Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

30 Days No Ejaculation Experiment

Not growth. They just found that masturbation increased androgens levels when compared to people which didn’t masturbate. It doesn’t says anything about growth. Neither the article that speaks about more T in blood in the 7th day of abstinence says anything about growth.

Back to day 1….

Originally Posted by 74zowee86
Back to day 1….

What happened?

Start (Oct 2010) NBPEL: 5, BPEL: 5.875 inches, BASE GIRTH: 5.25 inches, MID GIRTH: 5

(November 2013) NBPEL: 5.875, BPEL: 6.625 inches, BASE GIRTH: 5.625 inches, MID GIRTH: 5

Goal NBPEL(7-7.5)xMEG(5.5-6) (journal)

Originally Posted by AvgGuyUSA

What happened?

By my processes of logical deduction; he had a wank, and came. :D

firegoat is fully RETIRED from Thundersplace.

All injuries happen from "too much", or "too much, too soon" or "doing the exercise incorrectly".

Heat makes the difference between gaining quickly or slowly for some guys, or between gaining slowly instead of not at all for others. The ideal penis size is 7.6" BPEL x 5.6" Mid Girth. Basics.... firegoat roll How to use the Search button for best results

Originally Posted by firegoat
By my processes of logical deduction; he had a wank, and came. :D

LOL. Well, he could have had sex or a wet dream too. If voluntary, why the slip would be good too? :) .

Start (Oct 2010) NBPEL: 5, BPEL: 5.875 inches, BASE GIRTH: 5.25 inches, MID GIRTH: 5

(November 2013) NBPEL: 5.875, BPEL: 6.625 inches, BASE GIRTH: 5.625 inches, MID GIRTH: 5

Goal NBPEL(7-7.5)xMEG(5.5-6) (journal)

Marinera, you have distructed my illusions! Ma cosa ai fatto?!!

Anyway, besides the contradictory studies, the fact is that I do feel stronger in the gym (testosterone? placebo effect? simply willings of having a good wank?)

Crazyone, where are you from? I’m almost sure I knew that.

No, I mean when I saw that the study said the testerone, DHT levels was increased after masturbating as opposite to the group of men who didnt, and I just thought DHT=growth. I guess I am wayyy wrong.

Shazzan, I am from the great white north :)

Originally Posted by marinera
28 subjects is a too low number for a decent study; beside that, what the study find is that after the 5th day T levels raised 45,7% for 1 or 2 days. This is a meaningless variation at any purpose. Finally, there are other studies who suggest a different scenario: lack of sexual activity cause reduction in T levels, see

http://onlineli … 0196.x/abstract
http://www.natu … s/3900832a.html

Marinera, those studies are about men with erectile dysfunction from low levels of testosterone (hypotestosteronemia). Its quite the opposite of what you said: their lack of sexual activity origins in their low levels of testosterone.


From the first study:

“Since the pre-therapy low testosterone levels were independent of the aetiology of impotence, we hypothesize that this hormonal pattern is related to the loss of sexual activity, as demonstrated by its normalization with the resumption of coital activity after different therapies. The corollary is that sexual activity may feed itself throughout the increase in testosterone levels.

About the second, which can be a bit hard to understand, well just read the title
Sexual inactivity results in reversible reduction of LH bioavailability

The 3d article I posted has nothing to do with people wiht ED.

Those who believe that abstinence has such great effects have a religious bias, a way or another, and the supposed ‘benefits’ they notice are just a placebo effect. There is little or not scientific evidence : actually, it can be argued that masturbating and sex are beneficial, since the ‘use or lose it’ seems to be a universal rule.

As counterproof, I’ve noticed that all the guys who claim benefits from abstinence do have religious or mistic beliefs of some sort - very few of them, if any, are atheists/agnostics.

Last edited by marinera : 07-11-2011 at .

Ok, so perhaps I have to consider to stop this abstinence.

And regarding religion, I’m atheist (and apostate), but…

forse non mi credi, ma il mio nome è Gesù di Nazaret.


(perhaps you don't believe me, but my name is Jesus of Nazaret).

Of course I believe. I’m God. ;)

Ma ti giuro che è vero!

Lo so, figliolo, lo so.


I keep going.


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