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Deflated Glans and Firm Flaccid: Pelvic Floor Dysfunction

Originally Posted by Bobandvaginpls
All you guys should keep in mind that there may also be a varicose/varicocele that is causing the damage.
My theory is that blood can’t get out of the penis because the pressure in the veins isn’t strong enough, so blood gets stuck in the penis, the body is left without blood.
Thus, next time you have an erection the arteries will tighten, the veins will get even less pressure and the whole process will repeat itself.
Varicoceles are common in 20% of males, although they don’t get severe until a major trauma happens.
Keep in mind that the penis can have varicose veins too.

For the bottom line, I would say that in most cases it is the varicocele and some sort of trauma which are causing the problem.
(By the way, I do have a varicocele, but, as I said the varicocele may not be the main/only issue for me, yet my penis has also shrunk by 0.5 in length and 0.5 in girth in the last two months and I prob will get it embolized).

For anyone worrying about their varicocele if they have one, this is absolute rubbish.

firegoat is fully RETIRED from Thundersplace.

All injuries happen from "too much", or "too much, too soon" or "doing the exercise incorrectly".

Heat makes the difference between gaining quickly or slowly for some guys, or between gaining slowly instead of not at all for others. The ideal penis size is 7.6" BPEL x 5.6" Mid Girth. Basics.... firegoat roll How to use the Search button for best results

I’ve been going through some of this firm flaccid horror for the last 1.5 years. A cold and shriveled penis that even hurts if you do not massage it several times throughout the day to get some blood to it. Pills, herbs, and even testosterone aren’t helping, only new girlfriends, and only sometimes.

One thing that I found works like a temporary but very powerful vasodilator is alprostadil gel. It appears to be banned in the US now, but I had a stash of it since ~2012. It is meant to be injected to the inside of the urethra. Gross, but very effective.

The only currently available FDA approved form of alprostadil is called MUSE. It is sold as urethral suppositories. I have not tried it, but I do not like that its dosage appears to be fixed and non-adjustable.

Alprostadil injections are also possible, but way gross, unless this is your last resort. Then do it.

With my alprostadil gel stash running low, I have tried other methods. The only one that I found effective is very-very slow massage of the entire penis, from the perineum to the glans, through the clothes. A hand pressure through the clothes appears to dissipate more evenly and over a larger area, moving the blood more effectively up the shaft and to the glans. Do it in one direction, very slow but with a constant and steady hand pressure. Spend more time slowly near the perineum than the shaft. If you notice the glans slightly inflate as the end of each stroke, then you are doing it right. Do not overdo it. Rather, do it only for as long as it feels good, and do not exceed that pressure. This is just a massage, not a PE exercise.

Originally Posted by How lack
Ejaculation while your penis is flaccid is also problematic. It creates in your mind the perception that you don’t have to get hard for intercourse. Teach yourself to ejaculate only when you are hard and later on command by learning how to edge.

Great information. I’m one of those dudes who can orgasm with a flaccid member. I thought I was special.

BTW, I fixed my firm flaccid two months ago with a Shockwave therapy. I did it at the San Diego Sexual Medicine. Dr. G is the best! They do it on a semi-erect penis and it really works!

I also did a Gainswave in Chicago two years ago, and that was a load of bull. They numb your groin and then pummel your with what feels like a small jackhammer. The result felt like an injury that shriveled my penis and killed erections for a few days.

