In spite of my PE difficulties these past weeks, I HAVE actually achieved a milestone. I can now comfortably close both hands around my shaft with the head poking out. Pretty exciting. I know I keep flip flopping on taking a week off, but the more I think about it, the more I believe that a large portion of my difficulties were due to doing stretching first, and jelqing later, giving fatigue a chance to set in and interfere with getting erect. Now of course, returning to back to back stretching and jelqing doesn’t fix my current problem, which is having some difficulty staying hard. I will see how I am feeling on Monday, The weekend has always presented a really nice opportunity to rest and recover. Not sure why my penis feels so overworked at the moment. It used to be that no matter how hard I did the jelqs, it still felt like there was no fatigue. It’s like some sort of barrier was broken through.