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Deflated Glans and Firm Flaccid: Pelvic Floor Dysfunction

I injured myself and have this problem as well I have thread Glans injury due to erect jelq help

Originally Posted by lowgrow
So I got carried away during a jelqing session and jelqed fully erect for a few minutes

Obviously it ended up me stupidly injuring my unit

Immediate effects were:
- Difficulty having and maintaining an erection
- About 60% max erection

It’s been about 3 weeks
- I can reach max erection (same length/girth as before) but head seems to be less full
- Maintaining an erection is easier I can keep at 90%
- I do have morning

What bothers me most is the the head/glans isn’t as full and bulbous as before

All PE has been stopped, all I’m doing is warm ups several times a day and supplements to help with circulation

What can I do to help fix it?

Originally Posted by lowgrow
It’s still too early to tell what’s going to happen

Anyway am at week 4 of the injury

- Head is still not as good before
- Seems to have improved slightly, or at least an extremely slow rate
- The ridge of the glans looks more ridged (it’s looks more “swooping” than previous)
- There is a circular darkening around the base of the glans (tip area is paler) that seems to fade in out randomly (possible bruised capillaries?)
- Orgasms feel about the same, though I noticed that I’m not super sensitive afterwards like you would normally
- Aside from the glans everything seems to be good, shaft condition is great

I’ve been doing is edging like PErsian did, warm ups and circulation supplements, every now and then I’ll feel a quick pain in my glans

If anyone else experienced this injury, please share

Glans size has definitely diminished I am horribly depressed over this, especially after reading that it can be permanent. Does my case sound like venous leakage? What should I do?

By the sound of it it sounds like it’s healing slowly. Your in a similar situation to me. I wouldn’t suggest masterbating or doing any PE. If the problem is the blood not staying in the glans I would think it needed to heal, doing pe constantly would slow it down right?

Anyway it seems your not so badly off, I think it’s quite common not to get any morning wood or to always have trouble getting an erection, what I was having in the first few weeks.

From what I’ve seen there isnt alot of option apart from letting it heal or getting veinous leak surgery from a doctor in taiwan. He suggest up to a year for a veinous leak injury to naturally heal.


hate to say but to me it does sound like one of these permanent cases. The good news is that it could be fixable medically by embolization. Until then just give it time and stop all activity that is anything but mild on the penis and pray for a miracle.

Shame you didn’t give the whole thing a more thorough thought after your first injury.

Originally Posted by Owen33

Hate to say but to me it does sound like one of these permanent cases. The good news is that it could be fixable medically by embolization. Until then just give it time and stop all activity that is anything but mild on the penis and pray for a miracle.

Shame you didn’t give the whole thing a more thorough thought after your first injury.

The level of injury is unexpected though, since I have done more intense erect jelqs before with no problems or a day of weaker erections that a few days of rest can recover. This might be a cumulative damage thing.

Originally Posted by Owen33

Hate to say but to me it does sound like one of these permanent cases. The good news is that it could be fixable medically by embolization. Until then just give it time and stop all activity that is anything but mild on the penis and pray for a miracle.

Shame you didn’t give the whole thing a more thorough thought after your first injury.

I don’t think thats so fair to say as this guy has seen improvements since the injury. From reading everything I possible could on this since I injured myself it seems that any kind of recovery in these cases is GOOD, and pretty rare.

Originally Posted by jrwriter
Here it is guys.Check it out.I tried it for myself and really did help ALOT, especially when it came to glans engorgement

Could you tell us more about your protocol/experience?

I still haven’t gotten around to giving this a proper shot, even though I have the DMSO + Iodine. >_<

I’ve been getting erections for a good while now but recently I can feel the glans getting harder again.. Fuck, I’m so happy, feels like the power is returning to my dick! When I come it feels like it used to now also, before it did feel a bit weird.

