This is going to be a long post. I have much to say.
Another update. I am still clueless as to what is going on, but tonight at least, after the orgasm, I was still feeling unexplainably horny a few hours later, so I decided like last Friday to take advantage of it and try again. Like before, I had trouble getting hard, but at least this time I got hard enough for jelqing. I nearly came several times, in spite of my previous orgasm, but I was careful and managed to avoid doing so.
At first my thinking was that I would take what I could get. Anything was better than nothing was how I approached it. To my surprise, I managed to reach 100 jelqs, and the more I jelqed, the more my EQ improved. I thought that if I could make it to 154 jelqs tonight to add to the 146 I did last night, that would be 300 jelqs between the two days. Well when I made it to 150, I decided to keep going until at least 200. I thought I would stop there because the strokes were making my arms tired (usually this does not happen, so something physically is definitely going on). To my further surprise, the arm fatigue was more tolerable than I thought it would be, and I made it all the way to 300 jelqs.
There is, I believe, a silver lining to all of this, as I have made some potentially helpful observations. What I’ve been doing was taking a shower and immediately going to PE. This is because washing away all of the sweat and oils of the day makes for a much firmer and tighter grip, allowing for great stretching.
There are three problems here however. One relates to the effect of the shower itself, and the other two relate to the spacing of the exercises. All are related.
1. Washing away the sweat and oils means a great grip yes, but it also means that when I do stretching and go right into jelqing, it doesn’t matter how much lube I use. It is more difficult to glide the okay grip up the shaft, because beneath the lube, there is still a surface that is not as slippery. It’s like putting oil on concrete.
2. Going right into jelqing from stretching means my penis is somewhat traumatized from the stretching, and the process of getting hard doesn’t feel as good, nor is it as effective as it should be.
3. The warmup seems to only be really effective for the stretching portion. Over the course of the stretches, my penis cools over time.
The following is what I have observed over the course of my failed sessions.
1. When I jelq some hours after stretching, it seems that is enough time for some of the natural skin oils to return. On the days I have failed, going back and trying again later meant that the okay grip slid much more smoothly up the shaft, making for less effort to do the jelqs, and a smoother workout.
2. Going straight from warming up into jelqing seems to be more effective because for the jelq session, the benefits of the heat are there.
In order to have more effective PE sessions, I will be splitting up my workout. Soon after I come home from work, I will shower and do the stretching portion. Then I will make some dinner and relax for a few hours. Then at the usual time, I will do the jelq portion. Previously I had thought that stretching before jelqing probably had some benefits, but I think the benefit of having a warmup for stretching and jelqing each, as well as the smoother glide for the jelqing portion of the workout will have greater benefits in the long run.
For the moment, I have basically gotten in all of my normal workouts for the week, in spite of the problems with the exception of Monday. Hoping that when I start PE again on Monday of this coming week I will not have anymore problems. Time will tell.