but caused no discomfort, damage or donut. For me, -5 hg is next to worthless.
Then I did an experiment and discovered it was far more comfortable to pump BOTH my cock and balls together, using the straight cylinder as a two-stage. The maximum vacuum dropped to no more than -10 hg because of discomfort.
The gains started taking off quickly. Prior to using the cylinder as a two-stage, I’d reach an internal length of 7.25”; after, since the cylinder was seated closer to my public bone, I was reaching 7.5” and my balls started gaining in size and sagging more when not pumping. Because it was much more comfortable pumping, I began to pump regularly: 45-minutes is my standard time but before condemning, read on.
While I trim more now, I still can’t achieve a consistent seal for more than 10 seconds or so. So it’s a constant pump up-deflate-pump up-deflate with the vacuum rising/falling commensurately.
The gains continued until after two years, I was hitting the internal hose connection with the very tip of my penis: 8.75 to 9”. It was getting VERY painful when I’d touch that plastic connection and I knew it was time to ‘size up’.
By then, I was at 7.25” x 5.5” when hard outside the cylinder… an increase of a full 1.25” in length and .25” in girth. Happily, I was convinced that pumping worked.
I looked around at larger cylinders but balked at the prices of those exceeding 9”. I found a Lex Steele XL pump with a really cheesy finger pump, but with a 3”x12” cylinder.. Unfortunately, it had a non-standard hose connection. It was around $50, so I got it and figured I’d come up with a way to modify the MightyVac standard connection to fit it.
I simply removed the finger pump and inserted the standard male connection inside the Lex Steele rubber hose and it worked perfectly. I’ve been using the 3”x12” for four months… and the gains have taken off.
Today: a 45-minute session at least once a day, every day (sometimes twice a day) at no more than -10 hg at any time. Internal length is at a consistent 8.75” and closing in on 9” by the end of each session. Haven’t had any bruises or donuts for well over a year and I still get rock hard, which is the most important factor to consider.
Hard outside the cylinder: 7.75”-8.0” x 5.75-6.0” in girth. A three-year gain of 1.75-2.0” in length and 0.5 -.75” in girth. VERY noticeable heavier sag. It’s hard to argue with success.
Eventual goal: consistent 9.0”x6.0” when hard.
In three years, I’ve made gains I never thought were possible and the past four months with the larger cylinder have convinced me to finally look into a true two-stage. I believe I’m going to get a 3”x5”x10” – either LA Pump or Boston Pump. LA Pump has an option for an extra 2” in length for an additional $10 (to make the cylinder 12”) which I’d get.
I suspect the increase of 2” in the second stage over my current 3” straight wall will work more to increase girth and not so much length, so the 10” cylinder length may be more than enough. Still, for an extra $10 it’s not as if an unused 2” is going to hurt anything and frankly, I never thought I’d ever reach 9” in a straight wall, so who knows? I’m not going to buy any more cylinders after this next one.
It’s important to note: I’m not going for the monster, freak size… I intend to alternate the two-stage with the 3”x12” straight cylinder to achieve a more natural shape. Trust me, I have a LONG way to go before I start approaching anywhere near the freakish look.
I don’t jelq. It seems like a lot of time with marginal results when compared to pumping. And if I’m achieving positive results in both length and girth from just pumping, for me, it’s almost extraneous.
I understand I may get critics who point to both my long session lengths and higher vacuum levels as being dangerous and if there were unwanted side effects of either, I would certainly see their point. But from experience, I also know what works for me as well as what my limits are and no longer push those limits.
For some men, the thought of their balls being sucked up into the cylinder is horrific; to me, it’s far more comfortable if I start out pumping that way (it really isn’t as nasty as it sounds) and it serves a dual purpose.
Anyway, I’m very interested in finding this site from a very knowledgeable friend’s recommendation and look forward to learning as much as I can from you pro’s.
(Boy, I hope I’m posting this correctly.. Please forgive me if I mess up somehow!)
Looking to get into pumping, going to make a homemade before I commit to something more expensive, but I have a dumb question.. How do you end a session? Do you just pull your dick out under pressure? Or do you have to let out the pressure somehow? I don’t want to make my vacuum one way/non-detacheable and not be able to get my dick out lol
Starting stats: BPEL: 5.8 /// MSEG: 4.2 /// June 18, 2012
Short term goal: BPEL: 6.5 /// MSEG 4.5 /// August 20, 2012
New to the site. Not a data-documented pumper, but I’ll try to provide an accurate history.Started pumping in February of 2009 with my first pump, a Dr. Joel Kaplan basic system: MightyVac with a 2”x9” cylinder.
