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Deflated Glans and Firm Flaccid: Pelvic Floor Dysfunction

Hey, I’m from germany and I’m suffering from this problem, too. My english is bad but I will try to explain my story.

I’m suffering from this since about two years (never heared about pe at the time). The problem occurred overnight (maybe I masturbated to rough the evening before.). The next day I appreciated the problem.. The cavernosum is rockhard but the glans and the spongiosum stays soft and cold.
I stopped masturbation for about 3 weeks but there was no improvement. There is no improvement to this day..

I visited several docs until one of them took me serious. My doc made a doppler sonography but there wasn’t anything abnormal. Then I tried it with levitra, but there was no effect to the glans and the spongiosum. To avoid misunderstandings, I don’t have any problems to get an erection, I get erections very fast and they rest for a long time.

After this my doc refered me to hospital. There they made an MRI in flaccid state, erect state, with and without contrast medium but they couldn’t find a reason for my problem. To get an erection I got an injection of alprostadil in the penis, same condition as always, a rockhard cavernosum but soft and cold glans with a deflated spongiosum. At me the problem is definitively a physical problem.

I also tried it with MUSE (medicated urethral system for erections). I thought there could be improvement because it’s applied in the urethra so alprostadil directly gets absorbed by the spongiosum and possibly blocked arteries could have been widening but I don’t respond to MUSE, it means I don’t get an erection from it, it just hurts.

I don’t think it’s venous leakage because then there must be little improvement by an alprostadil injection, I think it’s a neurological or an arterial problem, but I’d rather think it’s an arterial problem because I don’t have any paresthesias. I’m also able to kegel blood in the glans and spongiosum for a short time.

I don’t have an idea what I do next, maybe we find a solution for this problem together.

Last edited by Bruno1990 : 12-06-2010 at .

Originally Posted by Bruno1990
Hey, I’m from germany and I’m suffering from this problem, too. My english is bad but I will try to explain my story.

I’m suffering from this since about two years (never heared about pe at the time). The problem occurred overnight (maybe I masturbated to rough the evening before.). The next day I appreciated the problem.. The cavernosum is rockhard but the glans and the spongiosum stays soft and cold.
I stopped masturbation for about 3 weeks but there was no improvement. There is no improvement to this day..

I visited several docs until one of them took me serious. My doc made a doppler sonography but there wasn’t anything abnormal. Then I tried it with levitra, but there was no effect to the glans and the spongiosum. To avoid misunderstandings, I don’t have any problems to get an erection, I get erections very fast and they rest for a long time.

After this my doc refered me to hospital. There they made an MRI in flaccid state, erect state, with and without contrast medium but they couldn’t find a reason for my problem. To get an erection I got an injection of alprostadil in the penis, same condition as always, a rockhard cavernosum but soft and cold glans with a deflated spongiosum. At me the problem is definitively a physical problem.

I also tried it with MUSE (medicated urethral system for erections). I thought there could be improvement because it’s applied in the urethra so alprostadil directly gets absorbed by the spongiosum and possibly blocked arteries could have been widening but I don’t respond to MUSE, it means I don’t get an erection from it, it just hurts.

I don’t think it’s venous leakage because then there must be little improvement by an alprostadil injection, I think it’s a neurological or an arterial problem, but I’d rather think it’s an arterial problem because I don’t have any paresthesias. I’m also able to kegel blood in the glans and spongiosum for a short time.

I don’t have an idea what I do next, maybe we find a solution for this problem together.

Thanks for sharing Bruno, I hope we can find a solution too.

A number of people including myself have found that applying pressure to the dorsal area at the base of the penis helps the glans and CS stay inflated with blood, have you noticed this yourself? If this does infact help hold the blood in the problem areas, then it makes sense that the surgical option of ligating a (superficial or deep dorsal) vein will work (and several users have reported such success), but finding a doctor who will be willing to perform the operation, especially if they can find no physiological defects by sonograph, is difficult.

Hey, yes, I know what you mean. Pressing the dorsal vein at the base sometimes helps me to get the glans and spongiosum filled, but only sometimes. It’s strange, this helps when I don’t have a really strong erection but when I have one this doesn’t help. If a have one of these strong erections the condition resembles a priapism.
When I got the Alprostadil injection applying pressure to the dorsal area had not any effect to the glans and spongiosum.

