Lapsslap: well, I’m still in the testing stage. I’ve taken lj100 the night before and the morning of, without much in the way of increased sensitivity or intensity. Yesterday, I started the 5/2 and will see if that changes things.So, my big problem is not being able to come. Research led me to buying a fleshlight model that’s supposed to have a loose grip much like a vagina and not a tight grip like my fist. Well, in the event, it was tight enough for me to last all of 3 minutes. Now I’ve got to figure out a way to make the thing not hold me the way it does.
That’s the first time I used lj100, so I wasn’t sure if it was responsible for my early come or if it was the fleshlight. The second time I used lj100, however, it was straight hands-on masturbation and it took me the usual long long long time, with just a bit of dribble as the payoff. Sigh.
In both instances, I used porn. Next time, I think I’ll use it to get hard, then rely on my imagination the rest of the time, with the ultimate goal being no porn at all.
Any further thoughts or suggestions?
I’m thinking your issues could have something to do with watching porn, depending on how much you watch, and if you use it regularly. If you’re able to come easily while visually stimulated, but not when having sex with your partner. I think personally, porn can cause many issues from ED to desensitization in general. Plenty of studies are surfacing now… Anyways, don’t mean to get off topic.
I only use LJ100 for sex with my wife, so I couldn’t say what kind of effects it might have on masturbation. I always find sex much more rewarding that masturbation, not that there is anything wrong with it per se, but Sex with another person heightens senses in ways masturbation doesn’t and might explain why it’s more noticeable the LJ100 effects.
Yes, maybe the full 5/2 cycle could help reap the benefits for you. Give it a try!