Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

SteelRod's Bathmate Progress Thread


SteelRod's Bathmate Progress Thread

So I used to be a member here and lost my password, so I decided to make a new account. If there’s anyway I can post from my old account and restore my password, please let me know, I’d kind of like to keep my old account, but am not sure if my original email address is still active for it.

Anyway, I went on a long hiatus from PE, and kept my length gains, but it looks like my girth gains went right back to be around 5.25 mid shaft. I decided to get back into pumping again with a Bathmate x40, and am having some problems.

I couldn’t get the suction working on it for weeks. I would use it as directed and see the water coming out, and feel pressure on my member, and get the red spots, but it felt more like my member was taking a beating and it kind of hurt.

There was ONE time I did use it, and when I pressed it down to get pressure, I felt this magic sensation of suction, and it induced an amazing erection inside the bathmate, and once I got out of the tube I had a huge size! I was only in the tube for a few minutes. During this I felt the water being pulled up, and felt the insides of my member being engorged with blood as the suction was pulling it upwards, it felt amazing and was very pleasurable, and I got fantastic results, in just a few minutes I came out with a mid shaft erect girth of 5.75”, and base girth a little over 6”. Needless to say, it got huge after using it correctly for just a few minutes, and did not hurt at all, and recovered great, and the pump effects lasted over 24 hours, but I could not get the suction effect to work again after that day, so I couldn’t keep my progress.

The only problem now is I have been using it for months, even entering with an erection, and I CANNOT get the same suction sensation as I did that one day. If I leave it on long enough I will get fluid retention, but it gives my actual unit a beating and leaves it hurt or with red spots and I have to take days to recover. I have since stopped using it because I am afraid that I am not using it right.

This is VERY frustrating because I spent a huge amount of cash on this bathmate x40, and I cannot for the life of me get the suction sensation to work like it did that one time I used it, and I have no clue what it was that made it do that.

Just a few notes, I have removed the valve to clean it, it’s working fine, tried using it with a full erection, and also keep my pubic area shaved when using it.

Can anyone help me get this suction working on the bathmate problem squared off for me, either here or in pm? It seems that the sucking sensation I got is what makes the whole process work, and without it, it is simply pressure attacking my unit and hurting it. I hope some of you know what I’m talking about. I have no problem getting pressure with the bathmate, but I am trying to find out what I’m doing wrong so I can get the suction working like it did before, because apparently it will work if I’m using it right.

I would do anything to find out how to get that suction working again like it did that one day, but all the info I find on the net is very vague and I haven’t found any solutions that work. Thanks in advance for anyone that takes the time to help me out with this problem, I’ve been suffering psychologically ever since this. Not as though I didn’t have a big dick, but like us all, I probably won’t feel confident in the sack unless I get that rock solid 6” mseg to bang out with.

Thanks for the great forum guys, TP is a lifesaver!

Last edited by steelrod144 : 03-25-2015 at .

Try it in a bathtube underwater.

Or even better.. get a real pump. Cheaper and more usefull.

IMO the bathmate is only usefull as a warm up tool or in a superset way: jelq, bathmate, jelq, bm.

I’ve already used it under water before in the bathtub, does not seem to make a difference. When I actually got a good seal and vacuum sensation, I was sitting down on the edge of my bathtub, so there wasn’t an issue with air escaping, but the vacuum inside the bathmate.

Since I am looking for progress with the Bathmate, I’d like to first figure out that problem, instead of giving up and trying something different, especially since I have gotten it to work before in the past. I’d really like an more in depth answer on how how the vacuum suction is started. I can get pressure inside the tube no problem, but creating the actual vacuum seal has been like searching for hidden treasure!

Originally Posted by steelrod144
I’ve already used it under water before in the bathtub, does not seem to make a difference. When I actually got a good seal and vacuum sensation, I was sitting down on the edge of my bathtub, so there wasn’t an issue with air escaping, but the vacuum inside the bathmate.

Since I am looking for progress with the Bathmate, I’d like to first figure out that problem, instead of giving up and trying something different, especially since I have gotten it to work before in the past. I’d really like an more in depth answer on how how the vacuum suction is started. I can get pressure inside the tube no problem, but creating the actual vacuum seal has been like searching for hidden treasure!

The vacuum seal is created at the opening ring where you insert your dick.
It is started the moment you inserted and pushed the BM down to the pubic bone/pelvis.
The water is ejected through the front and as no air can come inside negative pressure is created.

But you say you get a seal and a vacuum(as you get edema) but its hurting?