I think there is a confusion in our erection mechanism, a disorder between the cooperation of arterial inflow and veno-occlusive mechanism. I think ligation of the dorsal and maybe superficial vein won’t fight the cause of our problem but if it brings improvement it would be a good solution.

Do you have noticed any urination problems? For example a weak urinary stream, dribbling or needing to wait for the stream to begin?

Has someone already tried MUSE? This would be interesting. I tried but I’m a nonresponder.

It’s a really uncommon problem we have, no one of my docs ever heard of this problem =(.


Hi tweaking, I don’t know if you remember me but I posted here a few months ago, maybe more. Just an update, I haven’t had any improvements. Have you? I still have to cross my legs to get an average inflation of the glans and the corpus spongiosum, if I open my legs it’s depressing.

I found an interesting story a while ago of a guy who had a very similar situation (venous leak) but had surgery:

Part 1: http://www.ed-f … ic.php?f=8&t=46
Part 2: http://ed-forum … c.php?f=13&t=24

He declines surgery in Germany for surgery in Taiwan. I would be too scared have the surgery myself, maybe years down the line when I’m 100% sue and have no other option.

Anyway, it’s interesting stuff.

Also, this is very good:

Originally Posted by jimi_d
I still have to cross my legs to get an average inflation of the glans and the corpus spongiosum, if I open my legs it’s depressing.

It is also the same with me, when I press my inner thighs together, there is engorgement to the glans and the spongiosum.

jimi d Thanks for the links, I will check them out shortly. I’m sorry to you hear haven’t had improvement. In the last couple of weeks I have resumed a light routine of 5 minutes of light jelqing and 5 minutes of pumping as well as taking some herbal supplements (including tribulus) daily, its been less than two weeks but I’ve already noticed a big improvement. I have no illusions, this is not fixing the problem at all but the increased EQ is masking the symptoms, at least.

bruno I agree that it is likely the surgeory does not actually fix the problem, but as I’ve stated many times on this forum, I believe it increases EQ (or decreases venous outflow) so dramatically that it can completley or almost completely mask the symptoms caused by this ‘venous leakage’.

I do disagree with you that it’s an uncommon problem, I think it’s just easily unnoticed or people just learn to ‘live with it’ especially since doctos are so apathetic to our cause.

Tweaking, does applying pressure to the dorsal area helps at all times you to get an engorged glans and spongiosum or are there erections where this doesn’t helps, too?


Maybe this problem is more common then expected but most person concerned don’t visit a doc with it, my docs never had a patient with symptoms like me.

ahahaha! You know, for some reason I never tried looking for this on pubmed, but now I see there is actually a bit of literature that deals with it:

http://www.ncbi … /pubmed/2755525

http://www.ncbi … /pubmed/1589928

http://www.ncbi … /pubmed/1942275

I’m on holidays now so I’m going to do a whole bunch more research dedicated to this problem soon and make a new shiny and hopefully coherent post about everything known and suspected about this problem.

I fucked some girl when I thought it was mostly recovered. Since then it’s gone back to deflated and poor erections.. My theory is that is was on the mend, and whatever it recovered got fucked up when I saw that girl. It was a pretty long sesh and she wasn’t that talented, she kept trying to deepthroat me in various positions and my dick hurt quite a bit from her lack of skill. Really wish I didnt see her. Anyway not alot I can do now.

This really sucks, theres no way I can see girls while I’m like this. I read about that taiwan surgury to, seems like one of the only experts on the subject. Has anyone tried to dick masher thing yet? I don’t want to make the injury any worse and that sounds quite brutal.

I gave it a shot once for about 5 minutes, didn’t seem to do any harm, problem was squeezing the glans tended to just immediately push all the blood right out of it so it became completely deflated immediately…

Were you able to get engorgement to the glans again by pressing the dorsal vein?

Yes. As soon as I apply dosral pressure my glans and CS begin to return to the proper engorged state, though it can take up to about 15 seconds.

Hey tweaking, how is your blood pressure ? Do you have any medical problems you suspect can contribute to this ?

Starting stats: 6.4" / 5.6" Current Stats: 7.4" / 5.8" Short term goal: 7" / 6" Long term goal: 8" / 6.5"

Resting blood pressure is at the bottom range of healthy/sporty healthy. I am very fit at the moment and have never been diagnosed with anything more serious than the flu.


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