I started at around 6.0” by 5.25” when hard. Initially, I pumped with only my penis in the cylinder and while I’d achieve a rock solid 7.25” in the cylinder, it was pretty uncomfortable and tricky to keep from having my balls get sucked up into the vacuum.
When pumping with only my penis in the cylinder, it was like trying to pump a piece of granite, it was so hard.
At the time, I didn’t do any trimming… just used generous amounts of hand cream to help create a decent seal. Tried a number of cushions, but never found any that were comfortable or didn’t get mostly sucked up into the cylinder when pumping.
Because of the nuisance and fuss of trying to arrange the cylinder ‘just so’, I eventually slacked off and lost interest. Only sporadically pumped after that.
After learning the hard way of why pumping to the extreme was bad (up to -20 hg / -0.7 bar) and developing petechiae a few times, I also made the newbie mistake of excessive session times.. Sometimes reaching 90 minutes in length in a bid for a record donut. Got the donut, as well as a number of cases of very painful ingrown hairs from being physically torn out by their roots.
But, I was noticing some gain in size and started to exceed 6.25” in length and move towards 5.5” in girth when hard. I also started keeping the vacuum at no greater than -12 hg / -0.4 bar, which is still very much over the recommended limit, but caused no discomfort, damage or donut. For me, -5 hg is next to worthless.
Then I did an experiment and discovered it was far more comfortable to pump BOTH my cock and balls together, using the straight cylinder as a two-stage. The maximum vacuum dropped to no more than -10 hg because of discomfort.
The gains started taking off quickly. Prior to using the cylinder as a two-stage, I’d reach an internal length of 7.25”; after, since the cylinder was seated closer to my public bone, I was reaching 7.5” and my balls started gaining in size and sagging more when not pumping. Because it was much more comfortable pumping, I began to pump regularly: 45-minutes is my standard time but before condemning, read on.
While I trim more now, I still can’t achieve a consistent seal for more than 10 seconds or so. So it’s a constant pump up-deflate-pump up-deflate with the vacuum rising/falling commensurately.
The gains continued until after two years, I was hitting the internal hose connection with the very tip of my penis: 8.75 to 9”. It was getting VERY painful when I’d touch that plastic connection and I knew it was time to ‘size up’.
By then, I was at 7.25” x 5.5” when hard outside the cylinder… an increase of a full 1.25” in length and .25” in girth. Happily, I was convinced that pumping worked.
I looked around at larger cylinders but balked at the prices of those exceeding 9”. I found a Lex Steele XL pump with a really cheesy finger pump, but with a 3”x12” cylinder.. Unfortunately, it had a non-standard hose connection. It was around $50, so I got it and figured I’d come up with a way to modify the MightyVac standard connection to fit it.
I simply removed the finger pump and inserted the standard male connection inside the Lex Steele rubber hose and it worked perfectly. I’ve been using the 3”x12” for four months… and the gains have taken off.
Today: a 45-minute session at least once a day, every day (sometimes twice a day) at no more than -10 hg at any time. Internal length is at a consistent 8.75” and closing in on 9” by the end of each session. Haven’t had any bruises or donuts for well over a year and I still get rock hard, which is the most important factor to consider.
Hard outside the cylinder: 7.75”-8.0” x 5.75-6.0” in girth. A three-year gain of 1.75-2.0” in length and 0.5 -.75” in girth. VERY noticeable heavier sag. It’s hard to argue with success.
Eventual goal: consistent 9.0”x6.0” when hard.
In three years, I’ve made gains I never thought were possible and the past four months with the larger cylinder have convinced me to finally look into a true two-stage. I believe I’m going to get a 3”x5”x10” – either LA Pump or Boston Pump. LA Pump has an option for an extra 2” in length for an additional $10 (to make the cylinder 12”) which I’d get.
I suspect the increase of 2” in the second stage over my current 3” straight wall will work more to increase girth and not so much length, so the 10” cylinder length may be more than enough. Still, for an extra $10 it’s not as if an unused 2” is going to hurt anything and frankly, I never thought I’d ever reach 9” in a straight wall, so who knows? I’m not going to buy any more cylinders after this next one.
It’s important to note: I’m not going for the monster, freak size… I intend to alternate the two-stage with the 3”x12” straight cylinder to achieve a more natural shape. Trust me, I have a LONG way to go before I start approaching anywhere near the freakish look.
