Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Vacuum Pumping 101

Originally Posted by Sandbpx
Bagman’s Advanced Pumping Techniques: Effective Time

With this information, what would be more effective? What do you think?

-Break at 5 minute intervals, exit and massage 2 minutes, return to vac level.

-Reduce vac to 1" every 5 minutes, hold for 30 seconds, return to level.

Last night I did the 5/.5 splits, with a small variation, and could not be happier with the results! I updated my status topic with details.

Start (Oct 2010) NBPEL: 5, BPEL: 5.875 inches, BASE GIRTH: 5.25 inches, MID GIRTH: 5

(November 2013) NBPEL: 5.875, BPEL: 6.625 inches, BASE GIRTH: 5.625 inches, MID GIRTH: 5

Goal NBPEL(7-7.5)xMEG(5.5-6) (journal)


Glad to hear it! I am getting very interested in pumping and this thread is awesome. What kind of pump do you use/recommend?

On 6/15/12 NBPEL=6", BPEL=6.5" EG=4.75", BPFSL=6.75"

Current NBPEL=6 1/8" , BPEL=6 7/8" , EG=4 15/16", BPFSL=7"

Goal NBPEL=7", EG=5.5"

I’m glad you put up this thread with a link to theories at pumptoys. I recently got a pump from them. It was a bit expensive, but I got it because it was the only one I could find the had an angled entry. I thought it would be a very good thing for me to have, and now that I have it, I still think so. More importantly I want to say that Dave (one of the two main owner guys there) spent a great deal of time sharing his expertise with me, he was very patient, and very interested in making sure that the product worked well for me.

Full disclosure I did have a bit of a problem with the hand pump they sold me, but Dave walked me through how to fix it, and keep it from happening again, and it’s all just great now. Good guys over there. My two cents.

This thread disappeared after the September crash so I’m bumping it to bring it back as it is a very informative thread, and, a must-read for anyone who wants to go into pumping. It should be made a sticky for this forum.

The instructions that came with my L.A. pump say to use a water based lube. Have any of you used olive oil or any other non-water based lubes for pumping? Olive oil is my preferred lube of choice but I don’t want to damage the pump. Thank you.

2009 Bpel-6 5/8", Eg-5"

2011 Bpel-7 3/8", Eg-5 1/4"

2013 BPEL-7 3/8", EG 5 3/8"

Isn’t one big argument with pumping that it simply expands the space between the skin and shaft with fluid or blood, but doesn’t actually expand the inner workings? Please let me know. Thanks

Allnighter, I don’t think olive oil will damage anything; it’s just harder to clean up. And you probably shouldn’t get anything in the pump itself.

Thanks LeftCoast.

2009 Bpel-6 5/8", Eg-5"

2011 Bpel-7 3/8", Eg-5 1/4"

2013 BPEL-7 3/8", EG 5 3/8"

Originally Posted by goldenbear
Isn’t one big argument with pumping that it simply expands the space between the skin and shaft with fluid or blood, but doesn’t actually expand the inner workings? Please let me know. Thanks

It will in effect do both, initially only the CCs and CS will expand and if you’re sensible with time and especially pressure that’s all.

It’s only at higher pressure and longer times that edema starts to build beneath the skin, best avoided. This will vary for different people.

Like anything else it takes a bit of practice and experimentation

Originally Posted by Alode
New to the site. Not a data-documented pumper, but I’ll try to provide an accurate history.

Started pumping in February of 2009 with my first pump, a Dr. Joel Kaplan basic system: MightyVac with a 2”x9” cylinder.

I started at around 6.0” by 5.25” when hard. Initially, I pumped with only my penis in the cylinder and while I’d achieve a rock solid 7.25” in the cylinder, it was pretty uncomfortable and tricky to keep from having my balls get sucked up into the vacuum.

When pumping with only my penis in the cylinder, it was like trying to pump a piece of granite, it was so hard.

At the time, I didn’t do any trimming… just used generous amounts of hand cream to help create a decent seal. Tried a number of cushions, but never found any that were comfortable or didn’t get mostly sucked up into the cylinder when pumping.

Because of the nuisance and fuss of trying to arrange the cylinder ‘just so’, I eventually slacked off and lost interest. Only sporadically pumped after that.

After learning the hard way of why pumping to the extreme was bad (up to -20 hg / -0.7 bar) and developing petechiae a few times, I also made the newbie mistake of excessive session times.. Sometimes reaching 90 minutes in length in a bid for a record donut. Got the donut, as well as a number of cases of very painful ingrown hairs from being physically torn out by their roots.

But, I was noticing some gain in size and started to exceed 6.25” in length and move towards 5.5” in girth when hard. I also started keeping the vacuum at no greater than -12 hg / -0.4 bar, which is still very much over the recommended limit, but caused no discomfort, damage or donut. For me, -5 hg is next to worthless.

Then I did an experiment and discovered it was far more comfortable to pump BOTH my cock and balls together, using the straight cylinder as a two-stage. The maximum vacuum dropped to no more than -10 hg because of discomfort.

