Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.


28th June

10m @ 0.34kg (cold)
40m @ 0.54kg (heat)
10m @ 0.66kg (cool-down)

Have now included edging, no cumming into my routine.
Special thanks to @Houstonwoods 👍

29th June

10m @ 0.34kg (cold)
40m @ 0.54kg (heat)
10m @ 0.66kg (cool-down)

Tried the water trick again. Forgot how comfortable it was… wow.

Would appreciate it if anyone has any advice on:

1) Preventing the coronal ridge sliding backwards under the sleeve during cup set-up.

2) Preventing uncomfortable (sometimes actually painful) hot spots from heating pad.


Last edited by UCBCN : 06-30-2024 at .

For the second point, make sure, as best as you can, the pad has a similar contact all the way around your penis. When any part gets too hot just turn the pad down to a lower heat setting and leave it there for a while and turn it back up when you think things are feeling ok again.

Originally Posted by scienceguy
For the second point, make sure, as best as you can, the pad has a similar contact all the way around your penis. When any part gets too hot just turn the pad down to a lower heat setting and leave it there for a while and turn it back up when you think things are feeling ok again.

Thanks bro. I might have to set up a pulley system for the next cycle and go SO like you.

Originally Posted by UCBCN
Would appreciate it if anyone has any advice on:

1) Preventing the coronal ridge sliding backwards under the sleeve during cup set-up.


I use a short segment of sleeve, like 2 inches or so, behind my coronal ridge, so there is firm contact with the cup edge and the shaft when I begin to roll the cup sleeve down. This seems to make a better seal and prevent slippage in either direction. If your girth requires it you can use as many sleeve segment on top of each other as need to get a good seal. Then I expand my glans into the cup without the contact point moving at all.

I started doing this when using the water trick. If you are taping it might need some figuring out (and it might not work), but either way, consider trying the water trick if you already aren’t. I much, much prefer it for convenience, ease of setup and have never had a blister since I started using it. There are some posts about it here on the forum, but let me know if you need more info about it.

Rock out with your cock out!

Originally Posted by tenaciousD
I use a short segment of sleeve, like 2 inches or so, behind my coronal ridge, so there is firm contact with the cup edge and the shaft when I begin to roll the cup sleeve down. This seems to make a better seal and prevent slippage in either direction. If your girth requires it you can use as many sleeve segment on top of each other as need to get a good seal. Then I expand my glans into the cup without the contact point moving at all.

I started doing this when using the water trick. If you are taping it might need some figuring out (and it might not work), but either way, consider trying the water trick if you already aren’t. I much, much prefer it for convenience, ease of setup and have never had a blister since I started using it. There are some posts about it here on the forum, but let me know if you need more info about it.

Thanks tenaciousD,

So if I interpreted that correctly, your 2-inch sleeve segment enters the cup with the glans. The contact between the sleeve and the cup is between the outside of the sleeve and the inside of the cup?

I’ve been on and off with the water trick, but after using it last session and realising how much more comfy it was compared to the lotion/vaseline trick, I’ll be returning to it full time.

To clarify:

I put on a short segment of sleeve on my soft, just up to the retrocrural sulcus (where the shaft meets the glans). Then I put the glans into the cup and the rim of the cup is in contact with the segment of sleeve on my shaft. Then I unroll the sleeve attached to the cup, over the segment and then down the shaft as far as it unrolls. Then I evacuate the air and water so my glans expands into the cup until there is no more space.

If your cup isn’t snug against your shaft with the sleeve segment on it you can put another sleeve segment over the first to double up the thickness. The main point is to have a firm contact between the cup and the sleeve segment-wrapped shaft before unrolling the sleeve attached to the cup.

So the sleeve segment makes contact with the lip of the cup but only barely enters the cup. I have to kind of force in a few millimeters because it is snug. This keeps things in place. Plus it enables some nice glans expansion, hopefully increasing glans size over time.

Hope that makes sense.

Rock out with your cock out!

