Here is some very use full information.. Maybe it has been posted. Most importantly is the use of some supplements with Iodine. It also deals with both Nascent and Lugol’s and the differences between them BTW Taking Lugol’s with milk helps and mask the taste very well. I use diluted evaporated milk.
"""Lugol’s has been shown through research to alleviate and correct hypothyroid in dosages between 12.5 mgs and 50 mgs (2 and 8 drops 5% Lugols respectively). If you use the 12.5mg dose, it will take a year before full body iodine sufficiency is attained. If you take the 50 mg dose — full body iodine sufficiency will be attained in about 3 months. I am not talking just about thyroid sufficiency here — I’m talking about the whole body’s need for iodine.
See this link: … ine/james37.htm
Nascent iodine, to keep it simple, is the electrochemical form of elemental iodine and is the same as Atomidine — what Edgar Cayce recommended. Certain people have iodine sensitivities and lugols iodine can have harsh effects on the stomach in certain people due to the iodine content. But Nascent Iodine tends to be much kinder and is also a highly bioavailable and tasteless form of iodine/iodide solution. It is, however, more expensive.
See this link for dosages and use of Nascent Iodine:
Also it would be advisable to take Magnesium Gluconate(250 mgs twice a day), Vitamin C(1000 mgs 3 times a day), Selenium(200 mcg twice a day) and zinc(25-50 mgs once a week).
The Selenium and Magnesium aid in certain thyroid enzyme processes to convert and store the iodine in the thyroid and to convert the T4 to the more active T3 thyroid hormone form respectively. Vitamin C has been proven to improve and increase iodine/iodide transport and absorbtion in both the intestines and into the cells and organs. These absorbtion problems are usually caused by excess bromine in the body which is chelated and removed by the Vit C. Zinc helps to improve the immune system and also helps to increase the rate and efficiency of metabolism in the body."""