Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Holy Grail of Cum Load Increase

Originally Posted by fllipper
Lapsslap: well, I’m still in the testing stage. I’ve taken lj100 the night before and the morning of, without much in the way of increased sensitivity or intensity. Yesterday, I started the 5/2 and will see if that changes things.

So, my big problem is not being able to come. Research led me to buying a fleshlight model that’s supposed to have a loose grip much like a vagina and not a tight grip like my fist. Well, in the event, it was tight enough for me to last all of 3 minutes. Now I’ve got to figure out a way to make the thing not hold me the way it does.

That’s the first time I used lj100, so I wasn’t sure if it was responsible for my early come or if it was the fleshlight. The second time I used lj100, however, it was straight hands-on masturbation and it took me the usual long long long time, with just a bit of dribble as the payoff. Sigh.

In both instances, I used porn. Next time, I think I’ll use it to get hard, then rely on my imagination the rest of the time, with the ultimate goal being no porn at all.

Any further thoughts or suggestions?

I’m thinking your issues could have something to do with watching porn, depending on how much you watch, and if you use it regularly. If you’re able to come easily while visually stimulated, but not when having sex with your partner. I think personally, porn can cause many issues from ED to desensitization in general. Plenty of studies are surfacing now… Anyways, don’t mean to get off topic.

I only use LJ100 for sex with my wife, so I couldn’t say what kind of effects it might have on masturbation. I always find sex much more rewarding that masturbation, not that there is anything wrong with it per se, but Sex with another person heightens senses in ways masturbation doesn’t and might explain why it’s more noticeable the LJ100 effects.

Yes, maybe the full 5/2 cycle could help reap the benefits for you. Give it a try!

Hey guys! I’m wondering if anyone can chime in with some advice. I’ve read so many of your testimonials about what has worked for you but so far nothing has worked for me :| I did the following experiment..

3 week trial:
-approx 3L water per day
-Lecithin 4.6g /day sunflower powder daily
-zinc 50mg daily
-approx 2 days break in between ejaculations

To my disappointment I didn’t notice any increase at all :( I have tried Lecithin on and off for a couple years (even tried in gel capsule soy lecithin form) and although many people say it works wonders for them, it didn’t do anything for me. I consume a lot of eggs (usually 2 eggs + extra egg whites daily) and also there’s lecithin as an emulsifier for the protein powder I take daily so maybe I’m already maxed out on my lecithin intake and the supplements were just overkill?

Needless to say I have yet to see positive results and yet I felt as though I was doing everything right! Does anyone have any suggestions?

Thanks guys

Ever tried Black Maca?

Originally Posted by mj__4
Hey guys! I’m wondering if anyone can chime in with some advice. I’ve read so many of your testimonials about what has worked for you but so far nothing has worked for me :| I did the following experiment..

3 week trial:
-approx 3L water per day
-Lecithin 4.6g /day sunflower powder daily
-zinc 50mg daily
-approx 2 days break in between ejaculations

To my disappointment I didn’t notice any increase at all :( I have tried Lecithin on and off for a couple years (even tried in gel capsule soy lecithin form) and although many people say it works wonders for them, it didn’t do anything for me. I consume a lot of eggs (usually 2 eggs + extra egg whites daily) and also there’s lecithin as an emulsifier for the protein powder I take daily so maybe I’m already maxed out on my lecithin intake and the supplements were just overkill?

Needless to say I have yet to see positive results and yet I felt as though I was doing everything right! Does anyone have any suggestions?

Thanks guys

I followed the recipe 100%. It did take a month or so to kick in. Didn’t add or take from. 👍

I'm going to be big when I grow up.

Starting BPEL 6.0 MSEG 5 5/16

Current BPEL 6 11/16 MSEG 5 1/2 Goal BPEL 7 1/2 MSEG 6.0

I’m trying to start up a routine again. How long does it take for people to see results? In the past I have tried and not really seen results in a short period and not sure it worked for me at all.

Thinking of doing a routine that consists of:
-folic acid
-sunflower lechitin
-celery seed

I’m considering adding:

but I am not sure if those two are useful. Does anyone have other recommendations for what helped them with a good stack?

I’ve made recommendations after doubling my output. You can read them in previous posts.
I’d make sure to use the right zinc, ie picolinate which you won’t need to use everyday.
I use 10g sunflower lecithin, also not everyday, just once or twice prior to ON days.
I’ve had fun with Maca! It’s a great energy booster and certainly helps in the sack, and boosts output as well. Just make sure to use black maca. Gelatinized is easier to digest. This needs to be cycled

Good luck!

Hey l_man: due to surgery, my gf and I haven’t been able to have sex in three weeks, but today we were given the go-ahead, so, well, ya know. Meanwhile, I was unable to piece together your actual current regimen by reading your past posts and wondered if you might list what you’re taking here .. Along with the dosages and the *brand* and whether you’re taking them on a daily basis or just on the day of. It’d be incredibly helpful to me. My finger is on the amazon BUY button, ready to go, once I know what to get. Thanks again.

