David's Progress :
Hello cool people!
I’m almost 25 years old, 1m86cm tall and I want a bigger willy!
I will post my precise measurements very soon but for the time being, I can say that I fall into the ‘average’ category. On a good day I guess I could pull off BPEL 16.5cm and EG 12.5.
I am quite tall and strongly built (I enjoy weight training) which makes my Johnson appear smaller :/
I am very glad I found this website. It seems like a place filled with smart and interesting individuals from different backgrounds united by one common goal - A place where one can get a friendly, warm and manly hug so to speak :)
I already had a few trial go’s at Jelqing, but now I am serious about starting a (stealth) routine with progress logs e.t.c. I will proceed with the bog-standard newbie routine (P90 I guess.)
My short term goal is to:
-Develop a safe and efficient personalized routine that works best for me
-Break the plateau, obtain more ‘pronunciation’
-Eventually break the ‘average barrier’.. An inch gain in length and an inch in girth would ROCK!
I want to make use of all possible knowledge/resources/wisdom/veteran advice available to me here. I will update now and then, if anyone was in a familiar situation, please feel free to be my ‘mentor’!
In the mean time I have a few questions:
1) when erect, my penis doesn’t curve upwards, its more or less straight. Below 85% erection it curves down. Not a big issue, I just realized it looks a little different from others. Can jelqing help achieve an upward curvature?
2) now and then I overindulge in masturbation. Can this hinder gains? Does alot of masturbation hinder regular EQ?
3) after masturbation or during exercise my testicles and penis retract a lot. My flaccid can sometimes shrink to 2 inches (talk about grower!)..
4) is it possible to achieve reasonable girth/length gains without equipment? Just through manual jelqing/stretching?