Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Basshamans Progress


Great goals, I’m impressed. That means a lot of dedication!

Just about the colour change: make a search about Firegoat rolls. I have no experience with them, but I read a lot that they help against the darkening.

Hope it helps


Modified forum rule #69: Your avatar must show a JUICY ass, may it be female, male, mermaid, even sheep or horses are accepted. :-)

My logbook: Richard65 - the roadbook

Originally Posted by Richard65

Great goals, I’m impressed. That means a lot of dedication!

Just about the colour change: make a search about Firegoat rolls. I have no experience with them, but I read a lot that they help against the darkening.

Hope it helps


I actually have read about it but only applied it sporadically when I broke a blood vessel. I’ll see about trying it with a bit of consistency. Thanks :)

Small success: I have tried to substitute edging for regular masturbating in efforts to curb my need to orgasm as frequently, and noticed two new things: I am sometimes able, when I push to what feels like the PONR, to kegel as hard as I can, and not ejaculate. What happens next seems to vary. Either I lose most of my erection, and its as if I just started masturbating (no refractory period) or I go back to like a 60% erection and can keep going. The other thing I noticed when edging today is that if I am approaching orgasm and completely relax my PC muscles and “push” a little bit, the feeling of approaching orgasm completely disappeared. Granted I also slowed my strokes a tad but it was a feeling of control I’ve never had. It was much better than fighting off a PONR and “resetting” by clenching as hard as possible. I want to keep working on this and try to use it when I actually have sex. Have never gotten the girlfriend to a second orgasm without giving her a couple hours in between and being able to last as long as I want would be helpful in trying to achieve this.

The other thing I noticed when edging today is that if I am approaching orgasm and completely relax my PC muscles and “push” a little bit, the feeling of approaching orgasm completely disappeared.

I think you are doing a reverse Kegel. Complimemts, great mastering after few days already.

Edging takes quite some time to build the experience. But it’s really beneficial to learn your own reactions and profit from it during sex. And, I’m convinced, it helps to cement gains.

Modified forum rule #69: Your avatar must show a JUICY ass, may it be female, male, mermaid, even sheep or horses are accepted. :-)

My logbook: Richard65 - the roadbook

Originally Posted by Richard65
I think you are doing a reverse Kegel. Complimemts, great mastering after few days already.

Edging takes quite some time to build the experience. But it’s really beneficial to learn your own reactions and profit from it during sex. And, I’m convinced, it helps to cement gains.

I think it is a reverse kegel, based on what I know about it. I have continued practicing it during edging and intentionally making it more and more difficult for myself. During these sessions I have definitely felt like I needed to work on it a lot. On the other hand, I had sex last night and was easily able to last long enough to make my girlfriend come, which is usually a bit of a struggle, with lots of stopping and starting. I want to keep going, because after she came and I pounded away for a while, she was starting to look like she was enjoying it. This is unusual because she has always required direct clitoral stimulation in the past. Anyways, going to keep trying to get bigger and get more control and see how this develops as time goes on. I’m excited.

Cool, that’s really a great motivation factor.

Modified forum rule #69: Your avatar must show a JUICY ass, may it be female, male, mermaid, even sheep or horses are accepted. :-)

My logbook: Richard65 - the roadbook

I’m coming up on the end of another month, and it looks like I have regained all of my lost progress, plus a touch more.

For me, measuring frequently actually hasn’t been a problem, it actually is encouraging more than anything. I come from a fitness background, and measuring and keeping records is actually very helpful for me. I know for some they can be problematic if the numbers are discouraging, but for me even down-trending numbers give me an idea of what I need to attack, especially when they are useful statistics. As such, I found an interesting formula the other day, that I thought I could make some interesting and motivating charts out of. Now, this leads to some charts I made and I’m going to preface this by saying I know that it can be unhealthy to want to be the biggest your significant other has ever had. I know that often times being the biggest they had could be bad, especially if they have already had something at or past the limits of “too big”. I also know that obsessing about your size all the time can be bad. I think none of these will be an issue for me because
1) My significant other is tall and based on some only partially figurative “poking around” I am fairly certain she is larger than average
2) Even with charts like these, I don’t sit and obsess about my size all day. Its nice for when I’m not feeling super motivated to PE, and I look at it for a couple minutes, and it helps to motivate me when I’m tired or whatever to get consistent workouts in.
3) I can get big enough that it is extremely likely that I’m the “biggest shes had” realistically if I am patient with PE, in less time than many.

