Thunder's Place

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Pumping Injury


Well, here’s my issue.

My penis seems 100% fine, it just twists and sidewinds to the left a little. I think it’s from masturbating with my right hand all the time way too much, so my unit has sidewinds into that position, and once near the head it turns to the left and upwards, plus ever since I rubbed vigorously over the left chamber before my head before the skin where I was circumcised starts there seems to be this white spot that reveals itself.

This only is visible when I am 100% erect and thats when the surrounding effect is noticeable once i’m as hard as can be.

I am not sure, but I presume it can be scar tissue?

I feel nothing but regular soft tissue when not erect in thst area and even nothing when in that area erect except tightness.My unit is way hard when this stimulated, but my problem is the sidewinding turn.

I have been masturbating with my left hand and it helps alittle bit, but im curious whats the tissue here.

I thought about pumping again with a warm tube packing it that might loosen and stretch the tissue back to ir’s normal state, or asking on here first.

I have a noose style extender I was thinking of applying in order to straighten the slight erect twist when fully hard but still i’m unsure.

Is there a way to remold my unit back straight?

Bare in mind for the last 5 months I have only been having sex and no PE except slight jelqing sessions 3x a week. They work I am super hard but the slight bend I would like to correct and lose the white patch that looks like a super tight lig on the left side of my unit 4/5 of the way up my unit near the head.

I’m reaching out to all on here including the firegoat!!

It’s possible the white area is a little scar tissue, but it’s probably only in the skin and nothing to worry about.

There are loads of threads on straightening out slight bends; most guys are not hugely successful, and twists are pretty normal. You can work out what tissues need to be stretched to straighten your penis, just by pulling it straight and seeing which tissues are stretched, then increasing the stretch very slightly to stretch them more. If you do it as a gentle erect bend, you do have to be gentle, but over a long time frame you may well see changes. Maybe it won’t be perfectly straight, but curves are not a problem. The important thing is you are getting good erections!

firegoat is fully RETIRED from Thundersplace.

All injuries happen from "too much", or "too much, too soon" or "doing the exercise incorrectly".

Heat makes the difference between gaining quickly or slowly for some guys, or between gaining slowly instead of not at all for others. The ideal penis size is 7.6" BPEL x 5.6" Mid Girth. Basics.... firegoat roll How to use the Search button for best results

Oh yea man my erections are great when i’m stimulated to the max, but knowing thd issue at hand feels like a mini road block.

I am attempting to use heat, pumping, je lqing, and other methods in a soft manner to correct this without making any other issue arise.

I’m hoping its not scar tissue, and potentially it could be from holding my hand in a certain position. Usually that close to the head it may have happened when I was hanging and the hanger
Slipped downwards by improper positioning or stretching too far with my noose style extender and I felt the tissues give way in the area.

Like I say, there is nothing flaccid as in visible scars neither when semi erect either, but when fully erect it is slightly visible.

Either or correcting the issue is what I am making a valiant attempt to do.

I do appreciate the information firegoat.

Its helping slowly

Firegoat? Still in the PE game? Among other VET PE’ers?

I took a break for a while and focused on my line of work, but I’m attempting to jump back into PE now.

It’s been about 5 months on and off that i’ve been PEing again. I have massaged the area from under my balls all the way to my backside and it seems to be tight still directly on the left side of my unit.

Once I massage I feel sore about a 5 out a 10 from under my balls to my anus on the left side. I do cross massages and such frequently. Will kegals strengthen this area again? These are pelvic floor muscles

Yes kegels will strengthen the area, but over-doing them is not a good idea.

firegoat is fully RETIRED from Thundersplace.

All injuries happen from "too much", or "too much, too soon" or "doing the exercise incorrectly".

Heat makes the difference between gaining quickly or slowly for some guys, or between gaining slowly instead of not at all for others. The ideal penis size is 7.6" BPEL x 5.6" Mid Girth. Basics.... firegoat roll How to use the Search button for best results

Thanks Firegoat

My two cents, as I’m no doctor:

It sounds like you did too much work on your pelvic floor, I would stay away from kegels for a while, if you feel sore down there remember it’s a muscle, you want to give rest to muscles which are sore.

Are you a 100 % sure it’s pelvic floor muscles problems?

You should give it a good rest and then look into yoga poses for pelvic floor stretches (pigeon pose and squat position are two of them).

Originally Posted by Walter5169
My two cents, as I’m no doctor:
It sounds like you did too much work on your pelvic floor, I would stay away from kegels for a while, if you feel sore down there remember it’s a muscle, you want to give rest to muscles which are sore.
Are you a 100 % sure it’s pelvic floor muscles problems?
You should give it a good rest and then look into yoga poses for pelvic floor stretches (pigeon pose and squat position are two of them).

Hey no I am not 100% sure it is pelvic floor problems.

It is something under my balls but I am not sure what it is.

Idk man I dont know where the issue is. Maybe if you leave everything alone for a while you can isolate the cause.

Maybe thanks


What do you think of bundled stretches?

I have been doing them and they seem to stretch my shaft better.


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