Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Giving chemical PE a try

No need to apologise - I’m not going to say I haven’t been checking back on this thread fairly often but safe to say the quality and consistency and patience you bring to this is truly admirable and completely worth any wait!

I know I am hammering you with questions but I have to ask, after around the first two months of initial gains you have a flat period, I think that’s corresponding with your recorded stats between dates 14/8 and 23/10. Can you say more about how your mental attitude was towards the experiment during this time, did you have doubts this was going to be effective, and what made you persist for the remainder where you seem to come back with new growth. Do you have an impression of anything that may have made the difference during and after or was this flat period maybe just measurement fluke?

Lastly, it’s cited in reports on megalophallus cases that the tunica appears to have thinned where the cavernosa is most distended. I wonder if this points to a potential for an eventual weakening of the tunica as this thinning and distention increases and whether this could in theory lead to an increasing (albeit still gradual) rate of expansion past a certain point. Do you have any thoughts or ideas around that, or any assumptions about how long another half inch for example, might take? You don’t feel you are at risk of the opposite occurring at least - some kind of toughening and plateauing of further gains?

Thanks again for all your earnest and considered responses.

2000 ~16x12cm

2021 ~ 20x14cm (16.5cm BG)

Late 2021 ~21.5x14.5 (17.5cm BG)

I’ll go back through my logs to see if there is a pattern of training, but I suspect it was just my experience telling me that gains come in a non-linear fashion so I kept going. However I did add and discard some things along the way, and some months I had more time to dedicate than others.

Let me see what I can figure out and I’ll post what I find. Might need a day or two to find some time.

In the meantime here’s what I recorded during those most intense months. I think the measurement technique was pretty consistent but there is always room for small variation. There was also some up and down regarding length which I think was related to some deconditioning periods. I also noticed that when I’m doing a lot of heavy girth work my BPEL seemed to either regress or not increase as quickly. So there might be something to the old perspective of girth work interfering with length.

Another reason I’m thinking of leaning towards more length work for a while. The kid in me would love to get to 9" BPEL. But I’m now feeling much more patient about it. Plus my poor wife…

I haven’t measured officially for a while, just to track workout elongation or noticing where I am in the pump cylinder. Might be time to head back to the official ruler.

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Rock out with your cock out!

Last edited by tenaciousD : 07-24-2024 at .

This is a great thread, not sure how you feel about it but would before/after pics be on the cards? It might make for an interesting comparison with your earliest pics.

2000 ~16x12cm

2021 ~ 20x14cm (16.5cm BG)

Late 2021 ~21.5x14.5 (17.5cm BG)

Hello! I would also be very invested in before/ after pictures. 7.5 inch girth is a dream and if this is a potential way of achieving anything close to that it seems like something I could educate myself on. Which I will probably do now anyway since I have a deep interest in pharmacology and have already been exploring some of the options spoken about here.

Meantime, I’m curious as to where exactly you’re injecting. Is everything going into the CC? And if so aren’t you concerned about scar buildup at the injection site after repeated injections there?

11/14/2015 6 x5 1/8 -> 4/25/16-6 3/8 x5.5

Restart 3/24 @ 7.25BPEL / 6.5nbpel/ 5 3/8 meg

7/31/24 @ 8/ 7.25nbpel/ 5.375meg ~ lost 1/8 this month :(

Originally Posted by WhaleBone
This is a great thread, not sure how you feel about it but would before/after pics be on the cards? It might make for an interesting comparison with your earliest pics.

I don’t have any before pics from just prior to my chem PE experiment, but in the interest of transparency for the thread I’ll post some girth pics from today with a tape measure.

I didn’t do any girth training for more than 24 hours prior to these pics. I wasn’t wearing a c-ring while taking them, which while it keeps me at 100% while non-sexually distracted it also increases my girth a 1/4" or more all along the shaft. So my erection level was slightly diminished from 100%.

My base girth is a more than 7 1/4", but I couldn’t easily get the tape measure all the way down against my abdominal wall and keep the tape measure in place with one hand while standing and holding the camera with the other. I can measure 7.5" sitting down, extending my pelvis up a bit and measuring at the very base when I’m at 100%. You’ll just have to take my word for that one.

