Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Basshamans Progress

Thanks BF! I love the constant engorgement that seems to be coming from the daily pumping and manuals. Basically I want to follow in Titleist’s footsteps.

Starting Size: 5.3 EG, 7.4 BPEL 5/7/2017. Current Size: 5.625 EG 8 BPEL 12/2021

Yesterday, I decided to try stage pumping for the first time in this PE block. I don’t know if this is too good to be true but the results seem great. I did my usual 5-10 manual squeezes to start, followed by 30 min at 5hg in my 2” tube, then more manual squeezes. Then I had some errands to run, I later had time to do 2 more 30 min sets at 5hg while I did work, and I was really packing the 2” tube on those, so I jumped to my 2.125” tube while I finished work. There was a bit of edema at the time but overnight it faded. This morning, I got measurements as high as 6 1/16”. And it feels solid, not edema.

Morning MSEG: 6”

I think today I will try getting into the 2.125” tube earlier and see if I can do a couple sets in it, of course mixed with manuals. It seems like this amount of expansion is too good to be true, but I guess we’ll find out.

Starting Size: 5.3 EG, 7.4 BPEL 5/7/2017. Current Size: 5.625 EG 8 BPEL 12/2021

Forgot to log for a couple days.

Been doing much the same, but I’ve started mixing in some stage pumping, which is quite fun, the rock hard expansion the next day moreso than the edema the day of. Anyways, yesterday I did stage pumping up to my 2.125” tube and woke up with a quite wide 6 1/16” MSEG. The midshaft girth grew by far the most. I think if this continues, then when I begin to pack out my 2.125” I will stay there for a while to allow the base and area near the head to catch up some.

Morning MSEG: 6.0625”

Starting Size: 5.3 EG, 7.4 BPEL 5/7/2017. Current Size: 5.625 EG 8 BPEL 12/2021

I have decided to abandon morning MSEG as a metric. It seems like it just correlates with how much pumping I did the previous day. I have been pumping regularly still and I have also converted some manuals to soft clamping, which for the uninitiated, is like clamping but done with stacked silicone tubes that because of their forgiving nature seem to cause less issues with EQ and they are easier on the skin. Anyways, thats going well, and I have had a few occasions to test if my wife is still going to be able to accept north of 6” and she is definitely good for it. Its quite fun to test.

Starting Size: 5.3 EG, 7.4 BPEL 5/7/2017. Current Size: 5.625 EG 8 BPEL 12/2021

I think I have honed in on a routine to stick to for a while. It typically looks something like this:
(All without porn)
Manual squeezes, often with a cock ring to help with blood flow. Details about my squeezes to follow.
A couple rounds of clamping for 5 or so minutes, a few rounds of releasing the clamp and kegeling to get the clamped expansion up, then starting the clock.
30 min or less of pumping below 5 hg.
More manual squeezes to push expansion farther and reduce edema.
A couple more sets of clamping if my EQ is up to it.

The manual squeezing I do is something like an Uli but for the entire shaft. Start with an ok grip at the base, palm down, partial erection. The key here is that the area at the base should not be so engorged with blood that you can’t completely close it off with your OK grip. Think about something stimulating or use your other hand for stimulation, and kegel in more blood, while you release the OK grip and immediately close it off again. Repeat the process, kegeling and opening the OK grip and then immediately closing. If done right, the area under the OK grip should not increase in size at all and should be able to be completely clamped off with your index finger and thumb while the shaft and head should be at a supernormal size with some good expansion and pressure. At that point, either squeeze harder if possible or just slowly push the OK grip a little bit towards the head to add to the expansion pressure. Best to do this push towards the head gently at first. It takes some conditioning to get used to. I do similar kegel juggling with clamping to get good pressure in the clamp. Release the clamp, kegel in blood, quickly close it again. This is harder to do with a clamp though, because it is hard to quickly close and quickly open, compared to your hand.

Starting Size: 5.3 EG, 7.4 BPEL 5/7/2017. Current Size: 5.625 EG 8 BPEL 12/2021


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