Ps — I do have now’s 1200mg sunflower lecithin softgels, wherein 2 of them equals 2.4 g of lecithin, meaning that I’d have to take 8 of them to equal your 10 g. Can that be right?

Pps — I’m especially interested in the brand of black maca you’ve had good luck w .

Originally Posted by lapsslap
Ever tried Black Maca?

Haven’t tried it, but its worth a shot!

Also - just wondering, do you think I didn’t keep up with the Lecithin long enough? Some people say it took them a month to notice the effects. I gave it 3 weeks of 4g of sunflower lecithin powder daily. Maybe I should have kept up a little longer!

Can anyone give me a reason why some supplements need to be cycled? Some have other benefits besides sexual.

Just wondering if this was based on personal experience, urban legend, or a research trial.


Currently on,
Celery seed extract
Vitamin D
Fish Oil

Starting BPEL 6 3/4" x EG 5 3/8"

Working on 10% increase :<]

Current BPEL 7 1/16" x EG 5 1/2"

According to my notes (yes, I do take notes and so should you to remember what’s effective or not), this is what I have:

Now Powdered Sunflower lecithin 10g
Olympus Labs LJ100 100mgx1
Now Ultra Omega 4x1000mg
1 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
Now Adam’s Multivitamin 2x
Vit D 1x1000 IU
Zinc Citrate 1x50mg
2 tspx1 celery seed powder
L-Citrulline Doctor’s Best x2g
1 banana
L-Carnitine 3g

This seemed to provide good results.

Yes, 10g of lecithin seems like a lot when taking gel caps, hence why I buy the powder and mix it in a smoothie woth hemp protein. It is the recommended dosage.
I feel as if there is a loading phase to this. To me, 3 weeks seems like enough time. Now I’ve been taking it sporadically when I want to shoot
more volume, like this weekend for example when I’ve been abstaining for almost a week after a small setback due to pumping.

Maca brands: Ecoideas Organic Black Maca or Organic Traditions, Maca X-6 Black and Red-Purple

All herbal supplements should be cycled ie Maca, LJ100. They mimic and boost natural body functions, and not cycling them is not recommended.
On most labels you will find such recommendations. First, they might become ineffective. Second, they might upset natural body functions. You body
is constantly seeking homeostasis, and allowing it to perform naturally is healthy.

I discovered this first hand with Maca. I took it incessantly for almost 6 months and had this really bad acne outbreak on my back, probably due
to high dht levels. It took forever to figure out what was causing it, until I left 3 weeks for Europe and came back almost cured of it. It was my wife
who suggested it was the Maca, and turns out I recovered fully by abstaining for a month. Now my Maca cycles never last more than 3 weeks, which
is when I usually begin getting bad skin. You can do shorter cycles. I find Maca works after a week. LJ100 works the day of for me, so I never do long cycles.
I did 3 weeks once without any issues whatever. Most research with LJ100 has been done for 3-6 months without adverse effects.

This is my personal ”Holy Grail” if you can say. It strays very far from the original recipe, but it’s what worked and works for me. Each one is different. Hopefully everyone finds satisfaction with some experimentation.

Really excited just got all the supps about to give this a go I already have a nice load but would love to have a bigger load! Good read and experiment!

Currently- BPEL: 7.5” MSEG: 5.75” Long term goal: BPEL 9” MSEG: 6.5

Originally Posted by lapsslap
According to my notes (yes, I do take notes and so should you to remember what’s effective or not), this is what I have:

Now Powdered Sunflower lecithin 10g
Olympus Labs LJ100 100mgx1
Now Ultra Omega 4x1000mg
1 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
Now Adam’s Multivitamin 2x
Vit D 1x1000 IU
Zinc Citrate 1x50mg
2 tspx1 celery seed powder
L-Citrulline Doctor’s Best x2g
1 banana
L-Carnitine 3g

This seemed to provide good results.

Yes, 10g of lecithin seems like a lot when taking gel caps, hence why I buy the powder and mix it in a smoothie woth hemp protein. It is the recommended dosage.
I feel as if there is a loading phase to this. To me, 3 weeks seems like enough time. Now I’ve been taking it sporadically when I want to shoot
more volume, like this weekend for example when I’ve been abstaining for almost a week after a small setback due to pumping.

Maca brands: Ecoideas Organic Black Maca or Organic Traditions, Maca X-6 Black and Red-Purple

All herbal supplements should be cycled ie Maca, LJ100. They mimic and boost natural body functions, and not cycling them is not recommended.
On most labels you will find such recommendations. First, they might become ineffective. Second, they might upset natural body functions. You body
is constantly seeking homeostasis, and allowing it to perform naturally is healthy.

