Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

What do you do while pumping?

What do you do while pumping?

So for everyone pumping, what do you do to make time go by? Do you just stare at your penis for the whole duration of the pump? Are you watching porn? Are you reading the newspaper? Etc? Where do you usually pump?

I just started up pumping again. I do it in the shower generally so that way I can warm up. Sometimes I just keep an eye on my penis the whole time, other times I listen to music, and have even shaved and brushed my teeth while pumping. Anyone else care to share?

Eat, read, wash dishes, computer, clean house, watch tv.

Same with hanging. I’m wearing a stretcher as I type this.

I used to watch CNN. :)



Originally Posted by avocet8
I used to watch CNN. :)

Lol, so do terrorist threats and amber alerts get you hard now?

I watch tv, post on here, watch porn on my iPhone, call grandma, call my wife,and play xbox 360. Sometimes all the above at the same time it all depends.

Smoke, watch the neighbor sun herself, watch the neighbors mom sun herself, cut the grass, ignore phone calls from TT.

I was gonna say, RootCap's hot. - kitten

LOL, pretty much anything around the house. Internet, watch TV, clean. Sometimes I am even out in the garden with the tube on, wearing loose pants..

Read, wash dishes, re-install Microsoft Windows (that’s what I did last time). Or watch PORNO. Which is what I will do today during pumping.

Watch porn or go on

The primary goal of PE should be to make your penis as healthy as possible in both form and function. If you do that, increased size will follow.

Originally Posted by TheGreatDivider
Lol, so do terrorist threats and amber alerts get you hard now?

Ouch, GD!

I live in the country. I like to keep up.



What?! I started watching Chiller channel for Buffy a few weeks ago then lost attention. When I came to I was jelqing to a zombie movie. Necophilia canibilismis not a fetish I would want to involve myself in.


Rarely pump, but when I did in the past it was either watch TV or surf the Internet. I guess I probably saw a little bit of porn on the Internet as you can’t really avoid it there sometimes, but typically I did not seek out to use the porn while pumping. I think it’s important not to do anything too distracting while pumping as it is necessary to check on your own welfare from time to time. A significant distraction might take your mind away from monitoring what’s happening, and so making the entire process more unsafe than it needs to be.

No, "mch" does not stand for "my cock's huger!"

... although it may do in the foreseeable future! :D

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