Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.




The title says it all. Since my dispute over the mechanics of PE, I have been hanging everyday, 20-40 minutes each day to prove conclusively to myself if this works or not.

During this period I have… GAINED!

I started out (several years ago) with a 6.3 NBP/6.8 BPEL

as of today, I have not only realised some of my previous gains but gained more, my stats are now:

6.9 NBP 7.4BPEL!!

I know some of you guys out there have a 9.5 BPEL, but, 7.4 BPEL looks flipping huge to me.

I have also developed a thick section at the base of my unit (looks somewhat weird) previously I had a MSEG of around 5.1 after regular PE, and a base girth of roughly 5.6, but this thickness was too close to the root of my unit to be utilised. After hanging I now have a good 1 inch of usable 5.6 inch girth.

Last week my girlfriend jumped on top of me, reverse cowgirl, she slips down my length, and when she hit that base girth, paused for a second and had to slowly push herself down onto it, all I could do was grin.

MSEG is a sadder story, still no change from that 5.1 inches and I’ve been jelqing and clamping a lot (sigh)

Anyway, I’ll post up some comparison pictures when I’ve got time, no ruler pic, but I will make sure the angle of my erection/position in the picture is identical so people can easily determine the growth.

Congrats! Those are great gains!

Glad you’ve got some proof. Hopefully it stands as proof for others who are skeptical.

Mind sharing the weight you were hanging with?

lol, so much debate to finally acept and contradict your posts.

Ahora:Longitud: 18 BP Grosor: :littleguy avanzado a los 14 EG.

Metas:Longitud: 20 BP Grosor: 15 EG.

Fotos y progresos avantasia

Make sure you get the pictures just perfect so they don’t get “debunked” by soph.. Oh wait.

Naw, just kidding, man. Seriously, congrats ;)

Good work man, congratulations.
Are you going to continue PE or once you have proved it works you are satisfied? :)

What type of hager did you use? Routine, warm up and ect..??

The sign of a standup guy. Willing to admit to possibly being wrong.

I’m glad to hear you’re gaining. It does work. Stay in the place where you are now. Many get gains and try to take on more just to end up on the injury sidelines.



Started 7.75x5.75

Currently: 9.75bpX6.75eg My Picture Thread

Goal:10.0bpX7.25mseg Building a thicker unit, click by click, pump by pump, jelq by jelq!



Originally Posted by matutinal_euphony


Ahora:Longitud: 18 BP Grosor: :littleguy avanzado a los 14 EG.

Metas:Longitud: 20 BP Grosor: 15 EG.

Fotos y progresos avantasia

To a fellow sceptic who tried anyway and was pleasantly surprised as well…


10/2010: ~bpe 6.2x4.8, 1/2011: bpe 6.5x5, 2/2011: bpe 6.75x5.1, 3/2011: bpe 7x5.1, 4/2011: bpe 7.25x5.1, 6/2011: bpe 7.38x5.1

My status thread

Thanks everyone.

I use a silicone sleeve, attached to a clamp, clamped onto a vitamin bottle to hang with. The weight I’ve found most comfortable is really low for a lot of you guys (around 3lb) I know it’s controversial but I question the design of the bib hanger, a lot of the force is wasted stretching the skin, when it is in fact the internal structures which should be taking 100% of the force.

My unit feels at its “best” with 40 minutes hanging at that weight, no breaks, 7 days week, sometimes 5 if I’m lazy, but only because of that rather than a need to take a break.

I heat with an IR lamp the entire time.

Irony of this is that you seem blessed for gains, since, as most of ‘professional hangers’ out there would say, 30 minutes hanging per day is a very minimal routine - actually, at the same time another false assumptions is demonstred false here: that one has to hang at least 2 hours daily to have gains.

You know I must be the as***e I’m known to be : I’m going to believe to your gains despite the lack of scientificity and pictures, hope you make apologies to members you maltreated with your ‘Debunking’ thread.

Originally Posted by marinera
another false assumptions is demonstred false here: that one has to hang at least 2 hours daily to have gains.

Tim Ferris has a great section on ‘minimal effective dose’ in his 4 hour body book. His theory is that you should only do something in the smallest amount of effort possible at the point it has the effect you are going for.

I’m ADS for just 1-1.5 hours a day, 3-5 days a week and have gained .5+ inches the last three months on that light regiem.

10/2010: ~bpe 6.2x4.8, 1/2011: bpe 6.5x5, 2/2011: bpe 6.75x5.1, 3/2011: bpe 7x5.1, 4/2011: bpe 7.25x5.1, 6/2011: bpe 7.38x5.1

My status thread

Originally Posted by Sophomoric
Thanks everyone.

I use a silicone sleeve, attached to a clamp, clamped onto a vitamin bottle to hang with. The weight I’ve found most comfortable is really low for a lot of you guys (around 3lb) I know it’s controversial but I question the design of the bib hanger, a lot of the force is wasted stretching the skin, when it is in fact the internal structures which should be taking 100% of the force.

My unit feels at its “best” with 40 minutes hanging at that weight, no breaks, 7 days week, sometimes 5 if I’m lazy, but only because of that rather than a need to take a break.

I heat with an IR lamp the entire time.

Could you elaborate on your setup? Is the sleeve the only thing holding the weight to your dick? I’ve previously not wanted to hang because I don’t like the way the weights are usually attached, but if it’s just a silicon sleeve, I might be interested in trying it.

I just tried to take a picture of the setup using my webcam, but, I’ve lost the software for it and the default program only allows a stupidly low resolution. Shall post it anyway:

In the picture I’m holding a vitamin pot (in place of a penis) with the silicone sleeve (in blue) attached to it, next you see the run of cable, which ties onto a normal cable clamp (barely visible in the blur) and the cable clamp is clamped around a vitamin pot like this:

I just throw any old random things in there, (mainly change) and then weigh it on a set of kitchen scales to gauge it.

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