Originally Posted by Philadelph
Are you worried about losing girth since you are pumping only? I wonder if pumping is enough to maintain gains, or if you would ever so slowly shrink down over maybe a year or so.
I am not overly concerned. I have taken many months off with no loses before. I find that pumping just kind of re-kindles the girth and pushes the erect length… I just feel like its a good combination with the ADS. Right now I am in the 2” tube so I pretty much fill it right away. Its more of a length stretch and a girth keeper if you will. I still will add in the jelqing and clamping here and there as well to ensure that none is lost. It will definitely be a while before I post any more pics. Either if I reach 9” BPEL or 6.5” EG… otherwise, no more pics until then.
Originally Posted by UpTo7
Braindrain, why do you pump at so high pressure for 45 minutes?
I can handle it. I find 6hg isn’t really that high… I could probably do 10hg if I really wanted to (: . I am a guy who once tried a 4+ hour non-stop jelqing session… I know my limits and I can easily handle 6hg for 1 hour or more without any troubles.
Originally Posted by djrobins
How much tension on the ads?
Just a moderate tension… I usually sleep with it on so its really not all that much, just enough to maintain a good stretch, but not overbearing or painful.
Start (Aug.05): 6.6 BPEL x 4.375" EG
Now (Feb.2011): 8.6" BPEL x 6.0" EG...
Gains: 2.0" EL x 1.625" EG Way more than doubled my erect volume! PE for life. Anything is possible!