Thunder's Place

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30 Days No Ejaculation Experiment

My Taoist Qi Gong master, when I was living in Asia, gave us a set of exercises that we had to do for 100 days, every day. If we missed a day, we had to start the 100 days from scratch again. We were told we were not allowed to ejaculate for the 100 days. I’m quite sure some managed the 100 days of exercises, but that no one managed the abstinence!

I did 3 weeks recently. It was interesting to say the least. I felt like I was 16 again after the first week and a half. Well, my penis did. At the moment I need the stress relief of ejaculation, but will do it again, along with the exercises, in the future.

firegoat is fully RETIRED from Thundersplace.

All injuries happen from "too much", or "too much, too soon" or "doing the exercise incorrectly".

Heat makes the difference between gaining quickly or slowly for some guys, or between gaining slowly instead of not at all for others. The ideal penis size is 7.6" BPEL x 5.6" Mid Girth. Basics.... firegoat roll How to use the Search button for best results

Call me a skeptic, but I really don’t see the point in not ejaculating for long periods of time. It’s been clinically proven that the likelihood of prostate cancer is dramatically increased by not coming regularly. This is to do with the build-up of trace elements and certain compounds in the reproductive system that can cause trouble if they’re allowed to accumulate.

This is really not a good idea man. I dated a woman who was a Nurse Practitioner and she worked in urology and she said that it really is not good to like, have build up of excess semen in your system.

Starting size: 6.5 BPEL 5.1 MSEG

Goal size: 7.6 BPEL 5.6 MSEG

Originally Posted by firegoat
My Taoist Qi Gong master, when I was living in Asia, gave us a set of exercises that we had to do for 100 days, every day. If we missed a day, we had to start the 100 days from scratch again. We were told we were not allowed to ejaculate for the 100 days. I’m quite sure some managed the 100 days of exercises, but that no one managed the abstinence!

I did 3 weeks recently. It was interesting to say the least. I felt like I was 16 again after the first week and a half. Well, my penis did. At the moment I need the stress relief of ejaculation, but will do it again, along with the exercises, in the future.

I’ve gone 65 days.

What were the exercises?

Last edited by penismith : 07-06-2011 at .

Oh, the exercise was being f***ed in the ass. :D

I think this is a valuable experiment, I will keep going. 30 days. Firegoat and penismith give us more details please. How your levels of horniness evolved on week 1, week 2… and so on. Did you have ups and downs?.

74zowee86, It would be nice if you give this a shot. Then we will have some data to compare.

Careful, I have tried before and usually end up with a nocturnal emission somewhere soon after 1 week. I once tried this while dating a new girl and about a week in I slept over her house for the first time and she let me feel her boobies, needless to say at around 4am I was awaken by an orgasm that I thought was going to shoot me off of the bed. Luckily she was a light sleeper and I was able to sneak to the bathroom and do damage control from there. Just my caution is to be wary of the wet dreams hah.

Wet dreams are part of the experiment, if they happen I will notice here and probably start over. Anyway, I never had one of those, I think if that happens to me it will be on week number 3.

Wibble we all have read about ejaculating reducing “prostate cancer” many times. I actually never seen the study, If I am not wrong, it was a poll… The study of the peak of testosterone on days 5,6 and 7 of the week seems to be more legit. I will be meeting an endocrinologist soon and I will ask about the hormones and what happens in the body during abstinence/regular sex-masturbation.

Cock Kent, how old are you?. You never founded masturbation satisfying?. Whats the maximum period of abstinence that you went through?. If you wont masturbate can you post how you feel on day 9 and 10?.

I understand what you say stuzilla, I dont think I will have a problem there :) .

I haven’t been on this forum for quite some time but this thread caught my attention. I’ve got to say guys that I have been avoiding ejaculation for going on 13 years with lots of sex. My wife and I have sex almost every day and I’m 56. I may ejaculate once every six months or so but have been going for over a year now. Best thing I ever did sexually. I’ve never had any ill effects from it and the sex is way better without ejaculation. I can never get enough of my wife and she loves it that way. The prostate thing is nonsense.

Originally Posted by 8inchM
I think this is a valuable experiment, I will keep going. 30 days. Firegoat and penismith give us more details please. How your levels of horniness evolved on week 1, week 2… and so on. Did you have ups and downs?.

Good question. At around the second week I find myself on a two day cycle - very horny every other day. Its a very sensual type of horny. After about the fourth week it manifests into a sort of frantic, “I’ve got to get this stuff out of me.” kind of horny but you might keep going because there it a whole nother dimension to this.

I don’t know about the prostrate thing. This might be a very bad idea for some.

More power to ya man.

I’ve tried to abstain for periods of time, but I never make it past about the 10 day mark. It’s usually then I either have a wet dream or I just can’t take it anymore and manually satisfy myself. 30 days? Good Lord, what kind of mess does that cause? I know I need a bath towell to clean up after only a 4-5 days.


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