I discovered this first hand with Maca. I took it incessantly for almost 6 months and had this really bad acne outbreak on my back, probably due
to high dht levels. It took forever to figure out what was causing it, until I left 3 weeks for Europe and came back almost cured of it. It was my wife
who suggested it was the Maca, and turns out I recovered fully by abstaining for a month. Now my Maca cycles never last more than 3 weeks, which
is when I usually begin getting bad skin. You can do shorter cycles. I find Maca works after a week. LJ100 works the day of for me, so I never do long cycles.
I did 3 weeks once without any issues whatever. Most research with LJ100 has been done for 3-6 months without adverse effects.

This is my personal ”Holy Grail” if you can say. It strays very far from the original recipe, but it’s what worked and works for me. Each one is different. Hopefully everyone finds satisfaction with some experimentation.

Thanks for posting this. As you mentioned in your other response, I was scouring the past few pages to try and see what was your recommendation and stack so I’m glad the information in centralized in this post. In the past I’ve personally been doing 5 days on, 2 days off for cycling. But maybe I will look into changing that.Of course if I pick up something like LJ100 then I will not bother putting it on a cycle and just use it day off. Interested to see what the start up time of that is if it helps on the day of.

I’ve taken the liberty of adding a few words to the items in your list. Could you correct me where I’m error and fill in where I’ve put ?-marks? Tia!

Lapsslap’s lineup:

Olympus Labs LJ100 100mgx1
Taken only on the day of.

Now Ultra Omega 4x1000mg
Taken daily

1 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
Taken daily

Now Adam’s Multivitamin 2x
Taken daily

Vit D 1x1000 IU
Taken daily

Zinc Citrate 1x50mg
Taken daily??

2 tspx1 celery seed powder
Taken day of??

L-Citrulline Doctor’s Best x2g
Taken daily

1 banana
Taken day of??

L-Carnitine 3g
Taken daily

Taken day of?


Great stuff, and thanks for sharing.

Re:celery seed powder: is that for reasons of taste? If so, can you take it just on the day of, so to speak, or are you taking it daily?

Alright BigWhite!
I’m looking forward to read more about everyone’s experiments! We’re all here to learn and become the best fuckers we can be!

I was never a shooter. I mean, when I first began on this journey a while back, I kind of expected to become worthy of a pornographic movie. It never happened. I didn’t begin shooting 7-10 ropes. I don’t think many people do, and those who do were gifted by nature somehow. What I did discover was that my overall sex life was augmented somewhat. My arousal and excitement, although already pretty high (I love my wife and she is beautiful and sexy and willing and curious and always willing to please and submit in the best of ways) reached new summits! I became more involved in the sexual aspects of our love making. More conscious. I willed myself to become better, more satisfied with myself and therefore satisfy my love partner in the process. I was less focused on immediate results, more patient which in turn yielded results with which I was more than happy! I sincerely believe that this attitude is the starting point to any regiment! Especially this one. The assistance we seek from the supplements we ingest are there to amplify what we should already be feeling, and in turn remain realistic with our expectations. If you are consistent and dedicated and down to earth with your goals, and above all compare yourself with yourself and track your own progress and try things through your own curiosity, there are sure to be positive results.

Of course everything I post is very personal! My aim is never to tell people what to do. I am always willing to learn and share and like to read other people’s ideas as I have benefited from them and continue to do so. Sometimes certain things work for some, not for others. Sometimes they take more time, or sometimes the results can vary too.

Zinc citrate 50mg can be taken daily, and actually should be. You should also take breaks but it can be every 6 months, or even a year. If you use picolinate which is usually in much higher concentrations, it is not necessary to use it daily, and not recommended. If for example the suggested usage mentions 400% daily intake, I’ll use it every 4 days or so.

Celery seed powder is made from whole seeds. They are cheap when bought in bulk. I always go organic. I find they go down easier when ground which I do in my coffee grinder weeks in advance. I use it in a small quantity of boiling water and let it steep for 15 minutes. I drink it every day. I find it makes me feel good overall, and gives my semen a nice sheen. You can chew 3-4 celery ribs for added whiteness.

I like bananas! I have one everyday regardless.

Maca needs to be taken everyday. But it also needs to be cycled. If you’re new to it. Start with 1g. Work up if you want to. My sweet spot is 6g. I’ve done 10g before, but didn’t find it was any more beneficial. The effects are usually felt after 3-5 days or a week. I take it twice a day. I use 5g with breakfast (5am), and then 1-2g at break time (10am). I use it for 2-3 weeks and then cycle off for at least a week.

Have fun!

Only been on the regiment for a few days and already seem to have more pre cum.. And super horny!

Currently- BPEL: 7.5” MSEG: 5.75” Long term goal: BPEL 9” MSEG: 6.5


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