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Ways to streamline my routine???? Less Jelqs?

Ways to streamline my routine???? Less Jelqs?

I am stealth. In the next few months I have to get even stealthier, as privacy is going to be really hard to come by.

I feel like my routine is out of control. It takes forever. It needs to be streamlined so that I can get in and out and get it done as efficiently as possible.

Here is what it looks like now:

10 minutes rice sock warm-up
120 slow jelqs, a few sadsak head exercises
10 minutes in cylinder at 2.5 to 3HG
25 to 50 jelqs and massage to erection for 5 minutes
10 minutes in cylinder at 2.5 to 3HG, same as above
25 to 50 jelqs and massage to erection for 5 minutes
10 minutes in cylinder at 2.5 to 3HG
massage to erection for 10 minutes
10 minutes rice sock warm-down

Do I need to do all this jelqing?

One possibility == I could conceivably alternate workouts. Concentrate on Pumping one workout. Concentrate on Jelqing the next workout.

On the other hand, Some of you probably don’t jelq at all.

Any advice is VERY welcome.

OK, when you have to cut back:

Originally Posted by sta-kool
10 minutes rice sock warm-up——-Cut this down to 5 minutes
120 slow jelqs, a few sadsak head exercises——-Eliminate this, start with a 5 minute massage to erection
10 minutes in cylinder at 2.5 to 3HG————Keep this
25 to 50 jelqs and massage to erection for 5 minutes———Cut back to 2 minutes massage to erection
10 minutes in cylinder at 2.5 to 3HG, same as above———Keep this, try doing last 5 minutes at 4”hg
25 to 50 jelqs and massage to erection for 5 minutes———Cut back to 2 minutes massage to erection
10 minutes in cylinder at 2.5 to 3HG———Keep this, try doing last 5 minutes at 4”hg
massage to erection for 10 minutes———-Keep this
10 minutes rice sock warm-down——-Eliminate this, or go to 5 minutes

The primary goal of PE should be to make your penis as healthy as possible in both form and function. If you do that, increased size will follow.

Do that variation of the “A” stretch “V” stretch o told you about in the shower. Takes around 5 minutes.

Speak softly carry a big dick, I'm mean stick!

gprent — Thank you, I really appreciate you digging into it and going into detail. That is exactly what I will try. Will report back on how that goes.

kingpole — I am doing those “a” and “v” stretch variations every workout day. It is really easy for me to sneak away and get stretches done. But for some reason I never though about doing them in the shower. Extra benefit of constant heat. Thanks!

Thanks again, guys.

I tried gprent's suggestions in yesterday’s workout. I only did 2 sets pumping though, as I think I am a little de-conditioned (pumping has been very erratic because of the privacy issue).

This took about 40 minutes. That’s a lot less than my regular routine.

Now here is the weird thing — last night I was not too happy with my flaccid. It seemed short, thin, and insubstantial. I thought maybe I was more de-conditioned than I thought and had over done it.

However, today my flaccid is heavier and more substantial than it has ever been. It is a big difference. Clearly my penis really liked this workout.

That makes me wonder …

Originally my plan was to do:

— regular pumping/jelqing routine when I have lots of private time
— streamlined pumping only routine when I have less private time
— jelqing only routine in the shower when I have no private time

But today’s flaccid makes me think maybe I just plain respond better to pumping w/o jelqing. Can’t wait to try it again - should be able to on Friday.

Originally Posted by sta-kool
But today’s flaccid makes me think maybe I just plain respond better to pumping w/o jelqing. Can’t wait to try it again - should be able to on Friday.

It might not be that jelqing is the culprit. I think the problem is your routine was just to much overall. A little over kill. The secret is not to do too much or too little. The challenge is to finally come up with what is just right.

The primary goal of PE should be to make your penis as healthy as possible in both form and function. If you do that, increased size will follow.

Originally Posted by gprent
I think the problem is your routine was just to much overall. A little over kill. The secret is not to do too much or too little. The challenge is to finally come up with what is just right.

Thanks for that comment — that gives me a lot to think about.

I have known “conceptually” that finding the workout sweet spot is important, but this experience is making it actually sink in to my thick skull.

Now I have a better sense of what I am shooting for and can tweak accordingly. This has been a real eye-opener — really appreciate the insight.

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