Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

PE for Life.

I didn’t know there was such a thing as a horrible handjob!?

Originally Posted by _Phoenix_

I didn’t know there was such a thing as a horrible handjob!?

Haha neither did I… maybe she just was still a little bit too drunk to do it properly. There was a lot of friction and pulling going on… Oh well.

Start (Aug.05): 6.6 BPEL x 4.375" EG

Now (Feb.2011): 8.6" BPEL x 6.0" EG...

Gains: 2.0" EL x 1.625" EG Way more than doubled my erect volume! PE for life. Anything is possible!

August Monthly total

<<August 1, 2010>> 3 hours VacANS, 10 min jelqing
<<August 2, 2010>> 3 hours VacANS
<<August 23, 2010>> - 25 min pumping 6hg. - An hour of cardio - 25 min pumping 6hg. - 2 hours VacADS - 10 min jelqing
<<August 24, 2010>> 4 hours ADS, 45min pumping 6 hg.
<<August 25, 2010>> 30 min pumping 6hg (AM) - 30 min pumping 6hg (PM) - 10 min clamping - 4 hours ADS
<<August 26, 2010>> 30 min pumping 6hg - 30 min pumping 6hg - 10 min jelqing
<<August 27, 2010>> 35 min pumping 6hg
<<August 28, 2010>> OFF, no particular reason, just didn’t have time.
<<August 29, 2010>> - 10min pumping 6hg - Had no time!
<<August 30, 2010>> - OFF - Again no time.
<<August 31, 2010>> - 30 min pumping 6hg - 10 min jelqing

So in total… 23 days off this month… have to do better next month! haha.

Did well and next month:
Good things
- Got reacquainted with pumping.
- I had a good consistent week there at the end of the month.

Things to work on
- Consistency throughout the whole month.
- Need to use the ADS more.
- Not focus too heavily on the pumping.

Start (Aug.05): 6.6 BPEL x 4.375" EG

Now (Feb.2011): 8.6" BPEL x 6.0" EG...

Gains: 2.0" EL x 1.625" EG Way more than doubled my erect volume! PE for life. Anything is possible!

Inspirational! Keep going mate

9" x 6" pending

Started (3rd attempt) 03/07/11: BPEL 6.625" x 5.5" EG

Short term goal 31/12/10: BPEL 7.5" x 5.75 EG

Since this is my first post on this thread, I have to first congratulate you on your amazing gains - you are a true inspiration. Keep up the good work.
I also should like to say that your method of setting out your routine and your opinions on when and why you gained is excellent.

I just had a question about your perfect jelqing. I found the following description but had a few extra questions:

Originally Posted by braindrain
Well, I just went back and watched Thunder’s Place Video Series video on wet jelqing. The video features the "Standard ok grip" and the "Overhand ok grip". When I jelq, I [you]only[/you] use the standard ok grip. I kegel, grip hard at the base trapping the blood in, then I proceed up the shaft at least 4 - 7 seconds. Once I reach the head, before I release pressure, I kegel again, and immediately grip hard with the other hand around the base. At this point, the hand that is squeezing around the glans lets go.

1. You often say you jelq for 10 minutes. Does that mean continuously without "re-arousal"? Do you feel measuring in minutes is more useful than using stroke count e.g. 3 sets x 50 strokes?

2. You said somewhere that you usually jelq at around 85-100%. What do you do when you go below 85%? (I usually drop below after about 20 strokes.)

3. What is your reason for not using the overhand grip? (A lot of people say that you can hit the base of the penis better with an overhand grip.)

Many thanks for any answers!

Originally Posted by s.dickstrong
Since this is my first post on this thread, I have to first congratulate you on your amazing gains - you are a true inspiration. Keep up the good work.
I also should like to say that your method of setting out your routine and your opinions on when and why you gained is excellent.

I just had a question about your perfect jelqing. I found the following description but had a few extra questions:

1. You often say you jelq for 10 minutes. Does that mean continuously without “re-arousal”? Do you feel measuring in minutes is more useful than using stroke count e.g. 3 sets x 50 strokes?

