Basshamans Progress
Hello TP,
I have tried PE sporadically a couple times in the last couple years, but never enough to notice any significant gains. I started once or twice, doing PE one or two times a week, and then petering out after less than a month. I’ve been thinking about doing it the last year or so, but didn’t want to hide it from my live-in girlfriend, and felt somewhat embarrassed about it. I ended up finally mentioning it to her the other day, and she didn’t seem too out, so I think I can give it a go, guilt-free. I have found that for my strength training, keeping a diary helps keep me accountable and organized, so I am setting myself up to succeed by doing the same with PE.
I tried measuring a couple times the last couple days, and seemed to get varying results, but I’m going to go with the high end of the range for my starting measurements, so I have a more realistic view of my gains moving forward.
BPEL: 7.625
EG: 5.625
I’m primarily interested in gaining girth, but gaining some length would be fun as well, and I understand length is easier to come by. If we are talking about hopes and dreams, 8” girth would be incredible, but I would honestly be very, very happy just to add an inch to my girth. An inch or so on length would be nice too, as some more acrobatic sex positions can require more length. I guess my reasoning for doing PE is worth mentioning. I don’t feel insecure, but I think I would enjoy having a bigger piece, and I think it would better match my body. I am pretty muscular, so having what seems to me to be be an average-thickness tool looks a little disproportionate.