30th June

10m @ 0.34kg (cold)
40m @ 0.54kg (heat)
10m @ 0.66kg (cool-down)

@tenaciousD thanks for taking the time to help me out. Had a great set-up this evenings session.

Cycle 1 | Week 4 | 3rd July

10m @ 0.34kg (cold)
35m @ 0.54kg (heat)
(cut short)

Probably the worst, least comfortable hang I’ve had so far. Can’t seem to get my glans comfortable during the hangs. Feels like my my urethra is being pulled out of my body and the pressure in my glans is too high. The sides look a shade purple. Can anyone help me with this?

Maybe my glans decondition too much during the end of week break?

Going to start tracking my elimination diet and days without caffeine alongside my PE to keep myself accountable.
It seems I’m pretty intolerant of a lot of foods and drinks at the moment. I get flare-ups of eczema and acne if I don’t follow an animal-based diet. I have been for the past 4-6 months, and it’s night and day difference in how I feel; however, I find myself slipping. Don’t even get me started on caffeine. For the most part, I managed to get off caffeine, but as I’ve been more busy with projects, it’s started to creep back. Those around me can tell when I have been drinking it because I get very anti-social and irritable. I want to take control of my health, fix my skin issues, and remove this attachment to caffeine for good.

Today’s Intake:
- 19g raw liver
- 5x tbs raw honey
- 5 Eggs
- ~225g ox heart
- 1/2 pineapple
- 290g mince
Caffeine: None

Was just one of those not so good days.

Last edited by UCBCN : 07-03-2024 at .

Originally Posted by UCBCN

Probably the worst, least comfortable hang I’ve had so far. Can’t seem to get my glans comfortable during the hangs. Feels like my my urethra is being pulled out of my body and the pressure in my glans is too high. The sides look a shade purple. Can anyone help me with this?

Maybe my glans decondition too much during the end of week break?

One thing I’ve found is that vacuuming out a bit of water and space after a portion of the session is really helpful, especially as weight/tension increases. The amount of vacuum in the cup seems becomes overwhelmed by the force of traction and this leads to discomfort and some skin irritation. My elongation sessions are typically 75-120 minutes and I usually have to evacuate a bit of water at least twice as the gap between my glans the edge of the cup starts to creep up with higher tension. Bt this seems to reset things.

So maybe give that a try, though your weights are still pretty low. Also could be conditioning, but again, your weights aren’t really so high that it should be a big problem. You’re using what I would consider conditioning level weight.

Finally, some days are just like that. Sometimes the vacuum valve catches my glans near the urethral meatus and the session is just uncomfortable. Other times my skin gets overworked, tender and a bit scaly and there is no fix. So I just do my best to work with it and keep on keeping on.

Rock out with your cock out!

Originally Posted by tenaciousD
Sometimes the vacuum valve catches my glans near the urethral meatus and the session is just uncomfortable.

I got tiny blisters from that. They took just as long to heal as big ones.

I tried cutting a quarter-sized piece of old T-shirt material and putting it in the cup. It helped a little bit. Mrs. Andy donated some of the weird little socks she likes to wear. They’re a bit thicker than a good T-shirt, and less flexible. Pieces cut out of those worked much better than the T-shirt material.

The weave of the cloth doesn’t appear to make any difference when pumping air out. The cloth mostly keeps bits of the glans from getting pulled into the vacuum port

Originally Posted by UCBCN
Cycle 1 | Week 4 | 3rd July

10m @ 0.34kg (cold)
35m @ 0.54kg (heat)
(cut short)

Probably the worst, least comfortable hang I’ve had so far. Can’t seem to get my glans comfortable during the hangs. Feels like my my urethra is being pulled out of my body and the pressure in my glans is too high. The sides look a shade purple. Can anyone help me with this?

Maybe my glans decondition too much during the end of week break?

