Found this to be the best explanation for wrapping thus far.. on bibs forums….
here is the link: … cold-blue-glans
here is an excerpt from a post:
You have a stretching hand, left or right, and a wrapping hand, left or right.
Stretch out the penis, grasping the head and pulling straight out. Then smooth the skin back toward the base. While still stretched out, start your wrap, pinning the leading edge of the wrap between your stretching fingers (middle finger and ring finger), and your shaft. Start 1.25 inches from the coronal ridge.
Make your first pass of wrap around, and then a second about an eighth inch down from the first. Many guys like a third close pass at the top. Then grasp those first passes of wrap and the shaft firmly with your wrapping hand, at the top of the passes, and transfer your stretching grip from the head, to those first passes of wrap, and continue the stretch.
Then grasp the loose skin, and tug it back toward the base, all around the shaft. This should pull out any wrinkled skin under those first passes of wrap.
While still stretching out the shaft, make another pass, perhaps a quarter to a half inch down from the original passes. Transfer your stretching grip to the top of the new pass of wrap, holding the wrap and shaft in tandem. Then again tug the skin back toward the base. Continue making passes and tugging the skin back toward the base. When you finish, the skin under the wrap should be wrinkle free.
As far as blood pressure in the head and upper shaft: When you first attach the hanger, before tightening much, if at all, you need to push it all the way to the head, and allow the excess blood to move past the wrap. If it cannot, then either your wrap is too tight, you tightened the hanger too much before pushing forward, or a combination. After pushing forward, hold it there a minute, until all the excess blood is removed. Then use your left thumb to reestablish the gap between head and hanger, as you go through the tightening process.
From the time you remove the excess blood, until the set is over, you need some forward pressure, to keep the blood from returning
still having trouble with this