Nolaswede,Hey man nice to know you are becoming motivated to try P.E. It’s given me a lot more confidence and I’m only in my 7th week I hope it will do the same for you.
Okay I can’t remember exactly how detailed I was with my routine but here is a good break down.
Week 1:
Dry jelqing: I didn’t keep count. When my dick starts to get sore I stop. I would recommend at least 40-50 jelqs at 3 seconds per jelq. Probably not much more your first week.You will have to dig in a little here about jelqing and find what works for you. I can do dry jelqs but from what I’ve read most circumcised guys can’t or have a hard time with it. My first week I didn’t really stretch much but I would recommend it. Another thing I recommend, a good warm up. I am sorry to say I do not do this enough. I would probably have had even better gains if I had done more warm ups. All you have to do is apply heat for about 5 minutes before your workout. It makes a huge change in how your workout feels and it improves your healing time as well which can relate to faster gains.
Read this forum for an explanation of good technique on jelqing and stretching:
Jelqing & Stretching 101Week 2:
I started doing mini workoutsSame as week one but with small workouts every couple hours. 20-40 jelqs or a couple stretches when you go to the bathroom is what I prefer to do. Maybe even only 15 jelqs actually. It depends on the day.
Week 3:
I started to experiment with fowfers:
Don’t Measure it, Weigh it.
Read that thread, Big Girtha has seen some great gains and corrected his ED. He talks about a lot in that thread, all good information.For me I like to do them while watching tv. Just pull out your dick to a comfortable stretched length and tuck it under one of your legs. I’ll do about 5-10 minutes on one side and then switch to the other. I now do these at work as well. My flaccid seems to have improved a lot more and I believe it helps with healing faster as it encourages blood flow to the penis.
Week 4:
Everything I’ve already listed. Do what makes you feel you are growing the best. I sincerely believe perception is one of the biggest factors in PE. If you tell yourself your big. Your fucking big. Change your perception of how you view your body and make it positive. Me, every time I take a piss now, (if no one is around), I say out loud, (quietly) damn I have a huge dick. Dead serious, no joke, I really do that. Also read everything you can on here. Stories, testimonials, advice, it’s years of data put together by men who have been successful and seen results. You can achieve this as well. Post your progress, tells stories about your gains and highlights this will help you keep on track.Good luck man
I will start the newbie routine today. I will try dry jelqing because I also have extra skin on my member, but I’m not uncircumcised.
Thank you for advice. I started the routine (or maybe it was Tom Hubbards) a year ago but didn’t keep it up. I will measure and keep a log this time. It will be nice to track and see growth. My girlfriend and I have started dieting together as well, so I cannot wait to see her reaction with a “possible” larger dick combined with more of it being revealed from weight loss. Time will tell. Thanks again.
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