Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

NKISK pentapeptide, the HOLY GRAIL of PE?


NKISK pentapeptide, the HOLY GRAIL of PE?

Has anyone taken a look at the NKISK papers?

There is about 3-5 papers if you search on google. But the main 2 are:

Tendon Creep Is Potentiated by NKISK and Relaxin Which Produce Collagen Fiber Sliding
https://onlinel … .1002/jor.20594

The results are quite remarkable. I think it explain what is happening with penile lengthening. It’s all about fibrils in the collagenous tissue. They are not breaking or rupturing, they are simply sliding past one another. This is possible because the fibrils are discontinuous. They have a finite length.

We’ve been discussing the biomechanics of ligament and how it relates to penis lengthening in various threads below as to how I stumbled upon NKISK. The threads below are:

Knowing whether you are limited by Dorsal Thickening/Septum
Loading, lengthening, healing.
Gaining volume with IPR

To get to the point quick, NKISK was shown that when injected into tendon against control creep/strain was attained in the range 10-20% over control. The way it works is NKISK replicates the Decorin-fibronectin binding site and by binding to one side of the site it blocks decoring-fibronectin binding and thus lets collagen fibrils slide past one another.

As we know, penile tissue, in particular the strongest parts which limit our gains, are the septum, the tunica. These are composed of collagen, so nothing new there. Bearing similarity to tendon and ligament. It is important to understand that these tissues are the limiting factors in our gains. By inhibiting the mechanics of these tissues, one can enable easier gains given our efforts, be it through hanging, stretching, etc. Perhaps even easy girth can be attained.

NKISK is simply a pentapeptide, a small chemically synthesized peptide of 5 amino acids in the sequence Asparagine (N)-lysine(K)-isoleucine(I)-serine(S)-lysine(K). It is like insulin, in the sense that it is composed of amino acids, but much much shorter. Insulin has 51 amino acids. So it is quite “natural” let’s say, as it is just injecting amino acids in a PBS solution (which is a buffer to keep the PH at around 7.4 and compatible with bodily fluids).

The greatest length was achieved in a rat patellar tendon, which measures 8.8mm, by injecting 50mM NKISK in PBS solution in a 1ml volume once a week for 4 weeks. Then the rats were killed and the tendons loaded (this means they were stretched with weight/tension/stress). 20% strains (GAIN IN LENGTH) over control were achieved, which is p<001 statistically significant of course. However, there were strains over control of 10-13% just with 5mM of NKISK injected daily for 7 days. Thus there is a dependency on the dose of NKISK on the strain achieved, as well as the volume of the injection ( this means the tendon is more saturated and the solution can encompass it better if the volume is higher).

I am thinking in a 20cm dick, a ligament (cord, which in the threads above, we talk about extensibly) not including the head, of 15cm, split into 8.8mm segments, would require around 8 injections of 50mM NKISK for each side. Can you imagine a 20% strain, it would be a 4cm gain! Bear in mind, the loads in these NKISK studies are not in pounds.

So hypothetically, as it is not for human use, OF COURSE, as it is not approved by the FDA or deemed safe, to that effect, one must at least use 5mM per day or 50mM a week, or anything in between in 8 places on your dicks cord (the hardest part of your dick which becomes the most tense when stretching out, this is what limits your gains). 1ml is quite a bit of volume so perhaps one can reduce it to half, to 0.50ml, otherwise you are injecting 8ml at once to your cord, which seems like a lot, but perhaps with experimentation it isn’t.

Because NKISK is a custom peptide it is quite expensive. I’ve reached out to various labs and at one lab, the cost was for 100mg of NKISK it is $360. For 1000mg it is around $800. This is only for research purposes, and not for use in humans, as many other anabolic steroids like testosterone and HGH peptides are.

With 100mg one can make eight 0.50ml injections of 21mM NKISK. Ideally, if one could afford $800 they could make much more, enough to be able to replicate the 50mM weekly injection in 8 places, for 4 weeks, and see if one could obtain the maximum benefit.

Calculator: Molarity Calculator | Molarity Triangle | Tocris Bioscience
M. Wt of NKISK is 588g/mol

Other agents that have achieved the effects of NKISK are Relaxin, Polylysine, Gentamicyn, and Tobramycin.