Normaly you go in erect. BM filled with water.
Then you pressure the BM to your your pubis down. Water ejects and a vacuum is created. It then stays on your body.
Thats it. You shouldtn do more then 20 minutes and there never should be any pain.

The more you pressure the BM down(while ejecting water/air) the more vacuum is created. Through releasing the valve at the top you can get less vacuum. The more vaccuum the more itnense it gets.

AND THAT is the prob with the BM. You cant gauge what the actual vacuum is. Thats why a normal professional airpump is recommend as it has a gauge.

So you have to FEEL what the vaccuum is and shouldnt overpump with the BM in time AND pressure.

Last edited by dickerschwanz : 03-25-2015 at .

Yes, I am getting a seal, and feel pressure, but I am not feeling the vacuum suction sensation that feels like it’s working inside the penis. I can pump for the recommended time of 15 minutes, and don’t get results for some reason. Like I said, try to read my first post in how I describe it. When I got a successful vacuum, I literally pushed the gator down once or twice, and then just sat there, and literally felt a vacuum sensation inside my dick and it induced an erection in the bathmate, not by arousal, but because of some vacuum suction.

Now when I pump, it sticks to the base, and when I pull on it, it sticks pretty well, but I never feel that vacuum pulling sensation inside my dick, where it feels like it’s growing. I promise you, if I felt the sensation again, I’d know. When I pump it down, it gets bigger until it’s at max pressure, and it swells up like what my max erection looks like, but my dick feels like nothing is happening to it and it feels soft but looks enlarged (hope that makes sense), just pressure pushing on the outside of it, and nothing happening on the inside of the penis, like when I did get the vacuum sensation.

I have been using it consistently and have not gotten any permanent gains at all using it, that’s why I feel like I’m doing something wrong, I have not gotten increased EQ from it either, except the one time I actually FELT the vacuum suction, which that night I had incredibly hard night erections. Which it was disappointing when I could not get the bathmate to create the same kind of vacuum effect it did at first.

Also now when I go in erect, I almost immediately lose my erection after pumping a few times. I know when I’m erect in the bathmate, as I can kegel and feel how hard it is. Now when I go in erect and kegel, I can feel that it goes soft right after I go in. I’d like to use the bathmate to get better EQ, and the reason why I started this thread was to investigate what it was I did that gave me that great pump, and why it’s not working when I do it now.

Thanks for your attempt to tell me how to use the bathmate, but I’ve read that in same description many places, and when I use it as directed, I simply do not get any gains from it, and my EQ has not improved with how I’m using it.

By the way I’ve owned other pumps and also had gauges on them before too, they were air pumps. And I NEVER got the vacuum sensation using them like I did when I had the bathmate experience I described in the original post. My experience with air pumps was mainly just edema build up, which I thought was cheap and ineffective and getting permanent gains.

I suppose this will be difficult to answer my problem unless I talk to someone that’s had a similar problem and got it working, and also got good gains from the bathmate in particular.

It can only stick by producing a vacuum. IF it sticks, you have a vacuum. I suspect you got a great erection that one time IN ADDITION to the vacuum. I know the sensation you are talking about, and for me it occurs when I get a really hard erection inside the vacuum. Great feeling. And yes…the feeling of proper water pumping is far more than air pumping, and I feel its superior in results.

Remember, when you get a hard erection it adds to the total expansive force considerably. Its the total of erectile force PLUS vacuum force. That can be quite a bit more than just the same vacuum level without it. Its easy to over train with pumping, air or water. If you are overdoing it, it can prevent you from getting good and hard.

I think the best is a regular hand pump, cylinder and overflow cup…and water pump with that. You have a gauge so you don’t have to guess about the vacuum, and you can be very accurate with it. This way, you will know that the pump is producing proper vacuum, and look elsewhere for the feeling you experienced. Look for threads on water pumping for details.

Last edited by sparkyx : 03-26-2015 at .

Originally Posted by sparkyx
It can only stick by producing a vacuum. IF it sticks, you have a vacuum. I suspect you got a great erection that one time IN ADDITION to the vacuum. I know the sensation you are talking about, and for me it occurs when I get a really hard erection inside the vacuum. Great feeling. And yes.. The feeling of proper water pumping is far more than air pumping, and I feel its superior in results.

Remember, when you get a hard erection it adds to the total expansive force considerably. Its the total of erectile force PLUS vacuum force. That can be quite a bit more than just the same vacuum level without it. Its easy to over train with pumping, air or water. If you are overdoing it, it can prevent you from getting good and hard.