I don’t jelq. It seems like a lot of time with marginal results when compared to pumping. And if I’m achieving positive results in both length and girth from just pumping, for me, it’s almost extraneous.
I understand I may get critics who point to both my long session lengths and higher vacuum levels as being dangerous and if there were unwanted side effects of either, I would certainly see their point. But from experience, I also know what works for me as well as what my limits are and no longer push those limits.
For some men, the thought of their balls being sucked up into the cylinder is horrific; to me, it’s far more comfortable if I start out pumping that way (it really isn’t as nasty as it sounds) and it serves a dual purpose.
Anyway, I’m very interested in finding this site from a very knowledgeable friend’s recommendation and look forward to learning as much as I can from you pro’s.
(Boy, I hope I’m posting this correctly.. Please forgive me if I mess up somehow!)
Your searching for 9.0 BPEL, if Lex Steele himself is a confirmed 9.5 BPEL ( measured from the side ), what the hell is a monster size?
What I have found with vacuum pumps is that there is always leakage so what I did was where the hose meets the tube and at the opposite end where it connects to the pump I use golf club epoxy which can be bought at Golf Galaxy to make an air tight seal. I also remove the gauge and coat the threads with the epoxy. Be careful not to get the epoxy in the holes where it can be drawn in the pump or block air passage. I then put rubber bands around the tube where the latex sleeve covers the cylinder. All this adds up to a pretty air-tight seal. Personally I prefer girth over length so my goal is to maintain 6.5” of girth. This is more then enough to stretch most women more then they have ever been stretched before. BTW I always use plenty of lube and go slow as I am not trying to cause any pain. I guess comments like “that is the thickest one I have ever had” does stroke the ego a bit.
Looking to get into pumping, going to make a homemade before I commit to something more expensive, but I have a dumb question.. How do you end a session? Do you just pull your dick out under pressure? Or do you have to let out the pressure somehow? I don’t want to make my vacuum one way/non-detacheable and not be able to get my dick out lol
Dude, spend a little cash and do it right you can find one on eBay and make sure it has a gauge.
Looking to get into pumping, going to make a homemade before I commit to something more expensive, but I have a dumb question.. How do you end a session? Do you just pull your dick out under pressure? Or do you have to let out the pressure somehow? I don’t want to make my vacuum one way/non-detacheable and not be able to get my dick out lol
Tomatoblue -
You definitely need to release the pressure prior to exiting the tube.
Check out the post “homemade tubes” if you’re looking to fabricate one yourself. Lots of great ideas and affordable for most budgets. I built one and shared the parts list on the last page of the thread. The post right after mine explains how to build one for less than what I spent. I was going for a solid “build from scratch” quality and didn’t mind spending a few extra bucks to do this but choose whatever fits your budget best. Building it yourself will save you plenty of cash and will be as good or better quality than the majority of pump setups sold at the online, , etc.
Bagman’s Advanced Pumping Techniques: Effective TimeWith this information, what would be more effective? What do you think?
-Break at 5 minute intervals, exit and massage 2 minutes, return to vac level.
-Reduce vac to 1" every 5 minutes, hold for 30 seconds, return to level.
I would say the one with the highest score, which was reduce to 1" every 5 minutes and hold for 30 seconds. I’m going to try that tonight as well as read the rest of the articles on the site. That was very helpful information, thanks!
Start (Oct 2010) NBPEL: 5, BPEL: 5.875 inches, BASE GIRTH: 5.25 inches, MID GIRTH: 5
(November 2013) NBPEL: 5.875, BPEL: 6.625 inches, BASE GIRTH: 5.625 inches, MID GIRTH: 5
Goal NBPEL(7-7.5)xMEG(5.5-6) (journal)
Hey guys I am doing some heavy tunica hanging 7sets x 20min every day (rsdt fulcrum and OTS fulcrum) and I finish with 2 pumping sets The first one is 7-10 min and the second is 10minutes both on 3hg.
I started pumping like 2months ago and I have done it 2days on 1 day off. I got better erections and I am slowly gaining length and girth. The last 3 days I decided to not take day off and today my morning wood is super hard.
So I think about switching to everyday pumping I think it will be more beneficial for me. I notice that I need more blood to fill my dick because of the hanging gains. My penis need some time until it is accustomed to send more blood to fill my new bigger erection. So with the every day pumping it will cut the accustom period and I will be able to gain faster.
What would you guys say? Is my theory making sense? Do you think every day pumping is good practice ?
-======Goal BPEL 9.5x6======-