Polylysin is KKK, a tripeptide, but it does not replicate the decorin-fibronecting binding site, so it probably inhibits binding less than NKISK. NKISK is not perfect either, as the exact sequence is not found out yet that perfectly inhibits this binding, but it is estimate that there is 70% inhibition. With KKK probably less than 70%. However, KKK is only 3 aminos, so it is going to be around 3/5 of the cost of NKISK, as the custom peptide lab charge per AA.

Gentamicin and tobramicin are antibiotics so that is out of the question for me.

Relaxin is the hormone excreted when women give birth and it helps to stretch the uterus and ligaments in the pelvis so the baby can be born. It is quite expensive, and the one you would want to try is relaxin 2. It is synthesized using recombination with the e.coli bacteria, and one can obtain about 25ug of it for $250. Relaxin had same effects as 1mg of NKISK by using 46 units/ml of relaxin, which with 25ug you can make about 70 units/ml. The calculation is quite complicated. But relaxin has been shown in studies to promote cancer growth aggression if there is cancer present, so that scares me a bit. Also, for relaxin to work, the target must have receptors. We are not sure penile ligaments have relaxin receptors. But apparently patellar tendons in rats do, so there is that.

The risks…. The risks of injecting NKISK or KKK is unknown, although there were no side effects for NKISK over the 4 weeks in multiple rats, over the long term we don’t know. Because it is a small peptide of just 3-5 aminos, it is not a lot I would think. I definitely don’t encourage the use of it as it is “illegal”, as all these other peptides like HGH and IGF-1, unless it is for research purposes. But I think this can be groundbreaking for PE.

If we can inhibit the binding of the fibrils, we can much more easily obtain results.

If anyone is an expert in peptides or has a background in oncology, it would be great to get your input on the use of short peptides like these on the risks they would possibly have if any.

Thank you for reading

Genesis 2006 = 5.8" x 4.7" /// Round 3 2019: Hanging again = 7.99" x 5.5" /// ST Goal 2019 = 8" x 6" /// End Game 2020 = 9" x 6.5"

Short or long makes no difference in it’s potential damage. It might be years, if ever o become available. Stick to jelqing and stretching.

Well to my understanding small peptide fragments would be more rapidly broken down in the body and would not persist as long as long peptides.

People probably inject worse things in their bodies, and they come out fine. The body is quite resilient. Dismissing the potential of this peptide by saying that there could be potential damage from the get go, without any more thought to it, and we would still be in the stone age and modern medicine wouldn’t be what it is today.

That is why I am asking if someone has a background with peptides and their risks in particular if they would be able to provide some insight into small peptides, cancer risks, anything.

Genesis 2006 = 5.8" x 4.7" /// Round 3 2019: Hanging again = 7.99" x 5.5" /// ST Goal 2019 = 8" x 6" /// End Game 2020 = 9" x 6.5"

Does 2 years of organic chemistry, 1 year of inorganic chemistry and 2 years of molecular biology count? Besides who really cares. There will be no magic bullet for penis enlargement for a long long time but it is fun to read.

Originally Posted by manko007

People probably inject worse things in their bodies, and they come out fine. The body is quite resilient.

This as some kind of “guiding principle” is a recipe for disaster. Seriously, just shaking me head when I read it.

Originally Posted by raybbaby
This as some kind of “guiding principle” is a recipe for disaster. Seriously, just shaking me head when I read it.

I call it the “may as well jump” philosophy. The problem is it under rates any possible risk wow somehow reverse guilting you into attempting said risk even if the benefit is limited because you “might as well do it” regardless of the risks because you’ve done riskier or stupider things.

The issue is as a guiding principle is that it basically is a free pass to try anything other than stuff that is outright more hazardous than anything you’ve tried before. The amount of things that are outright more hazardous than the worst possible choice you’ve ever made are comparatively going to be very small unless you’ve made a lot of good choices with no risk involved. In which case you will see a disproportionately high level of hazard in most things because you are very prudent and cautious.

Now: 9" BPEL x 6.25" MSEG as of 11/10/2019 This is my story, a few progress pics of me here, and all my methods.

Then: 6.25" x 4.37" in 8/2009 Are you new to PE? Here's some advice I wish someone had given me when I first started.

My Extender and forward to 10" and balls enhancement project. There is no "Holy Grail" of Penis Enlargement. Only time and effort works. I'm *10* years in and counting. All you have to do is put the work in and keep the faith.

