Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Guilty Spark's Atypical Log

Suddenly can't jelq without orgasm

It happened Friday. It was accompanied by a feeling of being very hungry. Not sure if or how that might affect things. I ate something, and a few hours later, I was able to get hard again and finish what I started.

Happened again tonight. Again I felt very hungry. Only made it to 70 jelqs. I don’t have the luxury of waiting and trying again this time. I have work tomorrow. Is there a link between being hungry and poor sex performance/not being able to hold back orgasm? It was difficult to get hard at all, and I pretty much had to be close to the edge to maintain any hardness. I would note that my job is very physical, and today was crazy. I am very very tired.

This is the first session I haven’t completed since starting up again three months ago, and I am extremely annoyed. There’s also the worry that perhaps there’s some unknown medical issue causing this. I need to get a checkup scheduled anyway.

Has anyone dealt with this? What was the cause, and how did you fix it?

Not doing well right now. I have said repeatedly, and at various places on this site, that consistency is important. Always power through when you don’t feel like doing PE, hell, ESPECIALLY when you don’t feel like doing it. I am extremely discouraged right now however. It’s been three months. It’s getting harder and harder to keep doing this when I’d rather be doing something fun with my time, especially with what has happened the last two sessions. I can overcome my reluctance, but what am I supposed to do when my own body rebels against me? To make matters worse, I think I injured myself last night. The left side is slightly painful to the touch. It’s not as bad as it was last night, and it might even be gone by tonight. I’m going to see if I can do a session but take it easy. It may be that I have to take a week off.

Powering through disinterest is good; powering through an illness is probably not. Your body may be telling you it needs a short break to recover.

Initial: 7” BPEL; 6” NBPEL; 5.25” - 5.5” MEG

Current: 7-7/8” BPEL; 7-3/8” NBPEL; 8.5” BPFSL; 6.5” MEG; 6”x5” Flaccid.

Goal: Improved/consistent EQ while managing ED. Secondary: maintain current stats.

Originally Posted by 343 GuiltySpark
Not doing well right now. I have said repeatedly, and at various places on this site, that consistency is important. Always power through when you don’t feel like doing PE, hell, ESPECIALLY when you don’t feel like doing it. I am extremely discouraged right now however. It’s been three months. It’s getting harder and harder to keep doing this when I’d rather be doing something fun with my time, especially with what has happened the last two sessions. I can overcome my reluctance, but what am I supposed to do when my own body rebels against me? To make matters worse, I think I injured myself last night. The left side is slightly painful to the touch. It’s not as bad as it was last night, and it might even be gone by tonight. I’m going to see if I can do a session but take it easy. It may be that I have to take a week off.

No harm in taking breaks to recover. Remember it’s a marathon not a sprint and the reward is a bigger penis! Also, I can appreciate you writing this journal as a form of accountability.

I started my PE journey about 2 months ago and I use an excel spreadsheet that keeps me accountable daily on the time I put in and measurements too.

Anyway, keep up the good work and don’t get discouraged!

Originally Posted by 343 GuiltySpark

Not doing well right now. I have said repeatedly, and at various places on this site, that consistency is important. Always power through when you don’t feel like doing PE, hell, ESPECIALLY when you don’t feel like doing it. I am extremely discouraged right now however. It’s been three months. It’s getting harder and harder to keep doing this when I’d rather be doing something fun with my time, especially with what has happened the last two sessions. I can overcome my reluctance, but what am I supposed to do when my own body rebels against me? To make matters worse, I think I injured myself last night. The left side is slightly painful to the touch. It’s not as bad as it was last night, and it might even be gone by tonight. I’m going to see if I can do a session but take it easy. It may be that I have to take a week off.

It’s ok to take a break from PE. Go do something fun! This is your life, this is just small piece of what you do. I’d also do something about that demandingly physical work. You don’t want to suffer occupational injury. Usually, a physically challenging job has capacity to let you get stronger each day. Im not talking about PE here. Just in general, and maybe im just misinterpreting things, it sounds to me that you’re terribly exhausted altogether. I’d then only do PE in the mornings, commit to an exercise routine 3x a week and have enough sleep. PE is not supposed to demand your life, it’s supposed to complement it.

