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Water Pumping: Alternating Hot & Cold

Water Pumping: Alternating Hot & Cold


I wrote a little bit about this in my Sexual Beast thread, but I thought it might deserve it’s own thread so more pumpers can see it. As I’ve become a water pumping fanatic, I have been trying to maximize my water pumping sessions’ productivity over the past few months. I’ve tried a number of different methods of using heat to produce better expansion, and ended up with this (below). This is by FAR the best method I have found to heat the penis during PE - both during pumping and otherwise.

What you need:

1. IR bulb: Don’t try to buy the stand if you’re in the US as it seems to only be produced in Europe (the Philips one that several members recommend). Instead, simply use a desk lamp that can swivel and be directed, as you would for reading. Put the bulb in and you’re done - now you can focus your heat anywhere you want.

2. Cylinder: Get an oversized cylinder, if you can afford to buy another. I was using a cylinder 9 inches long and that fit around a 6 inch girth - I moved up to a 10 inch cylinder that fit 7 inches for this purpose.

3. Ice: cut the cubes smaller so they have less effect if they come in contact with your penis in the tube. Keep in mind that as ice melts, it actually contracts, unlike other substances, so it will marginally increase the vacuum.

4. Hot and cold water.

For the hot sessions, set your lamp up (on either side of you - it doesn’t matter because the water spreads the heat) on your desk, take your slightly oversized tube to the tap, fill it with the hottest water that won’t burn you, attain a seal, go to your desk, turn on the lamp and shine it at your tube (distance depends on the bulb). Done. The combination of moist heat and the consistent heat from the IR is incredible and needs to be experienced to be understood. The levels of expansion that I get with this heat have caused me to need to go back to taping the mushroom area to avoid excessive lymph build up there (note: I get both more blood expansion as well as more lymph). Excessive lymph build up DESPITE the fact that I am water pumping - that is something.

The second part of what I have been doing is using cold pumping sessions to restore health to the penis. Surprisingly, I not only encounter MUCH less lymph build up during cold sessions, but the lymph build up actually LESSENS. Here, I simply insert some chopped ice (just smaller cubes) into the cylinder, fill it with cold water, and pump. The reason that I alternate hot and cold is from a method I used back when I was a powerlifter, to increase the recovery rate in my hands (I used to practice grip strength training). We used to dip our hands into hot water for 20 seconds, then into ice water for another 20, three times. We did this both during training days and off days and it helped hugely in my hands’ recovery rate.

With the penis it’s a bit more complicated. I think that alternating the sets is helpful for recovery as well, but further, the heat sets induce much more expansion, while the cold sets can work as an ADS. For example, if my BPEL is 7 inches and I reach 7.3 during my hot sets (max), I would keep my penis at 7.1 during my cold sets - keeping it extended while it is in the cold state.

The only disadvantage to the larger tube that I can see is that it is harder to work on length as girth is targeted more automatically due to the nature of the vacuum. If you are intent on working length, just buy a longer tube. This may be less effective though, as the fact that the water spreads evenly across (with the space between the penis and the cylinder in all directions) is what seems to be so helpful. You would still retain the heat, but it might be spread less evenly.

Interesting idea, LongVehivcle. What about time? Do you stick to 30 min for both hot an cold sessions or do you change the time frame? nos está robando

What we want we must create.

So you pump with cold water and ice right after the hot water session? This reduces the lymph build up during the hot water session? Elaborate on this and explain the benefits of the cold water.

I wanted to mention, in case you forgot that you told me about swinging weights, and then I got the idea to swing with the heating pads on the tube while water pumping. You should try it, I think you will like it. It feels good too, throw on an interracial porn and have fun swinging heating pads off your tube like a mad man.

Before: 7” bpel * 4.9” meg

Current stats: 8” bpel * 5.2” meg

5.5” beg; 4.5” geg

Last edited by Clubber : 02-19-2010 at .

Because of my situation, I need to do my water pumping in the bathroom which makes it difficult to downright unsafe to bring in an IR bulb. Instead, I run the shower at the highest temp. and periodically run the steamy water over the tube to reheat the water inside. I am also curious about the time frame between hot and cold sessions.

Clubber, when you swing with the heating pads, isn’t the pressure concentrated just on the base of the shaft where it packs the tube?

Originally Posted by caldera
Interesting idea, LongVehivcle. What about time? Do you stick to 30 min for both hot an cold sessions or do you change the time frame?

Currently I have been using 30 minutes for both, although yesterday I did 2 40 minute sets of the hot version.

I think for recovery benefits time should be decreased. It may be helpful to interchange quick 10 minute sets of them, so you can get 3 of each in an hour and a half or so. However, for growth purposes 20-30 minutes seems ideal.

I am using the word “seems” a lot on purpose. I am judging by feel. All I know is that this temperature issue is a MAJOR untapped resource with pumping. We have so little that we can manipulate in PE. In my opinion, temperature and recovery rate issues (exercise, nutrition, etc.) are areas we should focus on when we get all “OCD” about our PE (quoting Clubber’s phrase) - instead of just increasing intensity or volume.

Originally Posted by Clubber
So you pump with cold water and ice right after the hot water session? This reduces the lymph build up during the hot water session? Elaborate on this and explain the benefits of the cold water.

I wanted to mention, in case you forgot that you told me about swinging weights, and then I got the idea to swing with the heating pads on the tube while water pumping. You should try it, I think you will like it. It feels good too, throw on an interracial porn and have fun swinging heating pads off your tube like a mad man.

