Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Guilty Spark's Atypical Log

Guilty Spark's Atypical Log

As the title pretty much says, this is going to be a very different progress log than what you might normally see. Let me explain what I mean.

First, a little about my history with PE. I first found out about PE in 2001. I was more or less a kid (I think 14 at the time). I was receiving a small allowance, so I had some money. One day I received a spam email. Had I been older, I might have dismissed it as a bunch of nonsense, but being young and impressionable, I was intrigued.

The website was called (now gone from what I can tell). What interested me was the claim that there were no pills or creams or devices. Just exercises you do with your hands. Seemed logical. There were multiple testimonials with before and after pics of what looked to be the same penis at different sizes. One snowy afternoon, I got some of my cash, sneaked an envelope and a stamp, and sent it to the specified address.

Sometime later, I received a login for the members only area of the site and downloaded the document with all the secrets.

Initially I couldn’t really do the exercises, both because I wasn’t entirely sure at the time how to do them correctly, and because at 14, I was too young to be doing those. Jelq? Forget it. Not near enough length to work with. Also my parents somehow found out about what I did, so any time spent in the bathroom was looked on with suspicion.

I sat on the info and waited. It wasn’t until 2008 that I felt I had the opportunity to do some of the exercises. I had just started going to a conservative Christian college. This posed other problems. My roommates wanting to get into the bathroom was an issue. Details are now fuzzy with time, but somehow the staff members found out about what I was doing. Such an environment is full of tattle tales and moral busybodies. I was actually switched to another room because of it. I think the occupants of my new room were told to spy on me because the staff found out I was doing them again when I thought no one in the room knew about it.

Ultimately I ended up being kicked out over this nonsense. The time spent was not without results however. I credit a significant amount of my current size to those weeks I spent doing PE. I was kicked out in 2010 and went straight to Job Corps. From 2010 until about two months ago, I did very little if any PE. I got tired of the repetitive nature of the exercises, and I always seemed to get really sore and have negative PIs such as bad turtling. For awhile I just stopped, but I never stopped wanting that pornstar cock.

A few months ago, I finally got as close to being on my own as I’ve ever been. I live with my brother in an apartment, but we mind our own business. My time after work belongs to me, and no one bothers me. I figured this was a perfect time to try again. This time I wanted to do things right.

Before I largely ignored warmups, and I pretty much did a five day a week schedule. In starting out again, I went with the two on one off schedule recommended in the newbie routine. I wasn’t entirely sure what that meant, but I assumed it was something like Mon Tue, Wed off, Thu Fri, weekends off. It’s been working well for me. That rest day at the mid point of the week is crucial for giving my cock a breather and it not being overworked. Weekends allow it to recover nicely and get ready for another week of exercise. Rather than start out full force with something like 600 jelqs, I started with the recommended Stretching (I think 5 min) and 200 3 sec jelqs. Like the newbie routine said, I worked my way up to 10 min of stretching over a period of 6 weeks. I go by number of jelqs rather than time since time can vary depending on how often I need to stop to get hard again. Around 400 jelqs, I realized it was too much and dialed it back to 300, and that’s where I remain. I also stopped neglecting warmups, and I think that has made a difference too. As Firegoat says, heat is the secret ingredient. It’s been nearly two months, and the change has been dramatic so far. I know I am longer, and definitely thicker. I think this is just the beginning.

Now, as for why this is an atypical log. I’ll be giving my thoughts on my progress on a semi regular basis. I won’t be doing regular measurements though. I know a lot of men like to measure regularly, they like to take before and after pics etc. Here’s the thing though. For me personally that’s a lot of bother that I don’t feel like messing with. I also have measured in the past thinking that I was up to a certain point, only to be disappointed and discouraged. No measurements. I will be measuring for the first time probably around the six month mark, or maybe even one year mark.

That’s it. I’ll be updating here and there on how I’m doing.

Had another night last night where the last thing I wanted to do was PE. I was tired and short on sleep. I just wanted to go to bed. I forced myself to do it, and as with other times, I’m glad I did. EQ was great throughout, penis looked thick and pumped, and overall it looked huge at the end. Last night also marked two months since I started PE again. If it looks this big after just two months, I can’t wait to see where I’ll be after six months or a year! I’m very excited for what lies ahead!

Was supposed to have sex today, but she started her period, so that plan went out the window. Decided to masturbate instead. I remember thinking several times while doing it that my dick looked huge, and asking myself “is this really my dick?” Of course it is, and this is just after two months! It’s going to keep getting bigger, and I cannot wait!

I last did PE on Friday. I took Sunday and Saturday off as per usual. Tonight I am starting PE back up again. This will be my 9th week doing PE. I was really discouraged to see how much girth I apparently lost over the weekend. So much of the size that you have when doing PE is temporary. I’m wondering if it’s going to take me a really long time to make any truly significant gains in that area?

Edit: It wasn’t the best erection. I masturbated yesterday, and I’m tired from an 8 hour work day. Perhaps I just wasn’t fully hard. Anyway, I will keep going. I am committing to at least a year of doing this. I’ll see what I gain.