2buck Fit Hanging

ReStart 8/2022 BPEL 5.5" EG 4.5" BPFSL 6.25"

12/2023 BPEL 5.63 EG 4.94 Goal 8 x 6

Thanks for the replies everyone. Actually I’m surprised I’m getting replies at all. I’m doing this mainly for me after all.

The pain from whatever happened last night is almost completely gone. I also feel much better tonight than I did last night. Last night I was a wreck. Not sure why. Wild theory, but I think it was a combination of an exhausting workday, and breakfast. Yes, breakfast. I thought maybe the sausage smelled strange, but I wasn’t sure, and I used it anyway thinking I was just being paranoid. I was feeling off on Friday too when I used the other half of the sausage for breakfast. Am wondering if it had started going bad, and so that caused by body to react badly? It’s all speculation, but Friday and Last night were really strange.

Anyway, I am going to carefully try a session tonight. With any luck, what happened last night will be nothing more than a minor setback. If I really think I need to, I’ll take a week off, but I really don’t want to unless there’s no other choice. Will have an update here soon on whether or not it was a success or a failure.

Before I give a report on tonight’s session, I want to give a theory on what happened Friday and Monday night. Probably bullshit. Probably nothing, but I’ve got no other ideas.

So, Friday and Monday morning I used sausage in my breakfast that smelled a bit off. I’ve had meat in the past that seemed to not smell quite normal and was fine, so I used it thinking I was just being paranoid. Now I can’t speak for other men, but if I’m hungry, my dick isn’t going to work, or if it does, it won’t work right. I think what happened is that the sausage WAS actually bad, and so my breakfast on both of those days was not efficiently used, or not used at all because my body was trying to get rid of it. Both nights I felt like shit. Both nights I was unusually hungry. Like I said, wild theory. Probably nothing to it.

So about the session; success! Got in my stretching and all 300 jelqs. There was one minor hiccup though. Around 60 jelqs my penis began to go soft rapidly, and once again I felt any touching at all would make me orgasm. In desperation I did some jelqs, soft though it was, and that helped make the urge go away. Not long after my EQ came back. If my sausage theory is correct it begs the question, why did I have trouble tonight? Don’t know really, but I felt shitty when I woke up this morning. Better now, but I still feel off. Could be the effects of the bad food are just taking awhile to disappear. Anyway, I won’t be doing PE again until Thursday, so that gives plenty of time for me to hopefully get back to feeling like my old self.

I am back with a vengeance! Had an awesome session tonight with great EQ. I am now more determined than ever to get that big cock I’ve wanted for years!

Originally Posted by 343 GuiltySpark
I am back with a vengeance! Had an awesome session tonight with great EQ. I am now more determined than ever to get that big cock I’ve wanted for years!

Bad news. After a great session on Tuesday and one on Thursday, tonight was a failure. After 146 jelqs, I couldn’t hold off orgasm. I don’t know what the cause of this sudden bullshit is, but I thought it was over. Like last Friday when this began, I started to feel unusual muscle fatigue in my arms, along with a feeling of being hungry. This was also after I had unintentionally napped for a few hours when it was just supposed to be a short snooze. Not sure if simply being tired has anything to do with it.

The common underlying theme of these failures seems to be hunger. I had a store bought Tombstone pizza for dinner, and did not try to PE until many hours later. From now on, on PE days, pizza is completely off the table. I will have food that is more filling, and I will make sure that I do not wait too long after work to get PE done.

I’m totally lost here. I’m not a doctor, and I can only concoct wild theories if I’m being honest. Unlike last Friday, I felt pretty much completely fine tonight. I was even having a hard time staying soft for stretches, so I felt sure it would be a good session.

Unlike last Friday, I’m not going to try and finish out my session after a few hours. Tonight I got almost half way through my jelqs, so things weren’t a total loss, but I’m writing off pretty much this entire week as a failure. Hoping to get a good start on Monday and leave all of this bullshit behind.

