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water pumping with a gauge

water pumping with a gauge


I’m starting water pumping in a day or two. I am going to use a standard air pump but replace the air with water. Is there a water pump with a gauge on it?

Do you already have a pump with a gauge ? if so all you need is an inline fluid jar used for brake bleeding like this one

http://www.ukto … ed0aa8d06ead9a5

Or you can just suck the water out with your mouth and pinch the tube to hold a vacuum.
I’ve never seen an actual water compatible pump with a gauge.

Ma nel forum italiano, non si dovrebbe postare in italiano?:confused:

Scusate la polemica.

Start 18/01/2012: BPEL 16,0; MSEG 12,5; BEG 13,5(?)

Today 04/02/2013: BPFSL 18,9; MSEG 13,9; BEG 14,9

Goal: Cartuccia di silik-one (20,5 cm x 15,0 cm) :eek:

hai ragione e che cazz….:blue:

Signori, in questo forum dovete scrivere in italiano, al limite sia in inglese che in italiano. Grazie.

Starting nov 2008: BPEL 15.5cm - EG 14 cm

Today: BPEL 18 cm - EG 15 cm

Goal: BPEL 20 cm - EG 16 cm

Messaggio originale di capernicus1
Do you already have a pump with a gauge ? if so all you need is an inline fluid jar used for brake bleeding like this one

http://www.ukto … ed0aa8d06ead9a5

Or you can just suck the water out with your mouth and pinch the tube to hold a vacuum.
I’ve never seen an actual water compatible pump with a gauge.

It’s the italian forum,please speak Italian :) .

Started october 2011 :

BPEL 13.5 MSEG 14 BEG 14.5

Today : BPEL 14.3 ,MSEG 14 BEG 14.5

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