Also please ignore the micropore tape on my glans that is visible on my circ scar pic; I’m healing up a vac hanging blister at the moment.

Scar EG.webp
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(493.6 KB, 56 views)
(630.8 KB, 47 views)

Rock out with your cock out!

Originally Posted by tenaciousD
My base girth is a more than 7 1/4", but I couldn’t easily get the tape measure all the way down against my abdominal wall and keep the tape measure in place with one hand while standing and holding the camera with the other. I can measure 7.5" sitting down, extending my pelvis up a bit and measuring at the very base when I’m at 100%. You’ll just have to take my word for that one.

You can kind of see how my base keeps widening below the tape measure.

Rock out with your cock out!

Originally Posted by RebelRebel
Hello! I would also be very invested in before/ after pictures. 7.5 inch girth is a dream and if this is a potential way of achieving anything close to that it seems like something I could educate myself on. Which I will probably do now anyway since I have a deep interest in pharmacology and have already been exploring some of the options spoken about here.

Meantime, I’m curious as to where exactly you’re injecting. Is everything going into the CC? And if so aren’t you concerned about scar buildup at the injection site after repeated injections there?

If you are considering going this route I can’t recommend strongly enough that you get a qualified medical professional to instruct you. The risks are extremely low if you know good technique, but so much can go wrong if you don’t. I have a post or two harping on this in my thread so I won’t go on about it again here.

Another benefit of a prescription is that any doctor willing to prescribe will also prescribe an injectable reversing agent as a safety precaution to prevent dangerous duration priapism that might otherwise send you to the ER.

The Trimix is injected into the sinusoidal tissue of the CC. This is the only location where the active ingredients are effective, as it causes changes in blood flow dynamics to the penis that depend on the tunica. Inject it anywhere else, including into one of the emissary veins at the superficial margins of the tunica, and you will get no effect. If you are interested, the physiology of erection and how the meds (especially PGE-1) affect it is easily researched online.

The way to prevent scarring and fibrosis is, as I’ve mentioned previously, to use separate needles to draw up the Trimix into a syringe and the one used to inject into the CC so the needle going into the tunica is virgin sharp, to use the smallest possible needle (I use a 31G), to rotate site and side within the safe and effective range to reach the tunica away from neurovascular bundles, and to use some supplements that are potentially helpful (though not proven to be) in preventing fibrosis like oral PABA and injectable BPC 157 (which is a peptide).

Rock out with your cock out!

Last edited by tenaciousD : 07-28-2024 at .

Originally Posted by WhaleBone
I know I am hammering you with questions but I have to ask, after around the first two months of initial gains you have a flat period, I think that’s corresponding with your recorded stats between dates 14/8 and 23/10. Can you say more about how your mental attitude was towards the experiment during this time, did you have doubts this was going to be effective, and what made you persist for the remainder where you seem to come back with new growth. Do you have an impression of anything that may have made the difference during and after or was this flat period maybe just measurement fluke?

I just went back to my logs and correlated my Trimix days per month, hours of Trimix erection time, modalities and time for each (manual stretches, hanging, extending, clamping and pumping) and my measurements.

There doesn’t seem to be a pattern that correlates with girth growth other than logging the miles.

When you ask about mental attitude, firstly I was having fun with it, so I enjoyed the process. Helps a ton.

Secondly, I think the early months were characterized by some growth every month in some dimension, so that was encouraging and helped me get through more stagnant periods. That is, early on, even when my girth gain was stagnant, I was gaining either BPFSL, BPEL or both. And when my girth gains started coming in my length gains slowed, but that was still ok with me.

I didn’t start this experiment with any particular goal in mind, just to see if Trimix helped with gains at all. So as long as I was gaining and enjoying the process (enjoyment is a strange word considering how challenging some of the Trimix session were but I was enjoying the challenge, I suppose) then I was in for the whole experiment.

I also knew from experience two things:

1. A good experiment goes on long enough to either demonstrate utility or a null hypothesis, ie, no effect. I didn’t want to cut anything short, so I was willing to give it nearly a year. I did go from injecting nearly every day to about 15-20 times a month after the first two months, and now am at a pace where it is more manageable, more like 10 times a month. Some of that was what time I had available once I started and some of that was about long-term feasibility. Part of that was also targeting a dose that lasts no more than 3 hours of 90%+, whereas when I started I was willing to go 5 hours or more.