If I can get to that point without harming anyone, why the hell not? I’m already not that far off, and hell its kinda fun to think of the idea.

Notes about the charts: just noticed a typo on the length chart. It should say NBPEL on the x axis. Also, its worth mentioning this is based on data I got from I know its probably not the MOST accurate out there, but it gives a general idea. It had the key feature of letting me see what % of the population was bigger than a given length and girth, respectively, which allowed me to get some data points to make some nice pretty graphs :)

Edit: I think I messed up one of the charts so I am going to remove the chart, fix it, and then in the next post add the chart back.

Here we go, fixed up some range issues with the girth chart

(49.0 KB, 57 views)

Ok there is something wrong with those graphs. I did something while formatting the google sheet that is causing the data to not correspond to the datapoints it is representing. I’ll have to try to figure out what I did wrong.

Ok found the error

My girth and length rows were one cell too far to the left, deflating the likelihood curves and shifting them left. This is the new corrected version.

(49.3 KB, 24 views)

Finished out the month, and in the time since I last measured, I have gotten back up to my previous maximum: 8ish BPEL and 5.5ish EG. I’ve been measuring a little under that the last week but I think thats just been a fluke. I think I am going to try doing essentially the same thing I did last month, but instead of 3 days a week, I am going to try to consistently do 4, and add in some Horse 440s. I’ve already started this and 4 mixed into my regular jelq session has been feeling good. I have lessened the force I have been using on these, and now I get fewer red spots when I do them, but it still feels like a decent amount of pressure. Hopefully at the end of the month there will be a change such that I can figure out if Horse440s are good for me.

Starting Size: 5.3 EG, 7.4 BPEL 5/7/2017. Current Size: 5.625 EG 8 BPEL 12/2021

Approaching the end of my current block. Have been doing ~4 rounds of manual stretching, 200 jelqs (trying to go slower, but not always), and 4 Horse 440s. Have been doing this 3-4 times a week, but mostly three. Its been a struggle to figure out how much pressure is the right amount. When I do too much, I get blood vessels bursting and I rest until the black dot goes away. This causes me to miss workouts. However, when I try to do it more gently, I’m not always sure its having an effect. Only in my last workout did I avoid any major blood vessel breakage, and also definitely feel some expansion after the workout.

I’m actually making this post to talk about a conversation I had with my girlfriend last night. We have been dating for 19 months or so and our communication has been great. When she found out about me doing PE she said I didn’t need to, and that my penis was “perfect”. I, as many do here, believed that she was either saying that to be nice to spare my feelings, or genuinely had never had a big one and genuinely believed it. Anyways, we haven’t talked about it much, but last night the whole PE thing came up somewhat organically and she didn’t get why guys cared about having a big one. I told her something like, “well many guys believe that big ones feel better to girls”. Then I internally laughed as she spouted out the rote line that all girls seem to say when speaking on this topic: “well as long as its not tiny, its how you use it”. I think it was mostly funny because my girlfriend is atypical in many senses, and very rarely falls into popular cliches, so it was funny to for like the first time ever, to be able to predict each word as it came out.

Anyways, I tried to ask something like “How do you know big ones aren’t better, have you had one?” She tried to dodge this and did a really smooth topic change, but she didn’t fool me and I brought it around and asked the question again. I should mention that I have never felt my ego in jeopardy by the thought of her having had bigger than me in the past. It mostly stirs a competitive drive in me to be the biggest/best/etc she’s ever had, but doesn’t really feel like it hurts my self-esteem. She said she didn’t want to answer the question and that she didn’t ask about the girls I had slept with before (I had a “slutty” phase that lasted a year or two right before meeting her). I decided not to push it at the time but now I’m wondering just how big she’s had. I really don’t think it would damage my ego to find out (at least not more than a little), and I have always enjoyed a competitive drive and reason to self-improve. That’s actually how/why I made myself competent at sex. I used to suck, was motivated to get better to compete with other guys, and worked really hard to learn the skills. Now I want to see just how far that runner is in front of me so I can chase him.

