Time to return to thunders. For a while I was logging all my PE efforts in a discord i was running for the Ajelqforyou subreddit but then my life got busy and i ended up combining it with another popular PE server at the time. I likes the tightly knit community we had there but I could not sustain moderation efforts alone.
I’m not happy with how temporary the information on the discord is so I’m bringing my logging back to thunders.
My last measurement taken had an incorrectly inflated BPEL due to pelvic tilt. I have had lots of issues getting reliable measurements of BPEL due to the wide swings that can be caused in the measurement depending on pelvic angle and penis angle at time of measurement. I have adjusted the measurement downwards to what i think is more accurate. 8.25 or 8.125 is more likely correct.
Starting Size: 5.3 EG, 7.4 BPEL 5/7/2017. Current Size: 5.625 EG 8 BPEL 12/2021