Strange injury again?
Well I have been doing PE for a month (5/1/2015- 5/2/2015)and I was ready to make my first progress thread and 2days ago while I was jelqing I was looking at my vein and I felt a strange warm blood I hadn’t pain or anything but I stopped after a little. Yesterday I tried to get an erection and I couldn’t. Well I went to the bathroom and I forced myself to get one after some time it wasn’t good but at least it was not for very long tho. This kind of thing happened and in the past when I did my first routine but this time I don’t know if its just a simple ED. I don’t want to think at ALL ABOUT VEIN LEAKAGE I take a rest day yesterday and I hope today I can continue my routine again what do you think of this? And what am I supposed to do? I was very happy that I did 1 month of PE and now this.