Originally Posted by warriorsway
I’ve been getting erections for a good while now but recently I can feel the glans getting harder again.. Fuck, I’m so happy, feels like the power is returning to my dick! When I come it feels like it used to now also, before it did feel a bit weird.

What have you been doing to get it back to the way it was?

This is my first post :)
I have been reading the public threads for a while but as a guest was not allowed access to the injury forum (which I think should change).

I have just read the whole thread and I think I have a similar problem to some of you..
Can I just say it has been very informative and has made me feel somewhat better about the problem.
When I have an erection the glans is only full if:
1. I am extremely turned on
2. I am close to PONR
3. I kegel and press on the dorsal vein (the moment I lift it starts to deflate)
Also my glans is the first thing to deflate if I stop stimulation.
It should be noted that my glans doesn’t shrink as much as some of you describe it instead stays at a midpoint between shiny and flaccid.
I don’t think I experience the firm flaccid problem and I don’t have a problem with urination pressure.
Sex is fine other than sometimes I will loose some feeling followed by weakening of erection mid-intercourse (I suspect this is because my glans shrinks).

When I first tried P.E a year ago under instructions from a bad website (the routine was far more intense than the newbie) I had vein thrombosis with in 2 weeks. It occurred on top mid shaft near the dorsal. I do not whether this glans problem occurred before or after.

I may try some of the herbs described in this thread first before seeing a doctor and work my way through all of the options.

I know the author of this thread is continuing PE regardless of the problem. Does anyone else think that PE will make the problem worse?

Last edited by dirtyass : 01-03-2011 at .

Originally Posted by dirtyass
This is my first post :)
I have been reading the public threads for a while but as a guest was not allowed access to the injury forum (which I think should change).

I have just read the whole thread and I think I have a similar problem to some of you..
Can I just say it has been very informative and has made me feel somewhat better about the problem.
When I have an erection the glans is only full if:
1. I am extremely turned on
2. I am close to PONR
3. I kegel and press on the dorsal vein (the moment I lift it starts to deflate)
Also my glans is the first thing to deflate if I stop stimulation.
It should be noted that my glans doesn’t shrink as much as some of you describe it instead stays at a midpoint between shiny and flaccid.
I don’t think I experience the firm flaccid problem and I don’t have a problem with urination pressure.
Sex is fine other than sometimes I will loose some feeling followed by weakening of erection mid-intercourse (I suspect this is because my glans shrinks).

When I first tried P.E a year ago under instructions from a bad website (the routine was far more intense than the newbie) I had vein thrombosis with in 2 weeks. It occurred on top mid shaft near the dorsal. I do not whether this glans problem occurred before or after.

I may try some of the herbs described in this thread first before seeing a doctor and work my way through all of the options.

I know the author of this thread is continuing PE regardless of the problem. Does anyone else think that PE will make the problem worse?

The 3 main symptoms you listed are incredibly common. I doubt it has much to do with PE and probably wouldn’t be an issue for most guys who haev it, but don’t read this thread. If you read a thread like this and can relate to some of the common symptoms then you can convince yourself you have a problem. But a gland that doesn’t inflate properly is very normal. Why it happens I’m unsure, but I’ve got it and the last 3 friends I’ve spoken to about it, all have the same problem as well.

The glans does not have to be fully engorged, but it does have to engorge somewhat during a normal erection. If it is always the same and mushy, that’s not normal.

For guys wanting to find an interventional radiologist to try and deal with the problem:

The other problem with a deflated glans is that the glans is more sensitive when it is deflated, which can lead to you ejaculating faster.

While it’s not possible for me to deflate my shaft with any amount of pressure, as soon as I squeeze my glans it deflates instantly. Is this true for you to Joey999?

Originally Posted by boner7484
The other problem with a deflated glans is that the glans is more sensitive when it is deflated, which can lead to you ejaculating faster.

Say what? In my experience the glans is less sensitive, retarding ejaculation/enjoyment.


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