Ways to streamline my routine???? Less Jelqs?
I am stealth. In the next few months I have to get even stealthier, as privacy is going to be really hard to come by.
I feel like my routine is out of control. It takes forever. It needs to be streamlined so that I can get in and out and get it done as efficiently as possible.
Here is what it looks like now:
10 minutes rice sock warm-up
120 slow jelqs, a few sadsak head exercises
10 minutes in cylinder at 2.5 to 3HG
25 to 50 jelqs and massage to erection for 5 minutes
10 minutes in cylinder at 2.5 to 3HG, same as above
25 to 50 jelqs and massage to erection for 5 minutes
10 minutes in cylinder at 2.5 to 3HG
massage to erection for 10 minutes
10 minutes rice sock warm-down
Do I need to do all this jelqing?
One possibility == I could conceivably alternate workouts. Concentrate on Pumping one workout. Concentrate on Jelqing the next workout.
On the other hand, Some of you probably don’t jelq at all.
Any advice is VERY welcome.