Tonight’s session was fucking horrible. Earlier in the day I was sure I would have a good one, and I might have had I done it earlier, but I think I made a few fatal mistakes.
1. Waited too long. I had some things I wanted to get done earlier in the day, and so I prioritized them.
2. Had a pizza.
3. Had coffee.
There’s a lot of sugar in pizza crust. Also, pizza isn’t really that substantial as foods go. I chose something I wanted to eat for the taste rather than food that had more substance to it. Big mistake. I also had coffee because I was tired after work and felt like I was about to fall asleep. The coffee had creamer in it (more sugar). I believe the lack of substantive food, plus the sizeable amount of sugar caused my body to run low on fuel and crash. I was having trouble staying hard, doing the jelqs was causing my arms to ache due to the effort, and at 90 jelqs, I could no longer stimulate my penis without orgasm. 90 jelqs, out of the 300 I wanted to do. I suppose it’s better than nothing, but it’s a far cry from what I really wanted.
From now on, if I’m going to have pizza for dinner on a PE day, I think I ought to do the exercises not long after finishing the pizza, and I most definitely ought to avoid coffee, no matter how tired I feel. Better to just power through the tiredness. Today was the completion of three months doing PE too. What a way to end my first three months! Well, I know what not to do for next time.