Saying people inject worse things is certainly is not a justification, but just saying to keep an open mind. Antibiotics are approved on the fact they do more good than harm. Nothing is perfect, there are risks and rewards. Just keep an open mind and engage in discussion without prejudice. And don’t get caught up in a single sentence. Look at the bigger picture.

That is relevant experience. Thank you for sharing. But I think you are overlooking how big this could be. It seems you don’t understand the implications of what, if this could be proven safe, would mean for PE. Yes, it is not as easy as injecting and vuala I have a longer dick. I never said that. It would still take work, but the work would be much less, because the “glue” that binds these fibrils would be much weaker. It is as close as I can imagine to a magic bullet or holy grail if there is one.

Genesis 2006 = 5.8" x 4.7" /// Round 3 2019: Hanging again = 7.99" x 5.5" /// ST Goal 2019 = 8" x 6" /// End Game 2020 = 9" x 6.5"

Originally Posted by manko007
Saying people inject worse things is certainly is not a justification, but just saying to keep an open mind. Antibiotics are approved on the fact they do more good than harm. Nothing is perfect, there are risks and rewards. Just keep an open mind and engage in discussion without prejudice. And don’t get caught up in a single sentence. Look at the bigger picture.

That is relevant experience. Thank you for sharing. But I think you are overlooking how big this could be. It seems you don’t understand the implications of what, if this could be proven safe, would mean for PE. Yes, it is not as easy as injecting and vuala I have a longer dick. I never said that. It would still take work, but the work would be much less, because the “glue” that binds these fibrils would be much weaker. It is as close as I can imagine to a magic bullet or holy grail if there is one.

The problem with a “Holy Grail” is that it works on an experimental principle. When PE is already little more than experimental principles that have loose correlations of what works based on raw attempts by different PE practicioners.

Another recent “Holy Grail” spoke on low level electric current causing cellular change. That it would compliment the PE grind and change it as we know it.

The factors that go into PE aren’t well known enough that adjacent experiments are the best idea when long-term side effects aren’t known. PE still is a series of unknowns as is.

Sure there’s intrigue but you yourself list incredible expense and admittedly rat corpses and leg tendons thereof aren’t exactly tunica comparable. Additionally, how permanent the effect from the time of treatment is unknown as long-term study of the rats wasn’t done before the experiment was ended to tabulate the empirical changes in the target tissues.

Plus injection of your penis fucking hurts. And doing it on yourself when the exact area to Target is key could ruin your results without a steady hand.

Now: 9" BPEL x 6.25" MSEG as of 11/10/2019 This is my story, a few progress pics of me here, and all my methods.

Then: 6.25" x 4.37" in 8/2009 Are you new to PE? Here's some advice I wish someone had given me when I first started.

My Extender and forward to 10" and balls enhancement project. There is no "Holy Grail" of Penis Enlargement. Only time and effort works. I'm *10* years in and counting. All you have to do is put the work in and keep the faith.

First you do the rat study. We are not rats. Many things that work in rats don’t in us. It is a fallacy that all mammals are the same. Couple more years on that one.
Next you go to the clinical application phase; despite what we found in rats studies are done on human tissue in a lab under very controlled conditions to see what is the practical application of the peptide. That’s about 3-5 years of research, experiments and studies.
Well if it passes all that and it shows promise than a study is done to determine if it’s safe for humans. What is safe for your penis may be toxic to your pancreas. Okay a couple of years on that.
Well now that it’s passed all that then you got a couple of years of human trials and if it passes all that then well you got it.

Since that pretty much sums the process the process I’ll see you here in 2028. Do you how long it took Viagra to go from discovery to approval for clinical use? About 10 years.

Originally Posted by thoughtfulgold

Sure there’s intrigue but you yourself list incredible expense and admittedly rat corpses and leg tendons thereof aren’t exactly tunica comparable. Additionally, how permanent the effect from the time of treatment is unknown as long-term study of the rats wasn’t done before the experiment was ended to tabulate the empirical changes in the target tissues.

Plus injection of your penis fucking hurts. And doing it on yourself when the exact area to Target is key could ruin your results without a steady hand.

Well collagen is collagen, no matter where it is on what mammal. Take Relaxin as a common denominator in multiple species. You can use porcine relaxin in rat patellar tendon and have an effect. Whether NKISK works on penile tunica we are not sure, but there are studies that examine the exact makeup of the tunica, and it is comprise of collagen, etc. Not gonna get into it.