2. I have enough PE experience to know that growth happens in quanta, so little jumps rather than linear growth. Perhaps that is a function of measurement error, but it has been my experience that it shows up measurably that way. So there is more to growing than the marks on the ruler and I just have to be patient and keep the faith.

I might consider another intense period late this year or early next, since winter time is pretty indoors and I often schedule a lot of work those months to have more time off in the nicer months. It would be interesting to see if a similar effort yields ongoing gains at or near the same rate, but at some point it no longer makes sense, so I might just keep on like I have been to slowly grow at a more reasonable effort or just cement what I have got.

Rock out with your cock out!

Originally Posted by WhaleBone
Lastly, it’s cited in reports on megalophallus cases that the tunica appears to have thinned where the cavernosa is most distended. I wonder if this points to a potential for an eventual weakening of the tunica as this thinning and distention increases and whether this could in theory lead to an increasing (albeit still gradual) rate of expansion past a certain point. Do you have any thoughts or ideas around that, or any assumptions about how long another half inch for example, might take? You don’t feel you are at risk of the opposite occurring at least - some kind of toughening and plateauing of further gains?

I broke up my answers to make them a bit more digestible. I seem to be verbose when I’m typing, so apologies for that. I have a lot of respect for the guys who can answer in pithy responses.

As to megalophallus related to aneurysmal expansion of the tunica—you are referring to some case reports that point to Laplace’s law, which has a similar etiology for aneurysms of any vascular tube, like an aorta. I don’t think this was at play for me and I don’t have any contour irregularities of my tunica to suggest this might be a current or future issue. This tends to be more focal dilation along the shaft, at least in the case I reviewed.

There is a member on this board that seems to have nocturnal erections leading to ongoing girth expansion beyond what he prefers. I can’t recall his handle. I don’t have that issue.

In terms of tunica toughening, I’m sure there is some degree of it, but I don’t think it is related to Trimix but to the intense PE efforts, and this is something we are all confronting, at least if the tunica toughening theory is true. I don’t have any reason to doubt the theory, but I can’t prove it happens, either. But I plan on doing what everyone else does and take decon breaks and see if the gains keep coming.

Rock out with your cock out!

Your dedication to your creative PE program is commendable and I congratulate you on your success. I also thank you for being such a patient and responsive source of information for many on this forum. Many of us have had success over the years with PE but few take the time and make the effort to give back to other members. Thank you.

I am also intrigued by the incorporation of Trimix as a growth agent in your program. I have a general knowledge ot Trimix but have always been aware of the potential for fibrosis and the need over time to increase the dose and strength of Trimix until at some point it may no longer be effective. You have addressed your protocol to lessen or avoid fibrosis. You also mentioned you increased the strength of PgE1 at some point. I believe you initially using the “standard” Trimix formulation from Olympia. Did you only increase PgE1 with the new script?

1. I have read one can inject up to 50 units before it is recommended to increase the strength of Trimix (PgE1). Some indicate injecting up to 100 units. What is your opinion and experience?
2. When you increased the PgE1 did you maintain the same dosage for injection?

The goal is to use the lowest effective dose/strength so doing pumping, stretching or other forms of PE before injection together with a C-ring might be helpful as you suggested.

As you noted earlier in your thread, member NYTexan has also had some success with Trimix in his PE protocol.

Thanks again.

Originally Posted by Azmike
I am also intrigued by the incorporation of Trimix as a growth agent in your program. I have a general knowledge ot Trimix but have always been aware of the potential for fibrosis and the need over time to increase the dose and strength of Trimix until at some point it may no longer be effective. You have addressed your protocol to lessen or avoid fibrosis. You also mentioned you increased the strength of PgE1 at some point. I believe you initially using the “standard” Trimix formulation from Olympia. Did you only increase PgE1 with the new script?

1. I have read one can inject up to 50 units before it is recommended to increase the strength of Trimix (PgE1). Some indicate injecting up to 100 units. What is your opinion and experience?
2. When you increased the PgE1 did you maintain the same dosage for injection?