The gains started taking off quickly. Prior to using the cylinder as a two-stage, I’d reach an internal length of 7.25”; after, since the cylinder was seated closer to my public bone, I was reaching 7.5” and my balls started gaining in size and sagging more when not pumping. Because it was much more comfortable pumping, I began to pump regularly: 45-minutes is my standard time but before condemning, read on.

While I trim more now, I still can’t achieve a consistent seal for more than 10 seconds or so. So it’s a constant pump up-deflate-pump up-deflate with the vacuum rising/falling commensurately.

The gains continued until after two years, I was hitting the internal hose connection with the very tip of my penis: 8.75 to 9”. It was getting VERY painful when I’d touch that plastic connection and I knew it was time to ‘size up’.

By then, I was at 7.25” x 5.5” when hard outside the cylinder… an increase of a full 1.25” in length and .25” in girth. Happily, I was convinced that pumping worked.

I looked around at larger cylinders but balked at the prices of those exceeding 9”. I found a Lex Steele XL pump with a really cheesy finger pump, but with a 3”x12” cylinder.. Unfortunately, it had a non-standard hose connection. It was around $50, so I got it and figured I’d come up with a way to modify the MightyVac standard connection to fit it.

I simply removed the finger pump and inserted the standard male connection inside the Lex Steele rubber hose and it worked perfectly. I’ve been using the 3”x12” for four months… and the gains have taken off.

Today: a 45-minute session at least once a day, every day (sometimes twice a day) at no more than -10 hg at any time. Internal length is at a consistent 8.75” and closing in on 9” by the end of each session. Haven’t had any bruises or donuts for well over a year and I still get rock hard, which is the most important factor to consider.

Hard outside the cylinder: 7.75”-8.0” x 5.75-6.0” in girth. A three-year gain of 1.75-2.0” in length and 0.5 -.75” in girth. VERY noticeable heavier sag. It’s hard to argue with success.

Eventual goal: consistent 9.0”x6.0” when hard.

In three years, I’ve made gains I never thought were possible and the past four months with the larger cylinder have convinced me to finally look into a true two-stage. I believe I’m going to get a 3”x5”x10” – either LA Pump or Boston Pump. LA Pump has an option for an extra 2” in length for an additional $10 (to make the cylinder 12”) which I’d get.

I suspect the increase of 2” in the second stage over my current 3” straight wall will work more to increase girth and not so much length, so the 10” cylinder length may be more than enough. Still, for an extra $10 it’s not as if an unused 2” is going to hurt anything and frankly, I never thought I’d ever reach 9” in a straight wall, so who knows? I’m not going to buy any more cylinders after this next one.

It’s important to note: I’m not going for the monster, freak size… I intend to alternate the two-stage with the 3”x12” straight cylinder to achieve a more natural shape. Trust me, I have a LONG way to go before I start approaching anywhere near the freakish look.

I don’t jelq. It seems like a lot of time with marginal results when compared to pumping. And if I’m achieving positive results in both length and girth from just pumping, for me, it’s almost extraneous.

I understand I may get critics who point to both my long session lengths and higher vacuum levels as being dangerous and if there were unwanted side effects of either, I would certainly see their point. But from experience, I also know what works for me as well as what my limits are and no longer push those limits.

For some men, the thought of their balls being sucked up into the cylinder is horrific; to me, it’s far more comfortable if I start out pumping that way (it really isn’t as nasty as it sounds) and it serves a dual purpose.

Anyway, I’m very interested in finding this site from a very knowledgeable friend’s recommendation and look forward to learning as much as I can from you pro’s.

(Boy, I hope I’m posting this correctly.. Please forgive me if I mess up somehow!)

Thanks for your reply. I am thinking about ordering a 2-stage cylinder right now and this was very helpful. Congratulations on your gains!

Starting: 7.75" EL x 5.5" EG (8 EL when rock hard)

Current: 8.875" BPEL x 5.75" EG

Goal: 9x6.5 (NBPEL) Measurement Pics | Pics

Thanks for this awesome thread and good info..

Got my vacu- tech pump today, with fast shipping and great service.. :-)

I have used, BM goliath for a while.. And gonna switch too air pumping and now I have control on the pressure.. :-)

But yeah BM is a great solution as an warmup.. Maybe a good combination too!

Anyway I have learned a lot reading this great thread with great inspiration too air- pumping..

Many thanks


Im curious about pumping and milking the cylinder. I have noticed that when I’m pumping between 2-5hg, and milk the cylinder, the hg goes up anywhere from 5-10hg. Is this healthy in the fact that it’s a fluctuation of hg, and not constant high pressure. Plus the milking is letting extra blood flow into the penis. Also not for long periods of time? Any thoughts?



Start 11/08 BPEL 7" EG 5" 2009 BPEL 7.250" EG 5.375"

5/12/10 BPEL 7.75" EG 5.75"

Goal BPEL 8.5" EG 6-6.5"


Just had a thought. I have no foreskin. Would this be a problem with pumping ?

No, no problem that has ever come up in the forums. Lots of us circumcised guys pump.


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