Attaching a bib hanger to your dick fucking hurts as well. We can all attest to the pain we’ve undergone to make our dicks bigger. Nobody started PE being an expert either. I am not sure what the point of saying all these things is. We wouldn’t be here if it were about pain and not being experts at something. Irrelevant.

And to say because it will take to 2028 to find stuff out, I’ll say it again, if that were true and a limitation in reality, we would still be in the stoneage.

There are people who take peptides for the release of HGH to build their muscles. These are not legal that I recall and it didn’t take 20 years for people to wait to start using them. Heck, some doctors are using them because they see benefits of their pituitary releasing HGH past 30 years of age, and half ass endorsing it, they have to because it is not “legal”.

I think we would be much better off with someone who can have an educated guess on what the effect of NKISK would be at the celullar level.

If it’s as dangerous as IGF-1, or these SARS, or HGH peptides that are technically “legal” for “research purposes only” and someone can comment on how safe in relation to these NKISK or KKK would be, then we wouldn’t have to wait until 2028 to try it out. Of course we are only talking about “research purposes” guys.

Genesis 2006 = 5.8" x 4.7" /// Round 3 2019: Hanging again = 7.99" x 5.5" /// ST Goal 2019 = 8" x 6" /// End Game 2020 = 9" x 6.5"

Well it appears that you know best and I have learned never argue with a guy who went to the university of the internet. Good luck and have fun doc.

Geez man alright. By that same token you are a bit of a naysayer, but go in peace brother

Genesis 2006 = 5.8" x 4.7" /// Round 3 2019: Hanging again = 7.99" x 5.5" /// ST Goal 2019 = 8" x 6" /// End Game 2020 = 9" x 6.5"

Originally Posted by manko007
Geez man alright. By that same token you are a bit of a naysayer, but go in peace brother

You’re getting sound reasoning and don’t like it. Says more about you than them.

Started 7.75x5.75

Currently: 9.75bpX6.75eg My Picture Thread

Goal:10.0bpX7.25mseg Building a thicker unit, click by click, pump by pump, jelq by jelq!

Originally Posted by manko007
Well collagen is collagen, no matter where it is on what mammal. Take Relaxin as a common denominator in multiple species.

Research isn’t about oversimplification to cherry pick your findings. This isn’t Relaxin. You are drawing too many conclusions without hard data.

Attaching a bib hanger to your dick fucking hurts as well. We can all attest to the pain we’ve undergone to make our dicks bigger. Nobody started PE being an expert either. I am not sure what the point of saying all these things is. We wouldn’t be here if it were about pain and not being experts at something. Irrelevant.

I’ve been cut and shot in the name of this game. There’s levels, lines and risk to pain. Dismiss it if you like. But that’s foolish. And disingenuous to any novice readers.

I think we would be much better off with someone who can have an educated guess on what the effect of NKISK would be at the celullar level.

You posted to get our ideas but you seem to have all the information you need. Best of luck with your experiment.

Now: 9" BPEL x 6.25" MSEG as of 11/10/2019 This is my story, a few progress pics of me here, and all my methods.

Then: 6.25" x 4.37" in 8/2009 Are you new to PE? Here's some advice I wish someone had given me when I first started.

My Extender and forward to 10" and balls enhancement project. There is no "Holy Grail" of Penis Enlargement. Only time and effort works. I'm *10* years in and counting. All you have to do is put the work in and keep the faith.

I posted to get an answer to this question:

“If anyone is an expert in peptides or has a background in oncology, it would be great to get your input on the use of short peptides like these on the risks they would possibly have if any.”

I don’t have all the information is what I am trying to say.

For all my comments and replies, I shouldn’t have been so abrasive so I apologize for that. I was more excited about the potential benefits than the risks.

Yes it has only been used in rats, and what works in rats may not work in humans, but it is also true it can work in humans.
Short or long peptides according to Jimmybob55 makes no difference. So that is something. I wish he clarified how though.

Thanks for your comments. My apologies about earlier.

Genesis 2006 = 5.8" x 4.7" /// Round 3 2019: Hanging again = 7.99" x 5.5" /// ST Goal 2019 = 8" x 6" /// End Game 2020 = 9" x 6.5"

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