The goal is to use the lowest effective dose/strength so doing pumping, stretching or other forms of PE before injection together with a C-ring might be helpful as you suggested.

As you noted earlier in your thread, member NYTexan has also had some success with Trimix in his PE protocol.

Thanks again.

Thanks for the kind words. I’ve gotten so much inspiration, information and support here over the years it feels good to contribute as much as I can.

I still have the same compounded formulation that I started with, and am only on my third 10cc vial since starting. I’ve just increased my injection volume a bit over time.

I chose the formulation that made doing the PGE-1 component per mL easy to do the math with (10mcg/mL), but there are formulations with more PGE-1 per mL. At some point in the future I might consider them, but for now I’m happy with the formula.

I do think there is a diminishment of response over usage life, both as reported and with my experience, but I suspect a long break would reset this, as it is receptor mediated.

At this point I’m only using 3mcg PGE-1 per injection, still very low (0.3 mL injection). The other ingredients potentiate the PGE-1, and reportedly diminish the pain of pure PGE-1. Totally worth it to me, as I’ve never been convinced like some have been by the argument that PGE-1 itself, when injected into the CC, causes tunica softening though a direct chemical pathway. I’ve always thought growth potential was totally mediated by the prolonged erection itself, along with whatever training can be tolerated during. So higher dose PGE-1 in an of itself is not a goal and the least amount needed to get the target erection time is best, IMO.

I’m not sure what you are asking in question 2, but, as I said, I’m still using the same formulation, so I just increased my injection volume. Let me know if that doesn’t answer your question.

I almost always intermittently use a c-ring during session to keep things elevated a bit longer, as even with PGE-1 there is some waxing and waning, especially if I’m actively moving around a lot or a bit stressed (like during work) during the later portions of the session. This is separate from the girth exercises during the session, which seem to be key to exceptional growth (he says without a control group, so n.b.)

Rock out with your cock out!

Thank you.

Sorry I was unclear in question 2. I mistakenly believed you had increased the strength of your original prescription.

I was curious as to how much you might increase the volume of your injection before you choose to increase the strength of the PGE1. Some suggest going to 0.5 mL injection and some up to 1.0 mL injection.

Thanks again.

Originally Posted by Azmike
Thank you.

Sorry I was unclear in question 2. I mistakenly believed you had increased the strength of your original prescription.

I was curious as to how much you might increase the volume of your injection before you choose to increase the strength of the PGE1. Some suggest going to 0.5 mL injection and some up to 1.0 mL injection.

Thanks again.

I haven’t really thought about it since my volumes are still so low. I suppose there is some potential for higher volumes flushing some of the dose out relatively quickly so perhaps once I’m at or near 1cc. But I would base that on experience rather than prediction.

Rock out with your cock out!

Good afternoon, @ tenaciousD.

Have you tried using a growth hormone or GHRH/GHRP? Curious about your thoughts. I’m considering GHRH in addition to my testcyp for working out both my muscles and my penis.



Start (8/30/21): 6.5"BPEL X 5.25" MSEG

Now (12/5/22): 8.75" BPEL X 5.75" MSEG

Goal 9.5"BPEL X 7" MSEG My Journey

Originally Posted by Wanting10
Good afternoon, @ tenaciousD.

Have you tried using a growth hormone or GHRH/GHRP? Curious about your thoughts. I’m considering GHRH in addition to my testcyp for working out both my muscles and my penis.



Hey, there!

I haven’t used them directly, but I do cycles of subcutaneous peptides to promote GH. I inject CJC 1295 and ipamorelin to promote GH release. I inject 5 days a week for 6 weeks and then take 2 weeks off.

I haven’t noticed too much with their addition, but I have been taking them for health span/ youthful aging more than bodybuilding, so hopefully over years there is a benefit. My wife is taking them, too.

I did use IGF-1 for a bit during my chem PE experiment that I injected directly, but I’ve not used it for bodybuilding. My doses were extremely low and I used local injection. My understanding is that for bodybuilding much higher doses are injected directly into the muscles where extra growth is wanted, but I’ve not done that.

Rock out with your cock out!


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