I think the best is a regular hand pump, cylinder and overflow cup.. And water pump with that. You have a gauge so you don’t have to guess about the vacuum, and you can be very accurate with it. This way, you will know that the pump is producing proper vacuum, and look elsewhere for the feeling you experienced. Look for threads on water pumping for details.

Yes, I entered into the chamber with no erection, completely flaccid, and as soon as it got the slightest suction, the suction power, induced an erection, and it made the vacuum increase with no added pumps. So the majority of the pressure was coming from the actual erection and not from me pumping the bathmate to max pressure. Now I have to pump the bathmate to max pressure, but I’m not getting an erection at all inside the bathmate. I am thinking about taking time off to heal, and get my EQ back, but it’s depressing because I want to use the bathmate to help my EQ problem so I can get on my way. What should I do? Stop using it completely, or come at the bathmate with a different approach?

What do you mean by looking elsewhere for the feeling I experienced? If you mean getting a different pump, I don’t have the cash for it at the moment, if you mean looking in a different thread on the forum, please help direct me to some good posts, I’ll start reading some threads in the mean time. Thanks.

OK now I understand.

A hint could be totally relax and do more of a reverse kegel (like pushing urin while peeing). Cause many subconciously tighten up due to the pressure which is a normal reeaction by the dick to the pressure.
Also there has to be some possiblity for the CS on the underside to pump blood in. So the placement of the BM can help with that.

I also can relate to different feelings regarding pumping. For me slow and gentle pump can induce that inner expansion penis feeling.
With pushing from the inside from the pelvic floor muscles it intensifys. Maybe you did that unconciously too.
Its more a push then a constrict like a normal kegel. Pushing right into the base (take care to not push towards the anus lol).
I then hold this push gently while from time to time alternating it with a normal short kegel to push even more blood in.
Easiest to do with 80% + errections.

To gain with the bathmate I think it has to be done in a superset way with manuals. 5min BM, 5 min jelq/stretch, repeat.
Just using the BM for 15 minutes might only create temporary faux increases.
Also watching out for the PI ‘s Physiologic Indicators (PIs) to help growth!

I used the BM for years and still do but a pro pump always beats it as you can recreate conditions much easier.
Pumping to the max for more then some seconds isnt whats working to gain in many cases.

I wonder why in the world most bathmate manuals tell you to pump to max pressure and that it will be safe?

I have tried supersets in that way with jelqs, it works pretty good.

At the moment I’ve just quit smoking and have put on some weight, I’m trying to get my PI’s and EQ back in order because they arent like what they used to be when I was younger.

I’ve noticed because of drugs and smoking and not doing PE, my EQ has suffered a lot, and makes it to where I can’t get to my max girth, my length however has remained the same.

I read some of my old posts and saw a thread where I claimed I was 9” long, that is actually true and still true. I have a penis that curves upwards like a banana, when I get a BPEL measure from the top, it is at 8”, if I measure from the underside, it is 9”. For gains purposes, I take the top measurement which is 8”, but remind myself, there is technically on the underside 9”s of dick hanging out, which explains why it looks so big from underneath. Feels good to be able to say I have 9”s and not really be lying, but I have to say when I look down, I still feel small, and my belly right now isnt helping either with how I view my unit.

Last partner I was with said that I was her biggest partner ever, but my EQ was terrible so when I couldnt stay hard it was pretty messed up, then again it was a pretty random encounter, and I could not pass up free sex, and she invited me back, because I got pretty hard our first time and she came 3 times. When she stopped showering before sex and not wearing make up, and it just became a “well just fuck me” I wonder if she realized why I wasnt as hard? Either way I was already having EQ problems. Here’s to E-Cigs helping me with my smoking habit, and let’s hope I can get back in shape somewhat to get harder more frequent erections!

Pre-PE: 6.5" BPEL x 5.0" EG-------> Current Stats: 8" BPEL x 5.25" EG-------> Goal: 9" BPEL x 6.5" EG - 7" BG

Doki-Doki LOLI POP CHAN! Sugoi Desu~~~

Last edited by steelrod : 03-26-2015 at .

Originally Posted by steelrod144
Yes, I entered into the chamber with no erection, completely flaccid, and as soon as it got the slightest suction, the suction power, induced an erection, and it made the vacuum increase with no added pumps. So the majority of the pressure was coming from the actual erection and not from me pumping the bathmate to max pressure. Now I have to pump the bathmate to max pressure, but I’m not getting an erection at all inside the bathmate. I am thinking about taking time off to heal, and get my EQ back, but it’s depressing because I want to use the bathmate to help my EQ problem so I can get on my way. What should I do? Stop using it completely, or come at the bathmate with a different approach?