I’m sure the topic will come up again at some point, maybe I’ll push her to talk about it then.

Finished last months experiment. Did 3-4 (usually 3) sessions a week, 3-5 rounds of 3 second stretches up, down, down-left, and down-right. Followed this with 200 jelqs. Every 50 jelqs I masturbated to high erection and did a modified horse 440. I think I am starting to get the hang of the horse440s and I can now do high pressure horse440s without getting any large black dots, something which I wasn’t able to do at the start. Now I just get many small red dots which fade within 48 hrs. Thats the good news. Bad news is no measurable growth, and perhaps even the slightest regression in length.

Been doing more reading, especially in the hanging 101 thread and from what is written there, I think I should focus on length until I reach my length goal, and then switch to focusing on girth. If this is accurate, then I think after this current month I am going to try to learn to use a bib hanger or something. Not sure. If anyone is reading this with more experience, I would love to hear if this length before girth thing is true, or at least widely accepted as such.

Also a recent experience with the girlfriend: Last night we were having sex and I decided to try an experiment. Short version: she can comfortably accommodate 4 of my fingers, which is just over 7 inches of girth. This makes my long term girth goals that I had very reasonable and I’d like to increase the goal to 7” EG. I realize I could never reach this point, but thats going to be the target, unless for some reason I hear from her that I am wrong and am getting too big. In any case, to expand on last months experiments, I am going up to a strict 2 on 1 off schedule and increasing to 8 horse440s per session. I might back it off to 6 if I get serious EQ issues, but thats the goal for now. I also may slightly reduce the jelqing to 150 -175 per session if time demands it.

Starting Size: 5.3 EG, 7.4 BPEL 5/7/2017. Current Size: 5.625 EG 8 BPEL 12/2021

Just a quick note. I’m enjoying the horse440s. Usually I am getting between 150 and 200 jelqs mixed in with the 10 horse440s. I had a couple days early in the month when I couldn’t do workouts so I decided to go ahead and measure to see if I had gained in the previous month but it didn’t show up last time I measured. I’m glad I did, because it looks like I gained just under a 16th of an inch in girth! Still no length gain though. I’m excited to see if the girth gains continue after this month as well. Also out of curiosity, I measured my girth right after my workout this morning just to see what kind of expansion I get, and I was .25 inches bigger in girth at midshaft, and nearly that just below the head. That was pretty sweet to see that there was real measurable expansion there.

I think I want to figure out something to do about length. I don’t seem to be gaining any more with what I’m doing. I have been looking into hanging, but it seems very time consuming. I can get at most 90 minutes of privacy in the morning before work, but the hanging 101 page recommends using at least 2 hours. I can get more than that in the evening, but it won’t be total privacy. The girlfriend will be around, but at least I can get away from the room mate in my bedroom. Hanging also sounds to be very technical. I have other hobbies I am also trying to pursue and it seems like hanging might make PE cut into the rest of my life too much. I’ll have to see. Maybe after this month I’ll look into a length-focused routine that doesn’t use hanging.

Starting Size: 5.3 EG, 7.4 BPEL 5/7/2017. Current Size: 5.625 EG 8 BPEL 12/2021

Its been a while so I’m posting an update. Decided to go full-bore on hanging, made a homemade bib hanger, and now I’m about six weeks into it. I’m only up to hanging roughly 8 lbs. I didn’t get higher than 4 lbs in the first month, but still felt a lot of stretching, however seemed to have no length gains. This month I’ve been trying to push the weight a little since I haven’t been able to really push the number of sets. In May when the gf and I no longer have a room mate I can hang all morning before work but right now I have to wait for him to leave which only leaves me time to get in 2-3 sets. The first month I primarily hung straight down, as the Hanging 101 thread recommended but since seeing no gains I have made straight down my secondary direction and I am trying hanging straight out. Hopefully by Christmas I see some evidence of gains, but if not I’m willing to stick with it for a couple more months to figure it out.

Starting Size: 5.3 EG, 7.4 BPEL 5/7/2017. Current Size: 5.625 EG 8 BPEL 12/2021


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