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Sensitive glans after extending causing Premature Ejaculation

Sensitive glans after extending causing Premature Ejaculation


Been extending for over a month now and I noticed that during sex my glans is alot more sensitive which causes me to ejaculate faster.
I have been edging for years and death gripping my glans causing me to be able to last 20-30m without a issue.
I basically desensitized myself over the years a bit too where I can last long and have to go hard in order to ejaculate.

Since I started extending though the time I last has drastically dropped to about 5m.
After 5m I reach the PONR after about 10 strokes over and over.

I’ve seen people saying no rest days are needed but in order for great bed perfromance I think it’s probably wise to have some rest days.
I wonder if other people experienced similar issues?

I had an interesting discovery today. While my issue was an over sensitive glans from extending a day prior to having sex I noticed that when I extend a couple of hours betore having sex my glans is still somewhat numb.

Causing me to be unable to orgasm at all. Today I had to go all out in order to orgasm. I’m talking about 30m of pure doggystyle pounding fully in sweat untill I was able to orgasm. I’m in great shape and do lots of jogging. If my stamina wasn’t as good I wouldn’t even be able to keep it going.

Which is very interesting. Extend a day before and its sensitive but extend on the same day and its like taking a orgasm delaying supplement.

And I know this was a 100% due to extending because I could feel my glans was a bit numb.

I used the extender about 4-5 hours before the actual sex. Guess I found a cheat code in the matrix.

Congrats on figuring out how to optimize both PE and ejaculatory control.

Everybody’s different, but you might find that the sensitization stops after you’ve been extending a while longer. Also, if you’re using a noose type hanger you might try switching to a vacuum attachment and see if that changes things enough to enable you to extend as often and as long as you want to without increasing your sensitivity too much.

Rock out with your cock out!

I am indeed using a noose type I doubt the effect is the same with a vac type. My glans is just a bit irritated on the next day after extending for 4-6 hours.

When used on the same day which I had never done before I feel alot less sensation which is truly interesting I didn’t see anybody else talk about this.

Vac types are just too expensive and the noose has been great. It did take a while to get used to it though.

I also do believe when using a noose it will probably desensitize the glans more and more over time as I imagine it gets irritated/damaged and heals back probably a bit tougher.

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