What do you mean by looking elsewhere for the feeling I experienced? If you mean getting a different pump, I don’t have the cash for it at the moment, if you mean looking in a different thread on the forum, please help direct me to some good posts, I’ll start reading some threads in the mean time. Thanks.

If you don’t know the vacuum level, you could have the change of “feelings” from that. IF you see that the vacuum is right, but you aren’t feeling that “feeling” then you know its not the vacuum, right. Right now you have too many variables to be able to really say what is going on.

If you want to have the bathmate help your EQ, then I suggest get erect first, and then put on the bathmate and just use much less vacuum, and do that for about 10 minutes every other day to start with. So, just pump for improving EQ for now, and forget size until you start to get good to great EQ again. I suspect its pretty easy to get some high vacuum levels with the bathmate without even realizing it.

Overall, if you are sensitive to vacuum forces (many of us are) then a regular cylinder with a guage is critical, or else its too easy to over do it with the bathmate.

Ok, I’ve been going at less pressure, and doing what I can, and my erections are getting weaker, and flaccid size is smaller. This is really frustrating because I feel like I’m using the pumps wrong. At the moment I have both a herc and an x40, and neither of them are helping out at all. If I do get any effects, they are a temporary flaccid hang that literally lasts for a few minutes.

I remember when I first used the bathmate, it worked SO WELL. My erections were hard as a rock, so much it almost hurt, but in a “I need to bury this bone!” kind of way. On top of that I was gaining size, and no red spots either. I could visibly see the change happening in my dick, especially after each session, which had really great gains, sometimes lasting all day, which made me feel awesome. Someone please help, I just want to know why I can’t get those kind of results again!

It seems weird that the same device that gave me rock solid erections, also has given me weak erections.

I mentioned this earlier, and I almost want to swear by it, the SEAL is very important in relation to the SUCTION, which I DON’T think I’m getting well at the base. I’ve checked my valves, everything is fine. I feel like I am pressing it down in the wrong space, and that there is a sweet spot to get the suction working.

Also, after shaving up and using some vaseline on the foam ring of my herc, I visibly saw my unit as it were inching up the tube, not because I was getting erect, but I felt a light suction pulling it out, like the water was tugging at it, but after a few seconds it just stopped, the suction that is. Giving it another quick pump did not make the suction sensation return, it just added more pressure.

I could literally keep the bathmate on all day (if it were practical) and get no results, but as SOON as I feel this suction pulling my dick, it is like the magic starts happening and I can feel it growing from the inside out, and can get really good temporary gains in just a few minutes, and by good I mean probably close to .5 in girth. I just want to know why no one understands what I’m saying or describing, and where exactly the sweet spot is to get this powerful feeling, even only after pumping a few times just to get a minimum seal. I’ve been using my bathmate about 5-10 minutes every day, with a few rest days a week, and am coming out the tube with NO RESULTS. What gives? This product worked miracles for me before, and I am really frustrated that this is happening.

I have no idea what the issue is for you, but one thing I do is try to stay hard the entire time I’m in the tube. Without being able to actually touch my dick, I rely on porn, and I also will kind of “jiggle” the tube rapidly. It almost feels like I’ve got an “OK” grip around my base and I’m stroking it very rapidly. This helps induce an erection if I start to get soft. And when you go from a semi to fully hard in the tube, it feels really good and maybe that’s the “suction” feeling you have been trying to recreate but have been unable to?

You may just need some rest days and/or need to go to the gym or for a run to get the blood flowing. Go in erect and milk the bathmate so you can really feel whether you are maintaining a full erection.

11/20/2011: BPEL: 6", MEG: 4.75" (goal BPEL: ~7", MEG: 5.25")

5/9/12: BPEL: 6.5", MEG 5" (goal BPEL: 7.25", MEG: 5.5")

3/5/13: BPEL: 6.875", MEG 5 5" (max goal BPEL: 7.5", MEG: 5.75")

The only way recently I can go in erect and come out erect is if I use the herc and put it on without water, but I can’t really gather much pressure. For some reason, if I go in erect when it is filled with water, I almost always come out with a bigger softie, even if it’s only on for a minute, I lose my erection with water in the tube, which didn’t use to happen, but I’d actually get an erection induced because of the pumping. I’m at my wits end, I just want to see the same results I was getting, but every time I break to decondition and come back have been getting the same problems over again.

I don’t understand why the bathmate is so complicated and tricky, because everyone says something different about how to put it on or how to pump, oh Lord, isn’t there any help for this problem, any help for me?


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