Zinc is definitely difficult to digest. ALWAYS have that with food. Are you taking everything at once? What are you taking for lecithin?I would recommend taking each individually to isolate the cause.
You can take l-arginine between meals.
Maybe try lecithin and zinc in the morning with food. Maybe switch to sunflower instead of soy if that doesn’t work for you, or leave it out altogether to see if you can stomach the zinc. What form of zinc? And are you taking it everyday? I would recommend Now Zinc Picolinate, every other day. For example: I do Mon, Wed, Fri. The dose is sufficient to carry over the odd days.
You can take arginine in its pure form in between meals. I recommend l-citrulline for a longer lasting effect.
Take Pygeum with a meal preferably, and with lunch or supper. I personally wouldn’t take it at all.
Thanks for the tips. I started taking the pills throughout the day, one or two at a time, to minimize nausea and help identify the problem. I think you’re correct that Zinc is the tough one. I don’t eat much breakfast so I’ll start taking Zinc, alone, with the day’s biggest meal (usually dinner). If that still causes issues, then I’ll try it every other day as you suggest. The Lecithin soy based. Basic’s Brand from Walmart, I think. I’ll see if it still hurts when taken separately from the Zinc. If so, I’ll try a version sourced from sunflower. I didn’t have any problems today until just taking the Zinc (by itself). Probably needed more food in the stomach.