Since my EQ seems to be iffy on some days, I have begun taking Zinc and L-Arginine for easier and more frequent erections. I know these might take a few weeks to fully kick in, so looking forward to seeing what results I can get.

L-Arginine helps me *slightly*. Enough to notice, but nothing to crow about. Though I’ve only been taking 1000mg daily.

Zinc didn’t do anything for my EQ, but it cured my beef allergy. Memento clued me on to that one.

The biggest EQ gains for me come from celery seed extract and boron.

Originally Posted by AndyJ
L-Arginine helps me *slightly*. Enough to notice, but nothing to crow about. Though I’ve only been taking 1000mg daily.

Zinc didn’t do anything for my EQ, but it cured my beef allergy. Memento clued me on to that one.

The biggest EQ gains for me come from celery seed extract and boron.

It’s only been a few days since I started taking them, but my EQ seems better, and erections seem to be easier to get. Is it because I haven’t orgasmed in a week? Don’t know. I will be tomorrow though. Supposed to be having sex with my fuck buddy. If my sex drive takes a nose dive Monday night like it usually does, I’ll know I was likely just horny from not orgasming in a week. I’ll keep those things you mentioned in mind in case I want to try them

Sometimes it can be hard not to PE on my off days. I like to randomly get erect just to see how it’s looking. I frequently think to myself “is this really my penis?” “It looks so big!” It’s exciting and exhilarating, but rest days are important, or the penis becomes over worked and has no time to heal. I will say this much, if I’ve seen these sorts of results in just two months and one week, I can’t imagine what I might achieve in six months, or one year. I’m so excited!

Honestly I think I’m making this post more to motivate myself than for any other reason. It’s another one of those nights. Tired. Don’t want to spend over an hour squeezing and tugging at my dick. Would like nothing more than to crawl into bed right now, especially since it is beginning to get chilly out. I have to keep going though. I am watching my dick get bigger in real time. I’m making good progress, and I want to keep the momentum going. I know that if I rationalize skipping a day, it will become that much easier to rationalize skipping later on. I also know that I will be very glad that I toughed it out and kept going when all is said and done.

That’s why you need to develop a few “set it and forget it” processes, like ADS or long-term pumping. Manual work is great, but you can’t do much else during it.

Originally Posted by Don Logan

That’s why you need to develop a few “set it and forget it” processes, like ADS or long-term pumping. Manual work is great, but you can’t do much else during it.

I’ll cross that bridge when I come to it I guess. Right now I’m good just getting in my time after work.

Originally Posted by 343 GuiltySpark

Honestly I think I’m making this post more to motivate myself than for any other reason. It’s another one of those nights. Tired. Don’t want to spend over an hour squeezing and tugging at my dick. Would like nothing more than to crawl into bed right now, especially since it is beginning to get chilly out. I have to keep going though. I am watching my dick get bigger in real time. I’m making good progress, and I want to keep the momentum going. I know that if I rationalize skipping a day, it will become that much easier to rationalize skipping later on. I also know that I will be very glad that I toughed it out and kept going when all is said and done.

Well it was a good session I’d say. Took forever to wake my dick up, but once it did and I got some horny thoughts going, EQ was decent. I actually came at the end by mistake while trying to get fully hard so I could see it in all of its glory. I could be imagining things, but I thought it looked bigger even than yesterday. That would be some crazy fast progress though, so not likely.

Went to a large cock subreddit thinking I’d post a picture, but then I change my mind when I saw the monsters there. I thought I was starting to get somewhat big, but those pics reminded me that I still have a long way to go. It took the wind out of my sails just a little bit, but it also inspired me to keep going. Will I achieve the “golden size” of 8x6? No idea, but I’m going to get as close as I can, and at least I know that when all is said and done, I will be above average.

I have a size update. Sort of. Awhile back, I grabbed a nearby object to compare myself to. I thought I was about an inch short of being as long as it was. Measured it. It was 7 inches roughly. Well I tried comparing again today. It wasn’t a real measurement. Not bone pressed or anything like that. I just held it next to my penis. I was almost as long as the object! If I’m close to 7 inches measuring the “wrong way”, then I should be close to 8 inches bone pressed! Pretty exciting. I’m more concerned with what’s visible than with what’s hidden, so I guess my true goal is 9 bone pressed? As I mentioned, no hard measurements for 6 months. Don’t want to be disappointed when I finally do measure.

Made a big mistake. At least, it was a big one for me anyway. I thought it would be interesting to get something with inches on it and hold it up to my pelvis, just to get an idea of what something 8 inches long would look like extending outward from me like that. Did it while I was playing with myself. That was the mistake. It’s worth noting that I definitely was not fully hard, but my penis only went to about the 6 mark. This is why I committed originally to not measuring for 6 months. I wanted to be pleasantly surprised. Feeling pretty deflated now. I was really excited about the progress I seemed to have made, but it seems I might only be just slightly above average. I’ll keep going regardless. It might not be with as much enthusiasm, but if I let this get me down, I’ll never get anywhere close to where I want to be. Tonight will end week two of month three.

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