Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Ironaddict69's Log

Here is some pictures from today, finally a BPEL shot. I suppose I should post a before photo as well.

The before photo is not Pre-PE, however it was taken 1-25-08

Others were taken tonight. Erection was difficult, Edit to today routine: I did a lot of pumping/hanging today, I pumped never minding the scabs, and used the constriction sleeve on my head for the vac hanger and wow what a difference, I’ll never go without it.

Kingpole is right about the walking being fat burning and muscle sparing. I think you would have no problem doing something like 30-45 mins on the treadmill, medium incline, no faster than 3ish miles per hour.

Apparently pictures aren’t allowed to be posted in your own progress report, weird. Anyway here is the link to them, page 5 has all the new ones.

ironaddict69 - Guess my size!

Tried to hang today.
First set was an hour at 10 lbs BTC and straight down-hardly any fatigue.

I am going to try this routine I saw where the guy gained a lot of length by doing 1-2 HEAVY sets.
I tried doing 2nd set at 18 lbs, I felt it in the ligs for sure! What stopped me? My damn scabs from the blisters hurt like hell. I’m wondering if I have to take some days off for them to heal, it’s pissing me off.

Originally Posted by ironaddict69
I realized that the best way for me to figure out what is working, or what isn’t is by keeping a log on here, and putting pictures up from time to time.

Originally Posted by ironaddict69
Apparently pictures aren’t allowed to be posted in your own progress report, weird. Anyway here is the link to them, page 5 has all the new ones.
ironaddict69 - Guess my size!

Yeah I was going to correct you, but I guess I forgot :D .

Wow that’s a lot of weight, didn’t know vac-hangers could hold so much! I still think you are going about it all wrong though. You should definitely up the time before you increase the weight. You’re logged on TP like 5 hours a day, I’m sure you could do 5-6 sets if you wanted to! People who use the BIB hanger recommend to use it for at least 10 hours a week! With 2 off days, that comes up to 2 hours a day. Hanging high weights like that for 1-2 sets will strengthen your ligaments until you will only get fatigue with weights that will be unreachable with a vac-hanger. Also, it will make you go up on weight faster than you would if you did longer sets lower weights to reach fatigue. Maybe try a slightly higher weight until you reach fatigue, but then keep going a bit lower until you reach fatigue at lower and lower weights.

Sucks about the scabs though, you”ll get back in there.

I’m going to try and break out my redi-stretcher until the scabs heal. One opened up last night, I had to put hydrogen peroxide on it. I was grabbing a towel hanger super hard during this time. OWIE.

Today I am just doing stretches and jelqs being as I am away from home. I am going to stop taking my twice a week Cialis or at least cut the dose down significantly, being as I think that is keeping me from getting a good stretch. I have 2 All day stretchers coming soon, a static and a penimaster. I will focus on using the static to avoid nerve damage by the penimaster. I plan on wearing them as much as possible, and definitely after I hang.

I am at a turning point, I just ordered two ADS devices for a great deal, but I am still debating either getting a silicon sleeve for my 2.25 pump, or going down to a 2” pump for length. I am sick of my scrotal skin enlarging from the pump use, It’s making my cock look smaller. I suppose I should save money and perhaps just put a ring around my balls to keep them down though. Money isn’t what I’m made of at the moment.

Where do you get your Cialis bro? You’re right about those two stretcher being a steal, good luck with them. Scrotal skin as in a turkey neck? I say the silicone sleeve or the ring would be best, but you need to gauge what you think is best. Maybe check a sex shop for a cheaper silicone sleeve?

Well the new pump would be the most expensive but maybe really worth it. I’m just unsure of how much length a pump has REALLY ever given anyone. I got the cialis from elitenetpharmacy, it is good stuff. And yes, scrotal skin as in a turkey neck. A 20$ silicone sleeve is fine for afford ability, but Random you said it caused less expansion. I was simply looking for a cheaper way to make my device slightly smaller but after looking at it, that is not it. I wonder if I could line the inside with something?

I don’t see why that wouldn’t work, but think carefully about what material you would use!

Yeah that’s the thing, you just spent $60 on extenders that target length, do you want to spend a bunch more on something that may be a little better than what you have now? I don’t think that the sleeve was THAT different in terms of length expansion, it’s just pulling on a little less of your dick when the sleeve is at the bottom. It probably just seemed a lot less because it was just that less of the cylinder that my length was hitting. Hey, whatever you choose to do, good luck.

I might want to look into Cialis to use every once and awhile when I want to have an especially fun night.

The cialis definitely makes it hang thicker, but it is counterproductive to length gains, believe me. It gets hard putting it in the hanger, and every time I stretch. One thing I am excited about is the static stretcher apparently can be worn at night, because erections can still happen with them on. Apparently regular use with it led to all the subjects gaining 1/4 inch in 6 weeks.

I don’t know about that! If that were true I think it would have kept all the hype that it started out with.

Yeah maybe that’s me being a little too hopeful. However when I am not hanging I will be wearing that, probably in between sets too. I am going to attempt to sleep in it. I believe my penis has growth potential in the length department, I just haven’t been able to pull it out yet.

Last edited by ironaddict69 : 03-31-2008 at .

Sounds good, I’d be suprised if it didn’t work to some extent. I was just saying that not everyone would gain that easily with this device.

Originally Posted by sta-kool
Kingpole is right about the walking being fat burning and muscle sparing. I think you would have no problem doing something like 30-45 mins on the treadmill, medium incline, no faster than 3ish miles per hour.

Do you know that walking is really great for the dick, it increases circulation to the groin region. I think will dig up some links on walking today.

Speak softly carry a big dick, I'm mean stick!


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