Ouch! What is this? Help please!
I am only hanging since about six weeks back. No problem until last Friday when my BiB starter arrived. I had previously used the wench but I eagerly tried my new hanger and almost immediately when I started on set 2 I saw that a vein was popping out on the top right side. I quit hanging right away and stopped PE for a few days as I was afraid it was a thrombosed vein. I don’t know what it is/was but it hurt a bit (a stinging feeling) and the vein was very protruded. Not red however as some described thrombosis. Definitely not well in any case.
Well, now I started hanging today again (with the old wench) and after set 2 I took away the wrapping and saw this (see picture). I of course panicked first (don’t we all when something bad happens to our dicks?…)
Please advice! What is this? Should I go to the doctor? Remedy? (I have Evo’s vein oil, well almost all, will get the salvi tomorrow, could that help?)
Is this dangerous? :(
Thank you!
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