Approaching the end of my current block. Have been doing ~4 rounds of manual stretching, 200 jelqs (trying to go slower, but not always), and 4 Horse 440s. Have been doing this 3-4 times a week, but mostly three. Its been a struggle to figure out how much pressure is the right amount. When I do too much, I get blood vessels bursting and I rest until the black dot goes away. This causes me to miss workouts. However, when I try to do it more gently, I’m not always sure its having an effect. Only in my last workout did I avoid any major blood vessel breakage, and also definitely feel some expansion after the workout.
I’m actually making this post to talk about a conversation I had with my girlfriend last night. We have been dating for 19 months or so and our communication has been great. When she found out about me doing PE she said I didn’t need to, and that my penis was “perfect”. I, as many do here, believed that she was either saying that to be nice to spare my feelings, or genuinely had never had a big one and genuinely believed it. Anyways, we haven’t talked about it much, but last night the whole PE thing came up somewhat organically and she didn’t get why guys cared about having a big one. I told her something like, “well many guys believe that big ones feel better to girls”. Then I internally laughed as she spouted out the rote line that all girls seem to say when speaking on this topic: “well as long as its not tiny, its how you use it”. I think it was mostly funny because my girlfriend is atypical in many senses, and very rarely falls into popular cliches, so it was funny to for like the first time ever, to be able to predict each word as it came out.
Anyways, I tried to ask something like “How do you know big ones aren’t better, have you had one?” She tried to dodge this and did a really smooth topic change, but she didn’t fool me and I brought it around and asked the question again. I should mention that I have never felt my ego in jeopardy by the thought of her having had bigger than me in the past. It mostly stirs a competitive drive in me to be the biggest/best/etc she’s ever had, but doesn’t really feel like it hurts my self-esteem. She said she didn’t want to answer the question and that she didn’t ask about the girls I had slept with before (I had a “slutty” phase that lasted a year or two right before meeting her). I decided not to push it at the time but now I’m wondering just how big she’s had. I really don’t think it would damage my ego to find out (at least not more than a little), and I have always enjoyed a competitive drive and reason to self-improve. That’s actually how/why I made myself competent at sex. I used to suck, was motivated to get better to compete with other guys, and worked really hard to learn the skills. Now I want to see just how far that runner is in front of me so I can chase him.
I’m sure the topic will come up again at some point, maybe I’ll push her to talk about it then.