Not always. Sometimes I try to pack a temperature pumping set as 1 hot set followed by one cold. However, if I am trying to build up maximum expansion I’ll stack the hot sets up. Think of the cold set as a sort of brake pedal here, it will keep your penis extended while not causing or even decreasing inflammation. You were driving at 100 miles per hour, then you hit the break a bit and continue at 80, so you don’t run out of gas. As you can imagine, this can be very useful - to keep fatigue on track while maintaining the penis extended (ADS-like), to increase recovery in the area, etc.

My original idea behind this was that I remember the research we read (from physical therapists) was that for the hands, people with hand injuries were recommended to use the hot/cold bathes as we did, in cycles, in order to promote blood flow. If memory serves correct, the cold water was supposed to encourage blood flow and the hot water somewhat discourage it. Either way, it was VERY helpful for my hands recovery over a long period of time. This was my intuition between considering the serious use of temperature issues - not just to increase expansion with hot water, or use the cold water as an ADS while managing fatigue, but also as a recovery tool by interchanging the two waters with shorter pumping times.

Originally Posted by Clubber
I wanted to mention, in case you forgot that you told me about swinging weights, and then I got the idea to swing with the heating pads on the tube while water pumping. You should try it, I think you will like it. It feels good too, throw on an interracial porn and have fun swinging heating pads off your tube like a mad man.

I do like your idea. Swinging is definitely an excellent exercise. I’ll have to check this out soon.

One more random comment I have:

Packing the tube is a very negative thing. There is NOTHING positive about packing a cylinder. People keep mentioning this in posts on this forum and new people (like me) end up thinking this is somehow useful. Quite the opposite, packing creates friction that makes length gains harder than ALMOST packing (the perfect thing for length is almost packing), and packing discourages (read: halts) girth gains. If you are packing, move up cylinder sizes.

Another reason to get a larger cylinder :D .

Sorry, just had to get this off of my chest.

Originally Posted by LongVehicle
One more random comment I have:

Packing the tube is a very negative thing. There is NOTHING positive about packing a cylinder. People keep mentioning this in posts on this forum and new people (like me) end up thinking this is somehow useful. Quite the opposite, packing creates friction that makes length gains harder than ALMOST packing (the perfect thing for length is almost packing), and packing discourages (read: halts) girth gains. If you are packing, move up cylinder sizes.

Another reason to get a larger cylinder :D .

Sorry, just had to get this off of my chest.

I learned this the hard way. Packing the tube will only cause painful blisters.

Before: 7” bpel * 4.9” meg

Current stats: 8” bpel * 5.2” meg

5.5” beg; 4.5” geg

Originally Posted by LongVehicle
I do like your idea. Swinging is definitely an excellent exercise. I’ll have to check this out soon.

I heard about swinging in your other threads, LV. I unsuccessfully searched it. Could you help me out and post a link to a detailed description of this exercise or tell me ín a few words what it is.

Thanks a lot. nos está robando

What we want we must create.

Originally Posted by LongVehicle
One more random comment I have:

Packing the tube is a very negative thing. There is NOTHING positive about packing a cylinder. People keep mentioning this in posts on this forum and new people (like me) end up thinking this is somehow useful. Quite the opposite, packing creates friction that makes length gains harder than ALMOST packing (the perfect thing for length is almost packing), and packing discourages (read: halts) girth gains. If you are packing, move up cylinder sizes.

Another reason to get a larger cylinder :D .

Sorry, just had to get this off of my chest.

This morning I air pumped for 20 minutes and rested for 20 minutes with my cock inside my wife and then clamped for two 10 minute sessions. This was followed by 20 minutes of water pumping, which resulted in my packing, for the first time, 3/4 of the way up the shaft. Would you consider this “almost packing” and continue with this tube until I am fully packed or should I be considering moving up in size now?

Originally Posted by caldera
I heard about swinging in your other threads, LV. I unsuccessfully searched it. Could you help me out and post a link to a detailed description of this exercise or tell me ín a few words what it is.

Thanks a lot.

Read my thread with the words “Sexual Beast” in the title. The exercise description is in it.

Originally Posted by dtwarren1942

This morning I air pumped for 20 minutes and rested for 20 minutes with my cock inside my wife and then clamped for two 10 minute sessions.

That seems to be an odd thing to say. I hope I’m not the only one who noticed? :D

Originally Posted by LongVehicle

That seems to be an odd thing to say. I hope I’m not the only one who noticed? :D

I have ED and I take advantage of an erection whenever I get one. It is my way of edging because I can’t get an erection without Viagra. Try it some time, you may enjoy it.

Last edited by dtwarren1942 : 02-20-2010 at .

Originally Posted by dtwarren1942
I have ED and I take advantage of an erection whenever I get one. It is my way of edging because I can’t get an erection without Viagra. Try it some time, you may enjoy it.


Do you know what caused you to need viagra?

Originally Posted by LongVehicle
That seems to be an odd thing to say. I hope I’m not the only one who noticed? :D

I cracked up several times reading it ;) In a good way, warren, no worries.

Thank you for this thread and method. I`m back into hanging now, so water pumping is only sporadically for now.

I am adding a morning session to my routine, one set of hanging before I put on golf weights for the rest of the day. Perhaps I should consider adding a set of water pumping instead?

Have you noticed any gains this far? I may have misread, but did you not write in your progress report that you lost some length?

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