Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

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They disappear when flaccid and appear mostly after a workout or after sex

BPEL 7inches(18cm) Goal 8.2(21cm)

NBPEL 6.7(17cm) Goal 7.9(20cm)

EG 5(12,7cm) Goal 5.3(13,5cm)

The bumb is more like thicker skin, it’s not hard and I’m quite sure it’s lumph fluid if that’s the name of it. I don’t mind about the flaccid decrease, I just wanted to know if t was normal after 4 days . I’ll try and get some pictures

BPEL 7inches(18cm) Goal 8.2(21cm)

NBPEL 6.7(17cm) Goal 7.9(20cm)

EG 5(12,7cm) Goal 5.3(13,5cm)

Guys I need help. I think i might overdo it because i cant stay hard for a long time when I fuck my girlfriend.Can you suggest a way to make my erections improve first? I only do 50 quality jelqs with a 5 ssecond horse squeeze after 25.I also stretch for 1 minute each side. What I do wrong? My dick cant be so sensitive

BPEL 7inches(18cm) Goal 8.2(21cm)

NBPEL 6.7(17cm) Goal 7.9(20cm)

EG 5(12,7cm) Goal 5.3(13,5cm)

Yeah it was better. It will get fine if I just rest for a day or two but it has happended twice before. What kind of jelqs do you suggest to make my erection quality better?Quality jelqs I believe are a little bit harsh on my dick.

BPEL 7inches(18cm) Goal 8.2(21cm)

NBPEL 6.7(17cm) Goal 7.9(20cm)

EG 5(12,7cm) Goal 5.3(13,5cm)

Originally Posted by Didntwantto
Yeah it was better. It will get fine if I just rest for a day or two but it has happended twice before. What kind of jelqs do you suggest to make my erection quality better?Quality jelqs I believe are a little bit harsh on my dick.

As said do less. Do you have probs from 1 quality jelq? From 10? Find that range out where it works for you.

And for me its not wrong to be 1-3 rest days away from 100% EQ. Its part of PE .
Not every workout but once a week I try to get so intensive that I feel it 1-2 days.

Oh okay I will lower my reps. Do you think that having sex everyday might have an affect on my erection quality? My dick feels fatigued for the rest of the day if I cum twice or more . Also will it affect my progress?

BPEL 7inches(18cm) Goal 8.2(21cm)

NBPEL 6.7(17cm) Goal 7.9(20cm)

EG 5(12,7cm) Goal 5.3(13,5cm)

Yeah it gets tired.
Im on the edge(not cumming but edging) for several days and I have 100% boners during the day.
You can still gain with cumming daily no doubt.
But I have better Physiological Indicators PI ‘s when Im on the edge(not cumming) for some days.

I had twice sex the last 3 months for the sake of gaining. Then again Im a professional PE practitioner :D ;) .

Well i wish I could do the same but i just cant resist.My length got decreased by 1 cm EL and my flaccid right know seems so small i dont know whats up with it.Today I did 40 quality jelqs and some light stretching,I will try not to cum for a week and see if thats the cause.What do you think?

BPEL 7inches(18cm) Goal 8.2(21cm)

NBPEL 6.7(17cm) Goal 7.9(20cm)

EG 5(12,7cm) Goal 5.3(13,5cm)

Can that decrease be permanent? Im a little worried

BPEL 7inches(18cm) Goal 8.2(21cm)

NBPEL 6.7(17cm) Goal 7.9(20cm)

EG 5(12,7cm) Goal 5.3(13,5cm)

Originally Posted by dtwarren1942
Hey Didntwantto!

Welcome to Thunders.

I always regretted not taking good beginning photos because my eyes can still not recognize any gains even though my ruler says differently

Draw your dick like it used to be on a piece of paper.
If you know the girth divide it by 3.14 to get the diameter. Since most dick are oval shaped look up your ratio for height and width (ex, my dick is 30% bigger on a horizontal line compared to a vertical line), by using the same ratio and the diameter of your old dick you can calculate how wide it used to be. (Assuming your dick has grown evenly)

Now draw that sucka on paper and make it look like your dick with veins and all that. Then you can proceed to draw the dick you have now and put it beside for direct comparison.
Size therapy.

Start stats NBP: 6.7 inches length, 5.12 inches girth.

Goal: 7.0x5.6 // 18x14,3cm nbp

Current: 6.8x5.314

May 12 - Did 30 jelqs,30 sec stretching down,left,right,straight out and down again.

May 13 - Did 30 jelqs,30 sec stretching

BPEL 7inches(18cm) Goal 8.2(21cm)

NBPEL 6.7(17cm) Goal 7.9(20cm)

EG 5(12,7cm) Goal 5.3(13,5cm)


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