I’m actually conflicted right now. Tonight’s failure has made me angry, and I want to do just a jelq session tomorrow to actually get through one, but if I do that I won’t have a full weekend to recover before starting up again on Monday … but I guess this week has been anything but typical. Some extra jelqing shouldn’t hurt.

Ah fuck it. I’m doing a session and a full 300 jelqs tomorrow. I want to be able to say that with the exception of Monday, I got in my intended exercises. I think I’m going to be ejaculating more often as well. Previously I would go full weeks without orgasm based on the logic that being more pent up sexually meant easier to get aroused and hard for PE, but maybe more frequent ejaculation would help to mitigate this problem.

My mind has a habit of sabotaging me. I was already having trouble sometimes getting it up for sex. Now PE itself is a concern. Later tonight, I’m going to try a session. It won’t matter if it is successful or not beyond the fact that I got in the PE I wanted for the week. Every session to come I will be thinking “will this one be successful?” This sucks major ass!

Just showered. About to try a session. Not sure anyone will read this, so I guess I’m making this post more as motivation for myself than anything else. If I succeed, it will be encouraging, but my troubles I believe are far from over. As I have said previously, the multiple failures since Friday of last week will now have me doubting my success every session. I guess I’ll see how things go.

For this session the focus is on jelqing. I will do some light stretching to start out. My belief is that a warmed up penis that has been stretched can be more easily jelqed and expanded than one that has not been stretched. Since I got all of my stretching done this week, I’m not too concerned with that. I’m thinking five minutes instead of ten, and not with the usual force. I will post an update very soon. Starting now.

Well here’s the update. It’s not good. Tonight wasn’t so much a failure of a session as it was a failure to even start. It took me a very long time to get even half way hard, and by the time I got to that point, the stimulation was too much, and I orgasmed. To be honest, I expected this going in, though I tried anyway.

This is different than last night in my opinion. Last night I started out with very good EQ, and then everything went to shit. Tonight I didn’t even have the good EQ. I think several factors are to blame.

1. Was up super late last night trying to get in PE after an unintentionally long nap. Because of this, I slept in late. I always feel like crap when that happens.

2. I made this a pizza day because I didn’t want to go shopping. I was concerned about how this might affect things, but I figured I had a good chance since I orgasmed yesterday. Boy was I wrong. I have commented previously that I believe my body does not work right if it is not getting what it needs for food.

I don’t feel well, and I seem to be experiencing muscle weakness in my arms and legs. Not sure why. Also seem to be losing circulation in my right arm pretty easily lately. No idea why. I am concerned that I might have a legitimate medical issue going on right now.

For tomorrow I will have the rest of my pizza for lunch. Then I will have something a little more high quality for dinner. I’ll wait a few hours and try PE again. If it’s another failure, I think I might actually just take a week off and try again afterward.

A little desperate here. Vets please advise.

I recently completed three consistent months of PE. This past week was supposed to be the start of my fourth month, but beginning last Friday (October 7th), I began to have problems. Things started out okay, but then my ability to remain hard just plummeted. While I was having trouble staying hard, any stimulation to try and get hard again was too much, and I orgasmed. A few hours later I tried again, and I finished my three months on a good note.

I thought this was a weird one off, but I was wrong. I had the same problem on Monday, being unable to stay hard, and orgasming after about 70 jelqs. I could not try again because I had to go to bed to get enough sleep for the next work day. Tuesday and Thursday were great sessions, but then last night, I lost the ability to stay hard and stimulation made me orgasm after about 146 jelqs.

Here’s my question; does there come a point where the dick just becomes too tired and beaten up to continue being exercised? Could it be that I just need a break to reset things? I am very discouraged right now, and could use any insight. Thank you in advance.

I have noticed when doing PE consistently, ceasing exercises for a few days causes almost a super compensation where EQ goes up dramatically. It’s hard to say with absolute certainty what the issue is in your case, but it might not hurt to give it a few days off or even more, especially if you’ve been training a lot and with intensity. Just my two cents.


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