Going to start tracking my elimination diet and days without caffeine alongside my PE to keep myself accountable.
It seems I’m pretty intolerant of a lot of foods and drinks at the moment. I get flare-ups of eczema and acne if I don’t follow an animal-based diet. I have been for the past 4-6 months, and it’s night and day difference in how I feel; however, I find myself slipping. Don’t even get me started on caffeine. For the most part, I managed to get off caffeine, but as I’ve been more busy with projects, it’s started to creep back. Those around me can tell when I have been drinking it because I get very anti-social and irritable. I want to take control of my health, fix my skin issues, and remove this attachment to caffeine for good.

Today’s Intake:
- 19g raw liver
- 5x tbs raw honey
- 5 Eggs
- ~225g ox heart
- 1/2 pineapple
- 290g mince
Caffeine: None

Was just one of those not so good days.

Oh, I feel you. I also have skin problems like acne and dermatitis. And I can’t eat everything and blah-blah.

It’s just very overwhelming. Because you have to control everything, you have to maintain dozens of routines and healthy habits.

You have to do this on a daily basis, and you have to do that.

And on the top of all that you have to stick to PE.

I mean, it’s might be very exhausting sometimes. And I don’t feel very much cheerful today too.

I wish you to stay on the track. I hope good days come soon.

4th July

10m @ 0.34kg (cold)
40m @ 0.54kg (heat)
10m @ 0.66kg (cool-down)

Today’s Intake:
- 11g raw liver
- 6x tbs raw honey
- 200g store mince
- 3 pieces bacon (thought I’d finish off rather than chuck, doubt I’ll be doing much bacon)
- 8x eggs
- 1x pineapple
Caffeine: None
(and yes I have paused my L-citrilline intake)
+ Ordered some microplastic-free salt to start getting some flavour back into my meals.

Nothing quite like a comfy glans hang guys.

It seems a lot of people end their first HWF cycle with 8–10% cycle strain. This is from the pre at the start of the cycle to the post at the end of the cycle. This pretty much means their starting pre to ending pre is something around 8% in reality. I think I will aim to hit 18.8cm pre-BPSFL. Making my cycle strain around 9%, then 21-30 days decon full of edging (w/ a CR). I don’t have a crystal ball though so we’ll just see how I feel when I’m there.

Might look into getting a gua sha to scrape my D before the hang. People on Reddit seem to dribble about the topic.

@CBateman mentioned that 3mm/14 days (pre-BPSFL) is a goal the average person should shoot for. This is why I mentioned that I’m hoping to measure in at 18.15cm pre-BPSFL on the 10th.

@tenaciousD @AndyJ thanks gents.  Vacuuming out space on weight increase helped the stinging and pulling feeling. I will look for some suitable cloth tomorrow to prevent any problems down the line. I tried moving down to the small cup. It’s night and day. It seems I was just putting my glans under too much stress with that excess expansion.

@nobodv it’s an unfortunate short straw, however, I’m confident it’s linked with gut health, so it gives me hope. I hope that you feel back up to speed soon; time heals. I have no plan to stop. Routines do me well, and I find PE a very relaxing end to my day (if all goes well) :)

5th July

Welp, after stumbling across a post and going down a bit of a rabbit hole, I think I may have lymphangiosclerosis. Thing is I had it before I started PE, and thought it was normal. I want to be wrong, and maybe I am. I think I will aim to get a professional opinion on it. Wonder if anyone here has had experience with it. Looks like the gains will have to wait for now. I will give updates on the situation when I can. Hopefully it’s just a false alarm. I’m a bit down about it but I know I’m doing the right thing. I’ve got plenty of time.

Going to continue to track my diet and skin issues for accountability and maybe identify trends. I suppose this is more of an "improvement" log. I will re-introduce PE asap. I see myself adding all sorts to it, logging really helps you stick to it.

Today’s Intake:
9x tbs raw honey
600g mince (store + butchers)
5x eggs
Caffeine: None
Skin: Better (than yesterday)
Eczema: Better? (than yesterday)

Hope people are doing better than I am currently :thumbs:


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