2. You said somewhere that you usually jelq at around 85-100%. What do you do when you go below 85%? (I usually drop below after about 20 strokes.)

3. What is your reason for not using the overhand grip? (A lot of people say that you can hit the base of the penis better with an overhand grip.)

Many thanks for any answers!

Thanks s.dickstrong,

1. I do 10 minutes continuously, and definitely time is more useful to me than strokes… I remember in the past doing 30+min of jelqing in one sitting. That would be way too many strokes to count! About the continuously without re-arousal part I will answer in question 2.

2. I usually never drop below 85%. I wet jelq, with porn on, typically with an earbud headphone in one ear. If I notice my erection fading during my jelqs I typically rub the head with my free hand while thinking about expansion… or the porn (:

3. I don’t use the overhand grip for a few reasons. The first most easiest to explain is that I have always done it this way from the start. The second is that, even though the overhand grip might get closer to the base… I find using my grip I can see what’s going on better as less hand is covering my dick. Third, I just find I get better expansion doing it my way. :)

Hopefully that helps!
- bd

Start (Aug.05): 6.6 BPEL x 4.375" EG

Now (Feb.2011): 8.6" BPEL x 6.0" EG...

Gains: 2.0" EL x 1.625" EG Way more than doubled my erect volume! PE for life. Anything is possible!

How many days on are you BD? Do you PE multiple session on “on” days?

Originally Posted by johndough123

How many days on are you BD? Do you PE multiple session on “on” days?

When I was in my full swing of things, I would PE every day, multiple sessions per day.

Start (Aug.05): 6.6 BPEL x 4.375" EG

Now (Feb.2011): 8.6" BPEL x 6.0" EG...

Gains: 2.0" EL x 1.625" EG Way more than doubled my erect volume! PE for life. Anything is possible!

Do you guys think night time ANSing with the VacADS, followed by pumping in the morning could be a good idea for gains?

Start (Aug.05): 6.6 BPEL x 4.375" EG

Now (Feb.2011): 8.6" BPEL x 6.0" EG...

Gains: 2.0" EL x 1.625" EG Way more than doubled my erect volume! PE for life. Anything is possible!

BD, if you could go back in time to when you first were starting PE, what advice or routine would you give yourself?

Hmmm I don’t know if I would have changed much routine wise… because it got me to where I am today…

But, maybe tell myself to not get so obsessed with PE. I feel like a different person when I PE very committedly. It is on my mind 100% of the time. I avoid things that interfere with PE (like a social life). I would wake up at ridiculous times to get routines in. I would pump for hours, get huge and ridiculously horny, so much so that I would put a lot of pressure on my now ex-fiancé to have sex with me. I would sometimes avoid sex. I would hide in the bathroom for hours at a time to do my routines. My parents would worry about why I was in the bathroom for so long, my ex knew why and it wasn’t healthy on our relationship. All the crazy amounts of time I spent on PE, I will never get back.

I am not saying PE is bad or anything… just keep it at a healthy / casual level. Once it becomes an addiction, or obsession, it can and will be a problem.

I know that is not at all what you wanted to hear… but its nearly 4:00 am here, and I did just lose a fiancé who I loved very much, partly to do with PE amongst many other things.

I mean its one thing to do 30min a day or something… but it can be a problem. For example, yes Saiyan22’s progress is admirable, and hard worked… but I look at his routine, and all those sets of hanging spread throughout the day, all the ADSing, imagine how much his mind is consumed by his dick. I know, because I was very much the same. Maybe temporary hardship and arguably temporary insanity on my part is worth it in the long run… I’m not certain. Nothing against Saiyan22, he seems like a great guy and hard worker.

In the end, your dick is a dick. Regardless of whether you are average or giant sized. Women love men for who they are, not their cocks.

Just my depressing two cents… but I feel this is a large reason why I can no longer PE consistently. Once I made this mental realization, it has been nearly impossible for me to commit to a routine. Sure I have reached a great size, and for that I am thankful… but at what cost? Its hard to tell… but for a while I legitimately felt mentally unstable. Sometimes I see it in random people’s posts here and I just shake my head.