Firm Flaccid Cause

Hello folks,

I’m new to the forum but I stumbled on this post and would like to share my experience with this problem. I have been doing PE for a couple of months and had been happy with my gains until the dreaded “firm flaccid” began. I had been doing purely manual stretches and things were going great but then I read about jelqing and thought maybe I would have better gains if I incorporated it into my routine. I had been and am still having problems figuring out jelqs. I can’t say I have been doing it correctly or not. However, when I was doing my jelqs I may have gotten too erect and I felt blood “spray” out of the my glans like it was draining somewhere else. I stopped after I felt it again on the next stroke. After than my unit turtled for several days and now I have the “firm flaccid” issue. I noticed the next day on the bottom of my CS that there was a dark line which I have since figured out was a burst blood vessel. The evidence of the injury disappeared very quickly maybe by the end of the following day it wasn’t apparent. My thinking is for all you gentlemen with this issue is that you have had the same thing happen. Drugs did not cause this. My thinking is that drugs played a role in the injuries of those who detailed having taken some prior to this condition arising but only insofar as obscuring the feeling of it happening perhaps but with that said I was stone cold sober and didn’t feel pain when it happened. The only way to fix this condition will involve repairing the damage to the vasculature surrounding the Glans. I think maybe massaging and stretching the glans all by itself may help restore normal function. Heat, and lubricate the glans and gently begin massaging it and stretching it in a way that it isn’t ordinarily stretched in PE. After a couple weeks of careful massaging and stretching The condition may resolve. My thinking is that while you can’t replace the damaged and ruptured vessels/cells that gave rise to this issue but you can improve circulation and encourage growth of new vessels. Personally, I have a masturbation technique that I believe will fix this issue. Prior to PE my member was all glans and no shaft because of the odd way I had been masturbating my whole life. My glans when erect would get engorged and have a very distinct separation from the shaft strongly resembling a mushroom. I stopped doing it when I started PE since I quit masturbating altogether. I will test my hypothesis and report back.

For those interested in the masturbation technique I’ll give a description here real quick.

Get erect as you would and then pull the skin on the top of your penis near the base back towards your body and hold it, PC flexes help as well; try to get it to feel good and hold it there—after a few seconds let go and do it again. But what you should notice is that as you pull the skin away from the glans and toward the body the glans will “tip down” as opposed to “tipping up” which is the more intuitive direction for it to angle with this gesture. But, for whatever, reason the head will tip down (probably because pulling the skin back on the top has the effect of stretching the skin on the bottom) and the opening of the urethra will point more towards the floor. This action rocks the glans back and forth. You could try to accomplish the same by directly working the glans but there is something about this that does the trick. Since the skin gets pulled tighter over the tunica and gets worked around you will notice the veins getting more plump as this goes on. I masturbating this way gave me a glorious rock hard, shiny glans and was really the only good part about my erection before PE. If someone is interested in what I have to say feel free to contact me but I don’t really know the forums well but I’d be happy to discuss the masturbation technique in more depth if my description wasn’t clear.

I hope this helps,


Hi there,
I had the same symptoms of a deflated glans a while ago with difficulties acquiring an erection and it seemed like blood was flushing out of the glans with little pressure applied to it. This stressed me out a lot which is how I arrived here after googleling around a lot.
This threat scared me enough to overcome my resistance to actually go to a doctor. He told me everything seems fine and prescribed me some part of progressive muscle relaxation (I can’t remember the specifics but it was essentially reverse kegeling) 3 times a day for 5 minutes each for 2 weeks. However I ended up doing it several hours each day. Some here mentioned they recovered after avoiding erections to enable the body to heal properly so I figured I’d do the same as the risk - reward didn’t seem too bad (and it kinda does make sense that physical stress on tissue that’s healing is not beneficial, in case there is actually tissue damage). I also decided to take collagen peptides and a multivitamin just in case there might be some tissue damage but I don’t think it had a big impact (just adding this for completeness). I figured if it was not due to tissue damage I might have hit a nerve somehow so I also added coenzyme Q10 and red-light + near infrared-light (660 & 850nm with ~100mw/cm^2). After about 10 days or so I had a weird intense feeling going up the shaft about where the right dorsal nerve should be (very slowly over the curse of some hours) which ended up in a very intense erection. I never had any problems again since then. While I can’t tell if my interventions did contribute at all, both coenzyme Q10 and red light (+NIR) improve blood flow and blood flow is always important for any healing so who knows if, and if so why, it worked, but I don’t care anyways.
This is certainly not medical advice and so on but I collected some ideas while reading a lot of stuff that could be related (mostly scientific papers). Such problems are almost always related to blood flow. This should be either due to missing flexibility of the tissue surrounding the blood vessels, an impairment on endothelial function or insufficient release of NO triggered by neurons.
- Nerves (should) heal on their own, what I did should accelerate this.
- Endothelial function can be improved with simply a healthy lifestyle (coq10 could help here as well I think) and there are certainly other supplements that could help.
- Tissue flexibility (impaired by collagen cross linking) it seems can be improved by ESWT.

I hope this adds some value.


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