Sure I am “hooking up” with lots of girls right now… but you know what… they commit to sex with me long before they have any inclination of my size.

Start (Aug.05): 6.6 BPEL x 4.375" EG

Now (Feb.2011): 8.6" BPEL x 6.0" EG...

Gains: 2.0" EL x 1.625" EG Way more than doubled my erect volume! PE for life. Anything is possible!

Not doing something you could because you set a goal for yourself is always a mistake (talking about things you see a lot on this forum, like one would seek confidence from losing weight, or getting results via PE, and until that happens, he would put his social life on hold). But this is something everyone has to go through - not these things exactly, though :) -, once you think back and realize how much time you’ve wasted. Wasted? Not quite.

Your closing comment in your last post was good, although it surely has to do a lot with how you’re feeling about yourself, and that has to do something with your size. I’m well aware of that I’m just stating the obvious, all I’m saying is, being obsessed with PE at the time was probably a mistake indeed, yet not something you should regret - and I know you don’t. It was something to learn from.

BD, i’m sorry that you feel the way you do. I dated a girl for 2 years and it was wonderful. Not a day goes by that I don’t think of her. Things ended terribly when I brought her to my home state to meet my entire family during christmas. It came out that she had been cheating and I was humiliated in front of my entire family. I thought we were going to get married. I have not fully recovered and it’s been almost 2 years. You dated a girl for 4 years and were engaged, I can only imagine how you feel. I know I blamed myself for her cheating and thought maybe I focused too much on school, work, and videogames. There were definitely nights I could have drove to her university to see her, but stayed at home by myself because I needed my “me” time just to relax from the stress from school. Maybe PE was an issue for you, maybe it’s just that you are questioning yourself because inevitably when we lose someone we love regardless of the reason we have regrets. Only you can answer this for yourself, but it’s worth examining.

I do appreciate your advice. Of course I want to hear about what you consider an optimized routine as you are the most sucessful PE’er I have seen and your log is the reason I believe in it. However, I can see your point on how this can be addictive for some people and I appreciate the warning.

I have the exact starting stats as you and am pursuing PE after being repeatly compared and embarrassed by a couple girls I dated including my last gf that I dated for the past 2 months. I’m not in PE to try to be the next John Holmes, I just don’t want to be ashamed and embarrassed by girls that compare
me to past lovers. My girth is under average and my length is average, i’m coming to terms with this but want to change it if I can. So many things in my life have changed for the worse in the past 2 years, PE won’t change those things, I know that. It would take it’s own thread for me to explain all the things that have happened over the past 2 years, and it’s not all things I screwed up just sometimes bad events are a part of life. I just want to improve what I can, my penis size being one of the many things I am seeking to improve. I just want to be at least average, I see the gains like you and others and even half of that I would be satisfied.

I understand how you are feeling about the ex. Mine left me and immediately ran off to some older guy. I just know she wasn’t happy, PE was one of the many reasons why. She hated it, and got frustrated when I would do it. Butttt yes, keep with it. I got obsessive at times. Would think about it way too much. Just don’t do that haha.

So as far as if I could go back. I don’t know if I would change much. I mean, it seems like everything just fell into place. Once something stopped working, I would try something new and it would bring on gains. Like how I didn’t gain girth for so long, then suddenly with strong clamping and jelqing I could finally do it. Maybe I would have not used so many “homemade” devices like hangers and ADS’s. For ADSing there really is no beating a VacADS… my homemade ones were a waste of pain and time and all to save $100. Same with Pumping. There really is no substitute for a good pump like Lapdist or various others.

Haha sorry that I am not like: Here is the key routine… but I feel like it all built on eachother.

Start (Aug.05): 6.6 BPEL x 4.375" EG

Now (Feb.2011): 8.6" BPEL x 6.0" EG...

Gains: 2.0" EL x 1.625" EG Way more than doubled my erect volume! PE for life. Anything is possible!

Just read the first post, quite an excellent and inspiring log

I do need to ask, do not know if it’s been asked already since the thread is so long

You said you “discovered perfect jelquing”

Could you explain what you did and what it was that let you know that it was perfect?

Thank you in advance


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